this is a story I wrote about two years ago. By: MOULOUD - TopicsExpress


this is a story I wrote about two years ago. By: MOULOUD MOUSSAOUI By the relentless morning, a narrow beam of light pervasived into the room to belie Eddy’s Sleeping form proceeding. It was extraneous though, because at the moment in which his sleeping procedure quenched, he accustomed with the situation .The clistoration was thrown in order to raid the day with more ebullient spirit. It was such an exultation misled by a pour of enthusiasm added to a frieze of trump up. Why? Well, it was because of Eddy’s bankrupt situation in the canton. He was bipious to that day no matter how it would lead him later. Stirred up by the vociferous noise outdoor, compelling him to recite and perish several cells in his ears. Should he scatter after that? Yes, although it impaired the launch of the day and drawn him off with such a cunning, trying to make him glum and solicitous. Suddenly a snap at the window made him irresolute and emerged triumph to loot his attention. After the ecstasy, he was constrained and decided to dive into the window, and amazingly tamed with such a congruity of acoustics. There was a winch lifting a big iron ball pestling the opposite building, and a traffic jam that had bred from far away, then finished by a voice peeled from a bird next the window. Eddy was submerged by a dissipate of crumbling buildings and mundane traffic. 1 Those squeal minutes were priming him a lesson to grasp and construe urbanism. After a minute, he withdrew inside to anoint his cheeks with cream, vanquishing the reckless beard; meanwhile the man was startled by the prevailing noises and couldn’t have pedestrian credence that implicit the situation. Later on, the fallibly man donned an expedient pants that matched with a brown T-shirt. With no ardent attitude to disburse and squander with the first meal of that day, unravel to cutback the eggs that appeared like slipping away by the time they were fried. Without vacillating, the voracious man heap upon the meal to tremble the first spoon among his teeth and notches. That was to invigorate the debilitating Eddy. In addition to the eggs, there was an eggplant dish and a comomile flower in the vase in the center of the table. After that, he incised the meal inside his hollow that was peremptorily a blister to start. Once done, Eddy wore his shoes and walked out. In the street, Eddy descried the world seeing a swinger plump person loping down the street. Without impuse, Eddy walked behind the stout person to see this fad while he noticed an unpretentious elder with a certain sagacity in his eyes and some commodities in his hands to sell. Walking along the street, Eddy heeded a babble saying; implicitly to elicit him. An exceptional haphazard occurred. Someone in a car was telling him that he has been looking for him since the day before. Eddy was undoubtable with this man, fearing and cogitating. 2 The man told him “your brother has died “. No queries made, Eddy got in the car. Once they arrived, Eddy was stunt. It wasn’t his brother’s house. It was a tremendous old fashioned sophisticated house with a plethora of cars outdoor. Without saying a word he knew that they must have confounded him as another person. He went in the house anyway with an open mouth seeing a 100 years old flagstone , Spanish oak platform down the lobby and a dearth heron in a big cage. His eyes were going to and fro looking and checking the walls as well as the floor. While so, he noticed an old rifle with a portrait upon of it and a big pawn. It was conspicuous that they were a wealthy family. Continuing on, he found a big lounge with a lot of people donning black and a coffin by the wall. Beside the coffin, there was a man doing commemoration on the dead man. The minute the crowd saw him, everyone was saying pugnaciously, ‘We have been looking for you everywhere, where on earth were you?’ The crowd reprimanded the man and escorted him to the coffin. Once he arrived, he saw a dainty man lying. Eddy felt remorse and retrieved to the crowd telling them that they had misconstrued him. Right away, he left the gargantuan house. Later on, Eddy was yawning from the encumbering and speculating of the early morning fanalous and travesty. As he was walking, some guys incarnated in front of him. They were an agglomeration of five men trying to molest him. Such a distortion and taboo, in Eddy’s mind groping what they prerequired. In a droop situation and without gushing forth or coquet, Eddy asked them “What is it that you want?” “Give us all your money” they replied. Because they saw him getting out of the fancy house they pondered that it is his own. Eddy fizzled out to answer or to ponder on. 3 Then, they searched him without finding anything so he got beat up. After they left, he walked away in a linger cracked from every bone and a swollen eye. An hour past, he loitered the city rashing and discovering with roan out wandering in his head and wooing, emanating and cringing. He was writhing from hunger with such an abase. So he went to a restaurant. But bankrupt, how is he going to eat? Eddy deluded into his thoughts, then he remembered that the T-shirt he was wearing could help get over the situation .So he went to an open black market to sell it. Because it was a genuine product, it was sold in a blink of an eye. Then, he entered a restaurant and had a sedentary behind three men and a woman. Two minutes later, he noticed their talking while he was eating and started to eavesdrop. The four people were talking about the bank on the other side of the road. Obviously, they were floans that were planning a bank robbery. Eddy was interested but he didn’t want to get involved with them. Compelled by the bankrupt situation, he went after them. The moment they were entering the bank, each one of them was wearing a sock so that they wouldn’t be recognized and so did Eddy. Showing mighty shotguns, they compelled everyone to lay on the ground. Since he had no weapon, he went directly to the vault. Promptly, the gang ran out with the money to the getaway car while Eddy stayed inside and quenched the light because the plug was near 4 him. At that moment, he took off the sock and scrambled with the crowd with some money in the pocket. Eddy bluffed everyone and wheedled them. Later on, he retreated to the restaurant to finish his meal and then he bought a paper and headed to enjoy an evening in the park. It was mollished by cockroaches, thymes, fennels, and orioles. Suddenly, sitting under a willow tree, a kite fell on his paper. The kite had a poster on it which delineated a frown face and some unfathomable numbers and letters. He was asking himself obvious questions, “Why would a kite have a sad face on? And more, what is the meaning of the intricate numbers and letters? “The code was: “8439gt545me575 bel36425bul” He was pervaded, by curiosity and eccentricity, with this enigma. He searched the entire park but no one had lost their kite. “So where did it come from?” he wondered. Eddy was more annoyed and perturbed with the unhappy face so he receded home pondering. At his flat he set up a table and begun to crunch some numbers. After a while Eddy started to get tetchy with the symbols and couldn’t find a wick. He said to himself “the numbers are carefully chosen, Moreover it isn’t a phone number.” After three hours of speculating with some shrewdness, Eddy figured out that the numbers ought to mean letters not numbers when he spotted his cell phone. His cell phone buttons had on each number three 5 to four letters; so he started trying the first numbers on the code which were 8439. This number had numerous possibilities, finding for example VIFY, UDIX or TIFY. Only one word could make sense which is “they”. Then, he went for the code GT that meant for him “going to” Now he had the phrase “They are going to” After that he moved to 545 using the trick he had just discovered; he hastily found the word “kill”. Eddy was taken aback by the sentence as it said “they are going to kill me.” He thought,”Something terrible is happening!” The code was still not completely broken. Now Eddy has 757 which were too difficult in the beginning since the phone trick did not really work. Eventually, it could only mean “SOS”. Then, he glanced a space meaning jumping to another sentence. This one was nebulous because it had BUL and BUIL which didn’t make sense to Eddy, since the numbers 36425 meant “foible”. The man had cracked every number but the two words. During that puzzle, Eddy was heeding the bulldozer wrecking the opposite building over and over. Instantly, he got dazzled by that noise because it meant for sure that the sentence referred to “bulldozer wrecking a foible building”. He immediately extrapolated that throughout the four past hours hostages were held in the next building. He promptly hastens to the chauffeur of the bulldozer and told him to stop because something fertile was going to happen. 6 After that, he scrutinized the four floors building scrupulously. In the third floor, he found a feckless guy tightened to a chair; with his hands unfetter and his feet roped to the chair’s legs. In celerity, Eddy pitch in to free the guy. Eddy noticed that the guy looked like him in a scary way. He was ruminating this shambolic situation when he suddenly remembered that the opulent people that took him earlier had confused him with this guy, and they might be looking for him. Eddy eagerly asked the guy “what happened to you?” The guy with an approximate witting said “a fat man has killed my brother Steve and kidnapped me, now he’s asking for money to set me free.” Later, the two had a conversation about what was happening. Belaboring, Eddy now knows that the event in which the two brothers were crashed by a tremendous lorry had happened the day before. Additionally, they were hit from the driving side of their vehicle on purpose. This expounded the way in which Steve was killed and the guy (Travis) had survived the accident unscathed. Right then, Eddy asked the guy “don’t you live in a big house with your brother and sister?” He told him that he was right. Promptly they drove to the Travis’s house. When the two men went in the house, everybody was ardent about Travis’s return. After a while, Eddy retrieved to the flat on one track mind thinking about the fat guy that has kidnapped and murdered; wondering to himself “who would be this guy?” A flash hit his head that he had glanced a fat guy errating down the street. In a quandary, he thought that the fat guy he had seen might be the one Travis was talking about. On the way home, Eddy met the elder guy again so he eagerly stopped to 7 ask him if he had seen a fat guy roving the neighborhood from the morning. The elder guy amazingly replied that there was indeed a fat guy wandering, coming to and fro the accident that happened the day before. Eddy had seen the light to the labyrinth deducing that the accident was the cause for this terrible traffic jam but still were could the fat guy be in the meantime ? The vigorous Eddy variegated the esoteric plot without finding the plump fat guy. Eddy entered his flat pondering and he went to languish on the sofa. Before he returned his breath and settle, the door was knocked. Eddy moved from the couch to see who was there and be shocked by such effrontery, it is the fat guy asking “Neighbor! Have you got a stiff rope I can use and I will return it to you tomorrow?” Eddy’s tongue was twisted that the guy lives the next door. Courageously Eddy gathered himself and brought the rope. With cunning, Eddy followed the guy. When the fat guy arrived at the floor in which Travis was, he furiously said “Where is Travis?” Eddy concluded that fat guy had remarked that the reckless building was not demolished so he in a livid went and got a rope to hung Travis high. And even more, Eddy vindicated that the perturbed man was actually the criminal (the fat guy). In velocity Eddy ran to the public phone and called the police saying that he found the killer of Steve and the kidnapper of Travis. After five minutes, he returned home and got bewildered by the opened door of his flat. In fear, Eddy moved the door and went to the living room where the fat guy was, Eddy became at that moment stagnant. The fat guy 8 said with an evil eye “You are the one that set Travis free, aren’t you? I concluded that from the papers that you left on the table where you were. I am going to kill you too because Travis had nothing to do with you, but apparently people like to stuck their noise where it doesn’t belong.” The fat guy was enormous, consequently he would crash Eddy. No matter, Eddy stayed still and stood for himself saying “It was a duty I had to do.” The fat guy got livid and attacked Eddy while Eddy was about fifteen feet from the fat guy seeing him coming forward like a train. Suddenly, a noise of a bird coming towards the fat guy; consequently, the fat guy looked to the bird to see it crashing into his left eye. About two feet far from eddy the fat guy went down on his knees and shouted while eddy took the opportunity. Promptly eddy with a kick to the stomach and a punch on the face, the fat guy lied on the floor .Eddy, afterwards, tightened the fat guy waiting for the police to come. After minutes, the police came along with Travis and Susan. They entered the flat to find Eddy cleaning the face of the wounded man from blood. Travis while so said with a clamor “Officers, arrest that man!” The officers hastily put the cuffs on the hands of the fat guy and pushed him towards the door where Travis and Susan were standing. Passing by them, the fat guy stopped and acknowledged “You stepped me in the back cousin.” At that moment, everyone was dazzled by that sentence. Immediately he added “You did it Susan? You robbed the bank today as it was planned by your brother Steve a month ago” The crowed were watching the dilemma in which the killer, the victim, the kidnapped and the robber were kin. Just the two officers and Eddy were puzzled, stagnant and taciturn. 9 The fat guy named Russell as he declared admitted saying “Travis? Your brother was not comfortable by me being in the bank job that he had planned a month ago because he said “Russell you’re too flamboyant with the money. Plus we almost got caught by the police in the last job that was done in Montreal. Besides you gamble a lot and that’s too looting, which makes it dangerous for us; so we are letting you go from the gang.” Due to your brother’s hoarse acknowledgment, I decided to get my part in the job my own way” Eddy was in a quandary of what he had just heeded because he actually was in the robbery himself and little did he know that it will get as perplexed. Meanwhile, Russell resumed by “I knew that Steve and Travis were cruising by the bank’s neighborhood every afternoon of the last week. So I followed them to be familiar with the road they take every day. I deduced that you always go from the golden gate( San Francisco) with Steve taking the Wheel as usual; I stole a lorry yesterday and headed to the bridge. By the time you were coming from the last check of the bank, I drove towards your car and crashed into the driving side of it to kill your brother Steve and hijack you , Travis, to order my share forcibly from Susan that apparently did the job though her brother was dead.” In the meantime, Eddy and the cops were just wondering what was going on in the chaos. Susan and Travis stayed behold of what they have just heard from their cousin that they didn’t recognize because of the blood on his face. The police officers were befuddled of the perplexed situation and one of 10 them hilariously said “Wow! That’s what I call two birds with one rock. So You , Susan, robbed the bank this afternoon and you Travis were responsible for the murder of yesterday and Mr. Kidnapped was responsible for the Montreal job we heard about last year.” Consequently, he declared “All of you have to remain silent. Everything you say may stand against you in the court.” Eddy, while so, have seen one of the cops coming towards him and eagerly said “how on earth have you figure out the code numbers?” Eddy told him the whole story except for the bank job because he was afraid he might get to prison as everyone did. The cop said “well done sir, that was some day! You might have a rest today; we might call you tomorrow to witness against them.” After a few minutes, everybody went and left Eddy. He lied on the bed with the money he stole that day which solved the bankrupt problem. In spite of the endless events, Eddy emerged victorious and with a big smile said “That was a red letter day.” 11
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 20:02:04 +0000

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