the police in this country are supposed to be our direct examples - TopicsExpress


the police in this country are supposed to be our direct examples of leadership. This leadership goes all the way up to the governing officials of our nation. This leadership we have today has been taking advantage of the great responsibility it has to govern our streets, our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, our country as a whole. When I see a police officer turn thier lights on, I immediately move out of their path so they may make an impact for the betterment of my communities quality of life. When I proceed to follow that squad car with my eyes and watch the officer behind the wheel, turn their lights off, slow down and pull into a fast food drive-thru, or turn left at a red light then proceed in a non emergency fashion, it angers me. We cannot expect to hold the residents of our community responsible for breaking laws if we are not willing to lead by example. That entails holding the leaders of our community responsible for poorly upholding the integrity of the laws we have in place to protect and serve. There is a basic principal in how a majority of our normal law abiding citizens measure what is right and wrong beyond common sense and obvious human interaction. This is a principal I like to call Trickle down morality. The leaders our our nation from the the top all the way down to the heart of our communities are set with principals and rules to follow that uphold the morality of our country as a whole. When those principles are not followed with integrity and respect, the morals of our communities begin to deteriorate, along With our faith in justice and safety. When you lose those qualities in a nation, no one is qualified, no one is accountable, no one is safe. Those of us who still try to uphold a small piece of justice and well being along with integrity live in fear of the end. All of these new found negativities turn into a bitter nation. Not only does bitterness never sit well, it leads to a volitale and potentially catastrophic chaos. So, long speech over, the authorities responsible for this horrible situation need to show what it means to uphold he morality of the community it serves and make sure this family is an example of what they are willing to do to make sure our community is well, and re assure us that they are competent to protect and serve. Good luck! Im skeptical. I think we are already passed the point of accountability and onto acceptance, which is going towards chaos and BAM! Nothings right, ok or safe. We are moving back into a volatile environment and lifestyle as we speak. If you just take our world today and think of the past vs. the future you can get a pretty good prediction of our immediate evolution.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:39:22 +0000

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