they got the same answer as the Huffington Post Maybe the press - TopicsExpress


they got the same answer as the Huffington Post Maybe the press should realize, to start, that those of us that do not vax do NOT listen to Jenny...EVER. What we do is the following..... We reseach medical journals from all over the world, read research papers from all over the world, we talk to drs against vaccines. We question why places like the UK do NOT vaccinate for chicken pox any more or for whooping cough except in extreme cases. We look at the logic of the arguement well all die of measles! when vaccines have been here for 100 or so years and measles did NOT kill the human race in the last 10,000 years. We question why 1 in 40 kids is autistic, 1 in 6 has developemental abnormalities. We talk to parents of children injured by vaccines, recognized by the courts, the govt and the drs. (knowing fully that vaccines only do NOT CAUSE autism but is a big contributor). We question why drug companies can NOT be sued for vaccine injuries. We question how forgien courts can find vaccines dangerous but its not reported in the USA. We question how big companies can be charged AND CONVICTED od falsifying test results of efficacy and safety YET NO ONE REPORTS IT IN THE USA. We question why they tell us to get a vaccine for the flu that is only 12% effective and does not contain the strain that is killing people. We read and read and read. We research and research and research. We ask questions drs cant answer about vaccines. We question why children are getting more and more doses of vaccines (whooping cough) yet we are having breakouts like never reported before. We question herd immunity when people scream that outbreaks, in VACCINATED people, are caused by non vaxxers when the over all vaccination rate is 97.5%.....well over the herd immunity theory requirment. China is a great example, 99.8% vaccination rate for chicken pox BUT they have the biggest outbreak in their recorded medical history. Why do drs have to be given bonuses and awards for giving more vaccines than the dr next door? We question why if Dr.X says everyone get a vaccination for disease W they are smart, educated, researched, well read and to be listened to YET when Dr A says you should research and question vaccinations THAT dr is stupid, insane, unedeucated and should have their licence removed dispite having the same, often MORE, education than your average GP. We question why something that is this great a product should have to made into a law that allows children to be taken if its not given but where vaccine injured children and their parents recieve virtually NO SUPPORT financially, socially or resource wise from the govt or community. Jenny MacCarthy is a joke. She wasnt even born when my family made the decision not to vax.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:24:35 +0000

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