was thinking about a comment made years ago by my chum Craig - TopicsExpress


was thinking about a comment made years ago by my chum Craig Murray. He said that Scotland should get a tenth of the Crown Dependencies etc. They are certainly an asset , to be divided upon divorce. So - and even if it is just used as a negotiating position - what fragment of Empire do we ask for? What would we do with them? The best answer Ive come up with so far is that we should ask for all the uninhabited ones like the South Orkneys, South Georgia and other isolated, penguin covered rocks of no known economic worth. We should say that, on behalf of the international community, we are prepared to pay for the scientific research and maintenance these precious ecological jewels deserve and that we intend to create the maximum size possible marine protection areas about each one as nil economic exploitation or development, marine biomass recovery zones. Most of the Scottish Navy will be patrolling these waters. The spirit of the Scottish enlightenment could be allowed to shine again in protecting and enhancing the worlds most remote, untouched places, and in studying them and learning from all they have to offer. Then we would be able to compare this with the share of colonies for TrotUK - which would be almost entirely made up of tax-havens, and currently home to something like $73tn of totally unused and totally useless private wealth - wealth that was looted, legally and illegally from the common wealth, in fact, and an ugly scar on the UKs reputation (not to mention that they are, also, a perversion of every moral sentiment in Adam Smiths body). Scotland might also consider asking for the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean - so that we can evict the American military from Diego Garcia and give the islands back to the Chagossian islanders. While we are at it, we should also give a guarantee of asylum to the islanders in the event of their homes being made uninhabitable by climate change. And, almost by the way, I thought we could ask for a slice of Antarctica as well - and call it Scott Land! This is a good game!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:22:25 +0000

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