,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am not taking excuses and - TopicsExpress

   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am not taking excuses and of I need to show or do to show any one heart Why they should love me and that I love them any more then so what they will allow me to or have allowed me to love them or still love them,,no I wont put my heart through like I am forcing you or anybody to love me by coming to chase after some ghost of where you are and where your love May or may not even exist for me,,I fought like muthrfkr and am far from done to protect your heart and love not so I would not have to ever do that,,And you say the only way is to see through tunnels of pitch black to get back to the same heart I gave all of my heart to care for,,and with God help not any other did I make it back to even have a beating heart once again,,And you want me to come be lost with what you have for nothing to have or maybe have your love,,NO IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,IF YOU DIDNT SEE ME SPILL MY HEART ON THE GROUND FROM HEAVEN AND BACK FOR YOU ALREADY ENOUGH TO KNOW TO COME SAY HELLO,,No excuse will be good enough,,and if anybody tell you different they are hanging themselves on more then just imaginary pole when I find any of them who would muthrfrkn speak such a lie against my heart and my soul,,,,,,,No I wont chase ghosts or your love to places where ones who hurt your heart and mine exist,,Oh just a little less did they do so while laughing with you having fake fkn smiles and faces,,,,not all but now it is time for me to do my work,,,AND IF YOU DO NOT THINK A FBI AGENT OR CORRUPT COP WHO THOUGHT THEY FKN SLIPPED AWAY CAN NOT HANG FOR TREASON,,,REALIZE THE I WILL MOVE YOU OUR THE WAY AND THEY WILL HANG ON POLE FOR THE WORLD TO WATCH,,,they can wear their fake fkn smiles of greed while they hang to for that such treason........
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:39:14 +0000

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