well its 11:15 PM and my brain is telling me thats its 3 pm on - TopicsExpress


well its 11:15 PM and my brain is telling me thats its 3 pm on Wednesday lol weird.... I have been trying to write down things about my trip, but my emotions just keep getting in the way, its so hard to even begin to explain or talk about what I was apart of, to talk about all the amazing things God is doing there... and I have to learn to adjust to life here, we are so privileged and blessed with much. and I know to try to express to others here how the need in the Philippines is so important will be difficult, yes we have people who are homeless here, and we have children who are abandoned and in the system, the difference is in the Philippines they have 5 year old children that are homeless and abandoned and its not just a few, its thousands, I understand the need for help here for our homeless vets, and our children who are in the system, its just all so hard to process for me... what I saw was..... heartbreaking to see that there is so much that needs to be done there,and there are few to do it, The ER Asia team are only a few, and they need so much to really make and impact, its seems so little, but as I served along side of them just a short time, I realized that what they do, what they show and give to these children is great in the eyes of the Lord, sharing the gospel, giving the love and much needed attention to the ones who have been thrown away, is what is being done, how do they help all of these children? they dont, they love on the ones that are right in front of them, and they do it day in and day out, selflessly, lovingly and with our any desire for praise. what s important is that they show Gods love and compassion.. the team in the Philippines sacrifice much, money, success, family, all for the glory of God. i am so thankful, humbled and amazed that I was a part of just a small portion of what they do, please keep them in your prayers, for continued strength, financing and favor.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 07:36:39 +0000

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