youtube/watch?v=AOn_VnzezHU إلـيــك إلـــه - TopicsExpress


youtube/watch?v=AOn_VnzezHU إلـيــك إلـــه الـخـلـق أرفــــع رغـبـتــي I submit my hopes to You, O Lord of all creation, وإن كـنـتُ يــا ذا الـمــن والـجــود مـجـرمـا Though I am, O The Provider, Most Generous, a sinner, ولـمــا قـســا قـلـبـي وضـاقــت مـذاهـبــي When my heart is hardened, and my life is constricted, جـعـلـت الـرجــا مـنــي لـعـفـوك سـلـمــا I turn to my submission as the way to Your pardon, فـمـا زلــتَ ذا عـفـو عــن الـذنـب لــم تـزل Thus when You, The All-forgiving, wipe clean my continuing sins, تــجــود و تـعــفــو مــنـــة وتـكــرمــا Your gift and Your clemency is a boon and an exaltation to me. ---- ألــســت الــــذي غـذيـتـنـي وهـديـتـنــي Is it not You who nourishes me, guides me? ولا زلــــت مـنـانــا عــلـــيّ ومـنـعـمــا Therefore cease not your benevolence and bounty to me, عـسـى مــن لــه الإحـســان يـغـفـر زلـتــي May those who have obtained excellence forgive me my trespass, ويـسـتــر أوزاري ومــــا قــــد تـقــدمــا And parade not my wrongdoings and things that have passed. فــإن تـعـف عـنــي تـعــف عـــن مـتـمـرد Should You forgive me, O Lord, absolve me of my treachery, ظــلــوم غــشــوم لا يــزايـــل مـأتــمــا My injustice, that will be pardoned not on the day when grief is recollected, و إن تنـتـقـم مــنــي فـلـســت بــآيــس But should you recompense my wrongs with your torment, still I will not lose hope, ولـــو أدخـلــوا نـفـسـي بـجــرم جـهـنـمـا Even as my trespass lands me in the Fire. فصيـحـا إذا مــا كــان فـــي ذكـــر ربـــه He is the one who speaks only in remembrance of his Lord, وفيما سواه في الورى كان أعجما And when he is with others in this world, he is silent, يـقــول: حبـيـبـي أنـــت سـؤلــي وبغـيـتـي Thus he says, "O my love, You are the One I beseech to, on Whom I place my faith, كـفــى بـــك للـراجـيـن ســـؤلا ومـغـنـمـا Enough is You for those in need for their dependence and their pleas". أصـــــون ودادي أن يـدنــســه الـــهـــوى Thus I defend my love, though they be tainted with worldly lust, وأحــفــظ عــهــد الــحـــب أن يـتـثـلـمـا Thus I protect this promise of devotion, marred though they may be, فـفـي يقظـتـي شــوق وفــي غـفـوتـي مـنــى In my waking moments, I pine for You, In my slumber, I hope for You, تــلاحــق خــطــوي نــشــوة وتـرنــمــا Walking beside me, full of hope, فـجـرمـي عـظـيـم مـــن قـديــم وحــــادث Thus though my sins are mountainous, then and now, وعـفــوك يـأتــي الـعـبـد أعـلــى وأجـسـمـا Yet, your forgiveness is greater.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:18:40 +0000

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