thats so true folks, when u leave out respect for others in a - TopicsExpress


thats so true folks, when u leave out respect for others in a childs daily lesson , that goes with them forever , you pass on lack of respect to other children, teachers, bosses, future mates and etc. the list goes on and on.when a child starts school if it has been taught respect for other peoples things, obedience to elders and good morals, the teacher has the opportunity to start right in educating your child and will enjoy the opportunity. but if your child has never been taught those basic things, she has to immediately start teaching how to stay in seat, dont backsass ,dont disturb others, leave everybodys stuff alone, dont fight and dont throw fits .its a hard job. it sets back your childs education, makes you mad at the teacher and takes up your time cause you are going to be called into the office time after time because of your childs behaivor. then if you side with that child about how bad that teacher is you are setting the pattern for a long line of trouble, wont hold a job down cause the boss had the nerve to tell them what to do. wont keep a mate cause they expect silly things like wants them to hold a job down, so they can have a home of their own, with food and clothing, instead of having to move back home with you when the rent comes due and they cant pay it again. or if its a young woman we are talking about the mate expects things like a clean house , clean clothes, and something to eat beside pizza , hot dogs , and chips but shes been to busy with friends, shopping , sleeping, or a million other things. and when children come along , heaven help them. and did i mention that the law also will be a part of their lives, because without respect they are going to be running into them quite often. after all they are another organization that has the tendency to tell you what to do. theres a lot to be said about respect and a lot goes with it, i love young people and anyone that knows me will tell you that and i give everyone a chance but i also have to be honest also and i have been watching these past few generations since bibles and prayer have been taken out of the schools , as the old saying goes; we,ve come a long way , baby, and it aint good. now anyone with common sense knows i am not talking about everybody but if you as a parent do not teach your child respect , it might be your somebody.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 12:18:45 +0000

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