One can only feel guilt if they harbour - TopicsExpress

   One can only feel guilt if they harbour the same feelings today or if they are wilfully refusing to acknowledge all of the terrorism towards the black communities by everyday white people long after slavery ended. When someone or an institution writes these most important facts of a countries history out of existence its for a few reasons, e.g. -To not have to deal with the after effects of such a huge and vicious system. - To return ideologically back to a narrative that supports that time and space. - Or engineer a mantra which would make it easy to reinstall a similar system with support of the population. Either we want history or we dont, to get rid of the bits that dnt make us look great isnt history, its propaganda. Considering the American constitution only recognised that blacks were human in the 1970s its no wonder Texas is trying to ex-sponge this from their curriculum. This of course isnt exclusive to Texas, any group of people when looking to govern another group will rewrite or discredit the story of the targeted group, how do people think hitler went about describing Jewish people before he sealed their fates.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:53:44 +0000

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