The Nasty (S)tory. Fortunately Im not one of the great - TopicsExpress

   The Nasty (S)tory. Fortunately Im not one of the great unwashed, who through no fault of their own have fallen on hard times (although I did once in my youth). But the Chancellor of the Exchequer - that privileged chap and ex-Etonian aka George Gideon Oliver Osborne and heir to the 18th Baronet of Ballintaylor and Ballylemon (remember that - because most references to this title have been removed on the web) and former member of the Bullingdon Club at Oxford, along with his mates and fellow members and old Etonians, the Prime Minister David Cameron, and Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London (oh yes - the establishment looks after its own) has decided in his wisdom that the poor need to work harder, and those who cant work will not get any rise in their benefits. (Ebenezer Scrooge would be impressed). Indeed, if you are poor, sick and disabled, or working for peanuts, or even unable to find work (you could of course head for London - plenty of work there, but youll are undercut by cheap immigrant labourers who are happy to share a house with 15 other people) then youll just have to stew and suffer. But dont worry, the rich will have a tax cut! After all, the wealthy create wealth, which trickles down to the plebs. Thats the Tory mantra. Im all for empowerment, opportunity, etc, but my socialist streak, being raised in the Labour heartlands of the River Tyne, where ships, coal and steel formed the back-bone of the nation and forged communities, tells me, categorically that this government of preening privileged toffs are out of touch. They penalise the hard-working poor in order to enhance the rich. Of course, there was a time when the working class was just that - working class - and proud. Britain no longer has that sense of community, the industries have gone, and along with them the communities - and its every-man for himself. Critics would argue that Thatcherism created it: the mantra was destroy the industries - destroy the unions - Give people a stake in property, let them buy their rented council houses, privatise the utilities - Gas, Electricity, Water etc, make them stakeholders, and theyll be less likely to protest. Well, it worked. We have become a split nation of haves and have nots. Young people today dont stand a chance. The 18th Baronet has decreed that more cuts are necessary to reduce the £25 billion pound deficit and the least able, the least advantaged, and the least educated, and yes - even the aspiring young with the least assets, will have to pay for it. A caring government would not make her people suffer. It would move hell and high water to ensure its citizens had the same equal opportunities that had gone before. Balancing the books is an accountants job, and we are governed by accountants. There will always be deficits, but the duty of government is to ensure the welfare of her people, to protect the less fortunate, and to give hope. This is why the Tories are wrong. The UK is one of the richest nations in the world - it can solve her own problems - they should govern for the moment, and leave the future to the many who will follow. Im voting UKIP because I believe there is a better way, and I dont want to be governed by the establishment anymore. The billions we contribute annually to the EU will be better served to solve our own problems. The £200 million in aid we give to India must end (they spent 10% of that on a mission to Mars) that money could have been so very useful to hard up families in Britain, where people are using food-banks to feed themselves, and it could have built thousands of new homes - for the people - with an affordable rent. Thats why Im supporting UKIP. Its the wise thing to do. Its the decent thing to do.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 23:09:31 +0000

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