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জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Right form of verb প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের ৮ নং প্রশ্ন Right form of verb নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো। এ প্রশ্নে ৮টি শূন্যস্থান পূরণের জন্য ৪ নম্বর থাকবে। Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the list with their right form. 0.5×8=4 42 go, run, see, try, rush, cross, stop, be It was about 3 pm we some classmates (a)╛on our way home from school. We (b)╛cross the Mirpur Road near the Science Laboratory. A young boy (c)╛also the road. Just at that moment a truck was crossing at a great speed. The ill fated boy noticed it but before he (d)╛to the other side of the road he (e)╛over by the speedy truck. The truck (f)╛rather it speeded away. I (g)╛to the spot. To my horror I (h)╛that he was no more a human body but a lump of flesh. Answer (a) were; (b) were trying; (c) was crossing; (d) could go; (e) was run; (f) did not stop; (g) rushed; (h) saw. 43 sing, have, close, take, arrange, select, get, reach It was winter vacation. Our school (a)╛. I with some of my friends (b)╛a picnic. We (c)╛Sonargaon for the picnic spot. It is some twenty miles off Dhaka. We (d)╛into the bus hired before at about 9 am with all necessary utensils and materials. After (e)╛Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast by 9.30 am. We (f)╛any cook with us. Our mathematics teacher, Mr Anwar Hossain (g)╛a reputation as an expert in cooking. Some (h)╛, some were cutting jokes and others were playing different types of games. Answer (a) was closed; (b) arranged; (c) selected; (d) got; (e) reaching; (f) did not take; (g) has; (h) were singing. 44 know, be, come, hear, have, feeds, increase, look Bangladesh is a beautiful country. Birds (a)╛its beauty more. We sleep at night and rise early in the morning (b)╛the sweet songs of different birds. There are different types of birds in our country. They (c)╛different in colour, size and habit. They are divided into many classes. The crow is a teasing bird. It is a very common bird in Bangladesh. It is very clever. It (d)╛ ugly. Yet it is useful. It (e)╛on dead animals and dirty things. The kite is also of the same habit and nature. The cuckoo, the shyama, the doel, the koel, the mayna, the nightingale etc (f)╛as singing birds. The cuckoo is the most popular of all singing birds It (g)╛in our country at the beginning of spring. The doel is our national bird. The vulture and the hawk are birds of prey. They live on flesh and fish. These birds (h)╛keen eyes and sharp nails. Answer (a) have increased; (b) hearing; (c) are; (d) looks; (e) feeds; (f) are known; (g) comes; (h) have. 45 establish, begin, be, break, awakened, was, make, help Nazruls writings (a)╛full of hope, energy, and aspiration. His writings (b)╛the sleeping people of this subcontinent. It (c)╛Nazrul through whom the people (d)╛to hope for a better future. He (e)╛them conscious of their rights. He (f)╛them to fight for independence and (g)╛the bondage of slavery and fetters of subjugation. He (h)╛himself in our heart and in the annals of Bengali Literature. Answer (a) were; (b) awakened; (c) was; (d) began; (e) made; (f) helped; (g) break; (h) established. 46 bring, go, enjoy, enter, give, play, stand, be A few days ago, I (a)╛an interesting football match. It was Friday. It was (b)╛between the top two teams of our country-Abahani and Mohammedan. The match (c)╛me much joy. On the day of the match I (d)╛to the Dhaka stadium quite early. I (e)╛in the line for a long time and (f)╛a ticket. There (g)╛heavy rush of spectators at the gates of the stadium. I stood in the line. After waiting for about an hour I (h)╛the stadium and sat in one corner of the gallery in the south. Answer (a) enjoyed; (b) played; (c) gave; (d) went; (e) stood; (f) bought; (g) was; (h) entered. 47 try, attack, cheer, be, enter, play, start, blow The game was timed to begin at 4.30. The referees and the players (a)╛the field in time. The spectators (b)╛the players from all corners of the field. The captains of the two teams came up, shook hands and tossed coin. Soon the referee (c)╛off his whistle and the game (d)╛. Both the teams (e)╛equally strong both the teams (f)╛hard but there was no goal in the first half. After the beginning of the second half of the match the players of the two teams grew furious, (g)╛each other and (h)╛to net the ball but to no effect. Answer (a) entered; (b) cheered; (c) blew; (d) started; (e) were; (f) played; (g) attacked; (h) tried. 48 be, have, walk, stretch, see, ask, call, may his begging bowl for alms. Sometime he is seen reciting some sentence of the Holy Quran or the Kalema and (h)╛for money in the name of Allah and His holy prophet.a bag hanging down his shoulder. When a passer-by (f) ╛past him, he (g) ╛very dirty and bad smell emits from his clothes. Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes in a company. A street beggar (d) ╛ be able-bodied, blind, lame or crippled. A street beggar (e) ╛sitting or standing everywhere in the street of towns or cities. His hair is not brushed and without oil. He is seen in patched up and torn clothes. His clothes (c) ╛a street beggar. He (b) ╛The beggar who begs alms in the street (a) ╛ Answer (a) is called; (b) is seen; (c) are; (d) may; (e) has; (f) walks; (g) stretches; (h) asks. 49 provide, turn, try, face, need, take, solve, give on agriculture, agro-based industries and cottage industries. Vocational education (h) ╛ to be introduced to make them skilled with practical working experience.the unemployed and the jobless should be taken at an early date. Emphasis (g) ╛into human resource. Steps for (f) ╛if our vast population (e) ╛to cope with this problem. But this problem can (d) ╛an alarming dimension. The government (c) ╛unemployment problem. This problem already (b) ╛Nowadays Bangladesh (a) ╛ Answer (a) is facing/ faces; (b) has taken; (c) is trying/tries; (d) not be solved; (e) is not turned; (f) providing; (g) should be given; (h) needs. 50 cause, contain, live, drink, be, increase, eat, should Vitamin A (a)╛our eye-sight. Blindness is (b)╛by the deficiency of vitamin A. Mola fish which (c)╛in our rivers and canals (d)╛a lot of vitamin A. We (e)╛a lot of Mola fish as well as vegetables to protect our eye-sight. We (f)╛pure water at regular intervals too. It (g)╛ essential for our body. We (h)╛without drinking water. Answer (a) increases; (b) caused; (c) abounds; (d) contains; (e) should eat; (f) must drink; (g) is; (h) cannot live. 51 use, introduce, invent, work, come, take, be, bring Computer has (a)╛about a revolutionary change in the world. But it (b)╛overnight. It (c)╛a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d)╛hard for years and finally (e)╛out successful. Many governments and nongovernment offices, educational institutions (f)╛computers. A course on computer (g)╛in secondary and higher secondary levels. The day is not far to come when computer (h)╛used in every sphere of life. Answer (a) brought; (b) was not invented/has not been invented; (c) took; (d)worked/have worked; (e) came/ have come; (f) are using; (g) has been introduced; (h) will be. 52 create, care, go, end, weight, hold, be, see One day Mother Teresa (a)╛an orphan baby on the way. She (b)╛it up in her arms and (c)╛back. It (d)╛only three pounds. She (e)╛it and fed it with all motherly cares. But Mother Teresas demise on the 5th September, 1997, (f)╛a huge void. It (g)╛a tragic loss to the entire humanity in general. Her death (h)╛a chapter of history and closed an era. Answer (a) saw; (b) held; (c) went; (d) weighed; (e) cared; (f) created; (g) was; (h) ended. 53 take, glitter, form, develop, see, refresh, walk, be Walking is a good exercise. It (a)╛our body and (b)╛our mind. It (c)╛beneficial to health. One can take fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature if one (d)╛in the early morning. So walking should be (e)╛as a habit by people of all ages. A walk in the evening by the riverside is a pleasant experience. When a man (f)╛such a walk. He (g)╛the blue expanse of the river, (h)╛in the rays of the setting sun. Answer (a) develops; (b) refreshes; (c) is; (d) walks; (e) formed; (f) takes; (g) sees; (h) glittering. 54 become, win, match, be, lose, lose, predict, be Without efforts there can be no progress in life. Life (a)╛its interest if there (b)╛no struggle. Game (c)╛dull if there is no competition in them and the result can be easily (d)╛. No matter we can (e)╛the game or (f)╛it. The keener the contest, the greater the enjoyment. A victory is no real triumph unless both the sides are equally (g)╛. Whether we like it or not, life (h)╛one continuous competitive examination. Answer (a) loses; (b) is; (c) becomes; (d) predicted; (e) win; (f) lose; (g) matched; (h) is. 55 employ, allow, build, shall, lead, depend, work, Remember Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country (a)╛on the proper utilization of the resources. We should not (b)╛a lazy life. We should all (c)╛up our country. For this reason, we have to (d)╛hard. No nation can prosper without industry. It should be (e)╛that Industry is the key to success. For the improvement of Bangladesh each able-bodied person (f)╛. No one (g)╛to beg. There (h)╛centre to take care of the disabled persons. Answer (a) depends; (b) lead; (c) build; (d) work; (e) remembered; (f) must be employed; (g) should be allowed; (h) should be. 56 Turn, be, Increase, hesitate, make, give, undergo, provide No prosperity of a country can (a)╛unless her people are laborious. Men (b)╛labour and the labour (c)╛into power when it is utilized for development purposes. All honest labour (d)╛noble and sacred. It ranks the worship of God. Every religion advocates for physical labour. In fact, manual labour (e)╛mans dignity. No nation can develop unless her people (f)╛any labour. If we consider the developed countries, we find that the people of those countries (g)╛but labored hard. Labour of any kind is dignified as it (h)╛everything to society. Answer (a) be made; (b) provide; (c) is turned; (d) is; (e) increases; (f) undergo; (g) did not hesitate; (h) can give. 57 underestimate, make, speak, be, hold, dispel, build, sit A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an important role in (a)╛up an educated nation. He (b)╛the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. While (c)╛in the class he has to suit his act according to the need of his students. He is able to (d)╛the attention of the students. He (e)╛motionless before his class. He usually (f)╛his lessons interesting. A good teacher (g)╛no substitute in society. His importance (h)╛. Answer (a) building; (b) dispels; (c) speaking; (d) hold; (e) does not sit; (f) makes; (g) has; (h) cannot be underestimated. 58 go, enter, enjoy, suppose, shook, cheer, play, buy A few days ago, I (a)╛an interesting football match. It was Friday. It (b)╛between the top two teams of our country, Abahani and Mohammedan. On the day of the match I (c)╛to Dhaka Stadium quite early and (d)╛a ticket. The game was (e)╛to begin at 4:30 p.m. The referee and the players (f)╛the field in the nick of time. The spectators (g)╛them from all corners of the stadium. The two captains (h)╛hands and tossed coin for position. Answer (a) enjoyed; (b) was played; (c) went; (d) bought; (e) supposed; (f) entered; (g) cheered; (h) shook. 59 believe, become, use, be, bring, add, benefit, help Science has created wonders in the field of communication. Mobile phone (a)╛one of the wonders of modern science. It has (b)╛a new dimension to our way of life and to the communication system. Obviously, mobile telecommunication has (c)╛the world closer to us. Nowadays it has (d)╛a part and parcel of our life. Using mobile phone we are (e)╛in many ways. It (f)╛using cellular phone is also harmful to the pregnant women. It is also (g)╛to increase terrorist activities. Many young students (h)╛it. Answer (a) is; (b) added; (c) brought; (d) become; (e) benefited/being benefited; (f) is believed; (g) helping; (h) are using. 60 wash, provide, cut, increase, add, destroy, take, plant Trees are very useful to man. They protect the rich top soil from getting (a)╛away by rainwater and floods. We can see trees being (b)╛along the mountain slopes, on the roadsides, in parks and gardens. They (c)╛to the beauty of our lives. They (d)╛us with food, wood, shade, shelter and so on. They (e)╛in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. The (f)╛off trees means deforestation, which has greenhouse effects on the land. It also (g)╛the balance of nature and (h)╛the warmth of the earth. Answer (a) washed; (b) planted; (c) add; (d) provide; (e) take; (f) cutting; (g) destroys; (h) increases. প্রভাষক, ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা #সব বিষয়ের সাজেশন পেতে লাইক ও কমেন্ট #দয়া_করে_সবাই_শেয়ার_করুন। অন্য কে জানার সুযোগ করে দেন #আর কিছু আসা করি না । #অন্তত ধন্যবাদ টুকু আসা করতে পারি
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:55:52 +0000

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