Day Two: I am thankful that I met John - TopicsExpress

   Day Two: I am thankful that I met John Thomas Walker. We werent just friends, or close friends, we were BEST friends. And that, in itself wouldve been enough. But, no. I was blessed enough to have him in my life, as my best friend, for 8 years! And in those years; I was mad at the world & madly in love, angry, sad, happy, depressed, drunk, excited, and nearly any other bipolar emotion known to man. I mean, those were my teenage years. Every teenager gets mad at the world sometime, and believe me, I had plenty to be mad about. But with all of those mixed bipolar emotions, you wanna know the one person that never left my side through any of the craziness?! John Thomas! He was an amazing best friend. He was there for me through everything. I always knew that no matter what, whether we were in a fight or he disagreed with me on something, I knew that no matter what: He would back me. One hundred percent. Always & forever. John helped me through more things than most people, including most of my family, know. When I was in middle school & I was so depressed that I was cutting myself, John was there trying to get me to stop. When that depression got a thousand times worse & I wanted to kill myself, he saved me. When I was happy in dead end relationship after relationship, he would tell me that that guy wasnt the right guy, but he would still back me. And when I figured out that he was right, he never gloated. He never once in 8 years said the words I told you so to me. Not once. And when my first love & I would break up & get back together over & over & over, he was there for me through it all. When I was heartbroken, he was there helping me through it. When I started going through my depression again, after losing two of my closest friends within two months, and I struggled with my drinking: John was there! When I struggled with my drinking even more after having my miscarriage, he was there. Trying to get me back on the right track. When I would put myself down, repeatedly, he would tell me to stop & that the things that I was saying were not true. He took me on some crazy adventures. Showed me how to truly have fun. He was there for me, just like a true best friend should be. Through the good, the bad, the ugly & the crazy. I was blessed with the worlds greatest best friend. And I dont know what I wouldve done without him.. I honestly probably wouldnt be here. So thank you John; for being by my side always, for saving me & for being my forever best friend. I will cherish you & those memories, the good and the bad, for the rest of my life. I love & miss you so much. I still cant believe youre gone and that its been almost a month since you left. Love you, best friend. Rest In Paradise.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:25:29 +0000

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