when I used to study Miyamoto Musashi and his styles and - TopicsExpress


when I used to study Miyamoto Musashi and his styles and philosophy I have always used his Open on 8 sides technique which is claimed once mastered it is a complete defensive posture that no attack can penetrate or rather no attack couldnt be deflected for means to counter attacks. I always liked it because very few people would ever reconize it and it always appeared to be any normal stand rather than was an actual fighting technique... thus any attacker was either caught by surprise or didnt take the stand as an aggressive gesture. (yes I was a very evil person.) The philosophy was in basic form mainly to openly invite the situation, surprise, and then resolve. (in combat resolve meant choosing the next stance.) In philosophical sense the way of living for things it was invite the situation, address it quickly, and then prepare for the end results. to actually understand the concept you had to understand the philosophy to understand the technique. Which I spent many hours pondering and practicing in my everyday life back then. I often wonder if those philosophies still affect me today. reflecting back it seems I have always invited disaster... took drastic measures and then prepared for my final resolve. maybe this is why I turned out to be a very passive aggressive person. at times i think I may have cursed myself. for taking a full passive route seems the paths I should have taken. but even saying I dont care seems to be an open invitation anymore... I need to be re-programmed badly...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 19:52:11 +0000

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