Parts of the Whole Effects the Rest No - TopicsExpress

   Parts of the Whole Effects the Rest No man is an island, and no man can accomplish enduring far reaching results without the the aid and cooperation of others. When two or more come together in the spirit of harmony and under- standing, each person or entity multiplies their own power of achievement. Thirteen individual colonies joined together to defeat the British Empire then went coast to coast to create the United States of America. Not perfect by any means but well respected by most of the nations around the world. Cooperation plays an important part of the affairs of the home, as well as the affairs of the state. Lack of cooperation and dissension destroys businesses and families. On the larger end of the scale, nations that lack the spirit of cooperation forget that part of the world cannot suffer damage and not effect the rest of the whole world. Lack of cooperation is also the leading factor that leads to war. Service, sacrifice and self-control are three words which must be well understood by the person or entity that succeeds in doing something that is of value to the world. In the business world when industries fall apart from disorganization or mismanagement both management and labor lose. Detroit Michigan was the center of the automotive industry at one time. I know because I was there at that time (1960s). When it fell apart apart because of foreign competition the whole city was effected. People that worked in the factories that lost their jobs were not able to pay their mortgages or rents. Even smaller companies that supported the automotive industry were forced to reduce or eliminate their work force. If you owned a vending truck that supported hundreds of employees every day and the plant closes down , you moved or you closed down. This ripple effect results in neighborhoods falling apart because Detroit was a one horse town and somebody took away the horses oats. Leadership in business and industry and finance are as important as leadership in war. Napoleon Hill recorded an officer addressing student officers about leadership. You men will have under your control the lives of many men. They are untrained citizens who look to you for instruction and guidance. Your word will be law. Your most casual remark will be remembered. Your mannerism and your speech will be mimicked. Your clothing, your carriage and your vocabulary and your manner of command will be imitated. They ask nothing more than the qualities that will command their respect, loyalty, and their obedience. They are willing to follow you as long as you convince them that you have these qualities. The commissioning makes you officers and place you in a position where you can become leaders. Men obey the letter of the law because the disciplined training but no more. The unhesitating, unfaltering obedience and loyalty comes when they know they are being lead by a leader. As a former Army Officer those words rang true. Leadership is a composition of a number of traits; self-confidence, moral courage, self-sacrifice, fairness, fearlessness, initiative, decision, and dignity. Its knowing what you must know in order to lead. If you dont have the answer then know where to get it. The Empower Network has great leadership. If you get a chance click the tabs and learn about the leadership. You cant do anything if you dont have the information. Become your own leader. Follow the i-success formula https://isuccessformula/adam/?id=earl_hackett&tid= and start you march to your own freedom. This has been straight talk, beast mode. H.G.M.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:33:06 +0000

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