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youtube/watch?v=53R8ky14VKA&feature=player_detailpage Later life and professional career From 1984 to 1988, Dohrn was employed by the prestigious Chicago law firm Sidley Austin,[28] where she was hired by Howard Trienens, the head of the firm at that time, who knew Thomas G. Ayers, Dohrns father-in-law. We often hire friends, Trienens told a reporter for the Chicago Tribune.[29] However, Dohrn had not been admitted to the New York or Illinois bar even though she had passed both bar exams, because she had not submitted an application to the New York Supreme Courts Committee on Character and Fitness.[28] Similarly, she was turned down by the Illinois ethics committee because of her criminal record. Trienens said of the Illinois rejection, Dohrn didnt get a [law] license because shes stubborn. She wouldnt say shes sorry. [29] In 1991, she was hired by Northwestern University School of Law, as an adjunct professor of law with the title Clinical Associate Professor of Law. She was one of the founders of the Children and Family Justice Center, which supports the legal needs of adolescents and their families, in the Bluhm Legal Clinic at Northwestern Law. She left Northwestern Law on August 31, 2013. Because Dohrn was hired as an adjunct (a temporary assignment), her appointment did not need to be approved by the faculty. When law school officials were asked whether or not the dean hired Dohrn or the board of trustees approved the hiring, the school issued a statement in response stating: While many would take issue with views Ms. Dohrn espoused during the 1960s, her career at the law school is an example of a persons ability to make a difference in the legal system.[29] Dohrn now serves on the board of numerous human rights committees. Since 2002, she has served as Visiting Law Faculty at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Her legal work has focused on reforming the much criticized juvenile court system in Chicago and on advocating for human rights at the international level. Later politics Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers in Occupy Wall Street, Zuccotti Park, 2012 In 1994, Dohrn said of her political beliefs: I still see myself as a radical.[30] On November 4, 2010, Dohrn was interviewed by Newsclick India. About the Right in the U.S., she said, Its racist; its armed; it’s hostile; it’s unspeakable. Referring to the Restoring Honor rally which was promoted by Glenn Beck and held on August 28, 2010, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., You have white people armed, demanding the end to the [Obama] presidency. She also stated, The real terrorist is the American government, state terrorism unleashed against the world.[31] In 2008, Dohrn and Ayers resurfaced into news headlines as presidential candidate John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin publicly denounced the ties between Ayers and then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.[32][33]
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 18:32:31 +0000

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