why is it when you talk about the end times and God most people - TopicsExpress


why is it when you talk about the end times and God most people think you are being depressive. we are liveing in the last days for sure. all this things we see happening on the earth and the way people are is just what the bible says. i find the bible very exciteing and ive never been depressed or real unhappy in my life. Jesus said if you denie me before men he will denie us befor God (that means we wont get into heaven) read matthew 24th chapter and revelation 13 chapter it tells about the mark of the beast 666. do you know they already have this chips and will soon require everyone to get it/ the bible tells us about the one world gov. and one world church, the bible tells us this will happen just before he returns there here. even all the nations are lineing up just like the bible says. it says it will be so bad the angels will look down at the earth and weep for the horrows they see happening. and said people will say just what most people say theres no more earthqakes, floods, ect. then there ever was. it also said most will end up in hell because they will not believe and live by Gods rules. the bible says without faith its impossible to please God. but no matter how bad youve been if you ask Jesus to forgive you he will because he died for you and he dont want anyone to go to hell and God said its not his will for any one to go to hell thats why he sent jesus to die for us.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 20:58:17 +0000

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