the Matthew Dexter update, late breaking news: You are - TopicsExpress


the Matthew Dexter update, late breaking news: You are arrogant. I told you how you and your wife could get $12,000 USD free money from Mexico to help you open a company or buy a home. I advised you how to set your own rates and make lucrative money as a freelance writer, but you keep bothering me every day. All your hate and negative energy should better be invested in yout job and family. Writing is the most simple thing for money, you just need to find you niche and do it and study round-the-clock. It is fun. Life is beautiful when you can write and have fun and make as much money as you want and help people with their own work and dreams. What more is it than that? I pleased skaed you to stop obsessing. If you want to meet in person, then please feel free and then we can discuss things that might help you beocme a better, nicer person instead of a troll. Besides, if you are going to troll why bother via FB when only a few thousand people might read your trolling spews? You can reach millions via twitter or other social media and become a professional troll. It does not pay as much as writing and editing, but you might have the prerequisite skills and experience. Send me a good email and I can connect you with some people in your area who you can write for, if you need some work, otherwise have a pleasant life trolling. Are you going to be that 88 year-old troll? You shoulmd be thankful you still have your health and are not in pain and can drive a taxi and troll. Many people cannot do that. Would you ever write for some travel sites about locations in your area or would you prefer articles and pieces about people or other types of essays? Just do not settle for writing for free and set your own rates and only take the jobs where your heart is in it. There are many writing jobs that will pay for your hotels, restaurants, expenses, etc. It is easy, if you need more work. There are many resort towns around the world that are always on the look-out for new writers and editors. Even if you get paid in vouchers for free restaurants and activities and hotels, it is better than nothing. Anyway, hope all is well in your part of the world. I hope you meet your quota of people blocking you via FB. THere are really some great talented people on FB. You should know that what goes aorund comes around and karma is not good for bona fide trolls spewing hate and negative comments via meritorious wounded ego filled with idiopathic anger and arrogance. If you do not like writing or editing, so be it, but many of us make our livings doing this and love it. You can sit anywhere and just help people and make money for them and your family. It sounds perfect, just do not sell yourself short by always writing/editing/publishing for free. Anyway, all my best to the wife and family and all the good people enjoying their lives and strenth to all the people who are suffering or starving or stuggling. The sky is the limit, Mather. Do not sell yourself short. Also, I do not want to talk to you every single day, so send me a good email if you have something to say or we can message weekly if I am around via social media (which is a distraction from the real work often). Mahalo and have a wonderful vacation or day-off for trolling people on the Internet or whatever suits your tastes. Mahalo, M Chat Conversation End
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:55:16 +0000

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