these ( and the ones posted before this one ) are just parts of - TopicsExpress


these ( and the ones posted before this one ) are just parts of my christmas letter that i was told I couldnt put in it. So seeing as this is NOT the christmas letter I guess that means I can now write it down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In August, Bob come in with a 5 gallon bucket filled with tomatoes. He informed me he was going to make tomato juice. (Mind you I had just crawled of bed and had just picked up the paper and was listening to the news lady telling me about the 6.0 earthquake in Napa.) “Where is the thing that you run the tomatoes in to squash them and juice them.???” I had no idea. Its the thing daughter Jill used to make cranberry sauce. Have no idea what the name of it is, but it was no where to be found. We looked on shelves, in closets, under everything, in everywhere and nothing. So mild mannered Bob is starting to have a melt down. He goes down to Jills and brings one back, its either hers or she borrowed ours. He heats some water dunks the tomato in the water to peel off the skin. Chunks up the tomatoes and starts putting them in this sieve like thing. Its not working like he thinks it should, its doing nothing but move the tomato around in a circle. He is pissed. I drag a big juicer machine off the top shelf in the kitchen, dont know if its ever been used, but we ran the tomatoes through it. Tons of tomato pulp left over. Pots and pans all over the kitchen, a mess everywhere. Finally got two bottles of tomato juice. Never again. As much as we drink tomato juice, (which is hardly to never) next summer I will buy a couple of cans of it and when he mentions juice, I will hand him a can of it. Bob made some Olives. Rick had a tree in Sutter and they picked a bucket full and dumped lye in some water and threw in the olives, had to stir them every two hours, then add salt and wait a day or two stirring occasionally. The olives went well, just had to find Lye in the stores, they dont sell at the store anymore because I guess you use it to make Meth or some other drug. Ripped my big toe open trying to sneak out of the house without the dogs, There is a metal thing on the bottom of the door to keep bugs and drafts out, well I hooked my toe on that and ripped it open pretty good. Three Dr. visits, a fungus, and 20 days of antibiotics and its healed. Looks bad but its healed. Those dogs just keep on giving, grandmas little weanie dog should be dead, but it keeps on going. Maybe it runs on batteries. Not my favorite dog. Half my face swelled up during the week of the toe thing. Dr. says allergic to blood pressure meds. He changed those to something different that made me so nervous I wanted to rip my face off. Jill suggested I quit the pills till I see the Dr. Of course everything that happens to me is on the weekend. with no Dr. anywhere. So Monday he changed them to something else, I am doing fine on those.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:54:48 +0000

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