thats why the banksters have cashed out as of 2007 Western - TopicsExpress


thats why the banksters have cashed out as of 2007 Western Civilization is turning its back on the Holy Land and the Hebrew people, to embrace Radical Islam into its folds . . . I will especially miss hollywood. All of those libtards for gun control will feel the bite- people like Jim Carrey (who will be offensive to Muslims) or Stallone, Chris Rock, Swarzenegger . . . are fighting valiantly to take away our rights and usher in the new leadership. the new leadership can not be charged interest-as per their holy book the old leadership -the banksters are Jewish-and have it written in their holy book - how much interest you are supposed to charge on a loan, so theyve cashed out and this mortgage scam from the fannie mae/freddy mac collapse was them cashing out and they are escaping the new leadership - who are in charge now, and they do not like this lady, or what she has to say-or where she stands on the Israel/Holy Land (Bethlehem/Jerusalem) issue. once the new leadership is fully embraced, the holy land will be wiped off of the map-like the leader of Iran said to the U.N. in 2005... and will be made the Muslim Capitol of the World... (after they topple anything Jewish/Christian in the area-and replace it all with Mosques) and all of Hollywood will bow down, look how theyve been bowing down already-stallone acting as a gun collector for the once Jewish Hollywood. Also-look at Obamas statement to hollywood just last week; tone down the movie violence he says-that is just a taste of things to come-to the poor fools in hollywood-who have so diligently pushed their agenda for them people who think the world is flat, like that doctor-who wants the movie Gravity with sandra bullok banned because it depicts the earth as spherical and is against the Koran-and therefore offensive to Muslims and should be banned because the Koran says the world is flat... (and that guy is a doctor)
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 22:49:21 +0000

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