they wouldnt print this in either paper, I wonder why? I - TopicsExpress


they wouldnt print this in either paper, I wonder why? I couldnt help but snicker when reading the latest cajoling to people about their church attendence, or lack thereof. Pulling out all the stops, the dynamicless duo listed all the reasons they thought people werent going to church anymore but for one. They went through their litany of “people too proud”, “”lack of faith”, “need for fellowship”, “too economically challenged to tithe”, but they forgot to mention that some people are actually learning and seeing through the thinly veiled excuses of a dying religion; religion can be defined as the belief system in a cult, where cult is defined as worship of a personality. People dont need religion, but religion needs or depends on people. Spirituality is different from religion in that there is not worship of a personality but strictly of a higher power; people need spirituality, but spirituality doesnt need or depend on people. Surely without realizing it, they exposed their own blind proudness in proclaiming Christianity as the United States of Americas reason for being, even though that ship of state has already sailed without their god. It doesnt matter how many times they repeat this lie, it will never be true. Our Freemason founding fathers put it in writing which way they chose: “God” is never mentioned in either the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution, but what is written is “Creator” and “Natures God”, the latter being (as everyone knows) the Goddess, Mother Nature. In my religion theres a saying, “My Goddess is your gods Mommy”, but its just a saying; The Creator has no gender. Freemasonry derives from the mystery schools as far back as ancient Greece and Egypt in fact, and hypothetically as far back as Atlantis. The Freemasons were formerly a “secret society” because of Christianitys persecution of any religion that was not theirs, and only came “out of the closet”, so to speak, with the founding of a Grand Experiment, the United States of America, which guaranteed religious freedom for ALL, not just Christians. One who has eyes to see can see the signs of Freemasonry all around us, in the symbolism in our Great Seal and on our money (and yes, “In God We Trust” is there, but it wasnt added until the 1950s); Egyptian pyramids and obelisks (a pyramid atop a really tall pedestal) and sacred geometry throughout Washington DC; the Statue of Liberty or Lady Liberty actually being Isis, an Egyptian goddess; the Capitol buildings rotunda painting depicting our first Masonic President George Washington berobed among the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology; and even in another Masonic Presidents (Thomas Jefferson) words depicting Christians as demon worshippers. The Freemasons have always been described by Christians as evil because to Christians they are sour grapes – the Freemasons are responsible for founding this great country, but the Christians would have you believe their lie. Another Christian lie is that their god is Love, but if you know your Bible you know otherwise. The Judeo-Christian god is constantly killing this or that person (Aarons two sons for lighting the wrong incense, in one example) or even entire peoples (gods instructions to Moses right after directing him with the 9 or 10 commandments NOT to kill, proving god as a hypocrite) and in one instance trying to wipe out humankind with a flood. God even directly states “I am a vengeful, bloodthirsty god” or something to that effect. Thats not what any sane person would call “loving”, even if trying to make excuses for “tough love”. That sounds to me like a wonderful role model for serial killers and mass murderers. When they bring up heaven its just another lie; theres plenty of hard evidence of reincarnation, while for the Christian pipedream of pie-in-the-sky there is no evidence, just stories. And the Bible is full of stories which are not truthful, like that of god creating the universe in 6 days a mere 5,000 years ago, thats some hat-trick! The latest estimate of the age of our observable universe is 30 billion years, which means our solar system (and yes, the Earth DOES revolve around the sun, another loss for the Christians) is one-sixth the age of the universe, plenty of Time for other species not necessarily humanoid in form to be more advanced than us. The Christians are only proving themselves to be as proud (and arrogant) as they disparagingly claim others are when stating that a guy god made us in his image. Of what use is gender to an all-powerful and omniscient entity, and what color is this guy god? The Christians fall prey to the same trappings they warn others against, which is the arrogance of presuming to know The Creator. So perhaps the only good reason to attend church is for the social aspect, or “fellowship” as they term it, but remember that in times of flu (or plague) its best to stay home and NOT spread the joy. The preceding message was not written by an atheist, but by a worshipper of The Creator and a follower of the teachings of Jesus, especially those with occult (or hidden) meaning which are of initiatory nature. I am now one of the gentle people who follows the teachings of Jesus better than so-called Christians, who tried to wipe out all such heretics. Hows THAT for remembering history?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:17:41 +0000

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