–EPISODE 29 RELEASE– Previous Preview: MJ learned a little - TopicsExpress


–EPISODE 29 RELEASE– Previous Preview: MJ learned a little bit more about the shocking alternative world he landed in when he woke up in SY’s house with her husband, HK. Ahnya is being hail and question by her leader on her methodology as she tries to defend herself. MJ had a heart to heart talk with his daughter after coming back from an emotional trip to the doctor. HK, still convincing himself that he need to get closer to Ahnya, invited her to a company dance function but ended up alone with her miles away from town in an enchanted mountain. *a quick note: this episode was written entirely on my iphone because I couldn’t wait to get it out to you guys (yes, while in the bathroom, while riding in the backseat of a car, while waiting at the doctor’s office, while playing outside with my son, while eating out, while in the theater, and so on, lol)…I hope it doesn’t disappoint :D Scene 2 – MJ Continued His Flashback With SY MJ continue reading SY letter (voice over as the scene play out on screen): …when you open your eyes and look at me, for a split second you smiled….such a tender loving smile, that I felt my inside melt like a candle touched by the flickering flame. MJ opened his eyes to see SY by his side looking down on him, he smiled feeling as if everything is right with the world again. The door open and HK walked in. HK: you’re up? (SY looked at her husband as MJ suddenly realize where he’s at…he nods his head to HK question and sat up on the bed). Good. Where do you live? I’ll have my driver take you home. MJ: that’s not necessary (he pulled the blanket out, getting ready to leave but SY stop him with her hand on his arms. SY turn and look at her husband) SY: I think what my husband meant to say was that we’ll accommodate you as soon as you feel better…you just woke up after all. MJ: I’m fine now, really. I should get going (he can’t wait to get out of here before he break down again…he need to regroup his thoughts and find a way out of this place and back to his own SY) SY: you should at least eat something first before you leave…it’s the least we could do after what you did for me (she look pointedly at HK). HK: (rolled his eyes at the ceiling) I’ll go tell the cook to prepare something (he limp out of the room) MJ: (noted HK limp which he didn’t before when he was still shocked at seeing SY. He look back at SY, reality is now setting in more firmly for him) what’s wrong with him? Why is he limping? SY: ahh, that, it’s an old injury. He has a prosthetic left leg (MJ was genuinely shock now) it’s from a long time ago, when we were young. He came to my house to propose (she laughs) I was such a brat back then…that day I wasn’t in the best mood so I ran away screaming at him. He ran after me and I almost got killed by a truck I didn’t see coming. At the last minute he pushed me out of the way, but didn’t move fast enough so the tire of the truck hit his leg…things were never the same since, I’m never the same since…I owe him my life…anyways enough about me, how come you know my name when we first met? MJ: (looking down at the blanket thoughtfully and mumble softly to himself) so I was never here to save you… SY: sorry? MJ: (shakes his head) ahh nothing…about that…you just look like someone I know. (She smiled back at him with a questioning look) SY: I look like someone you know….but she has the same name as me too? (laughs) what kind of coincident is that? MJ: (look quickly away from her) I’m sure you don’t share the same last name. Your first name…is common enough (she doesn’t seem to look convinced but left it at that. HK walk back in) HK: the food is ready. Sitting at the table now all three ate silently. SY: I’m sorry, with everything that went on I forgot to ask you your name… MJ: Do…(he pause briefly) Kisohn (he had almost say Do Min Joon but somehow it felt wrong using his name from another place here so he quickly convert to his real name) HK: Kisohn? What kind of name is that? SY: (looks disapprovingly at her husband again) Hwe Kyung, sweetheart, aren’t you being kind of rude to our guest ( look back to MJ) I’m sorry he’s usually not like this. MJ nods his head and both men went back to eating…avoiding each other for the rest of the meal. Scene 7 – Ahnya Deal With Being Questioned Ahnya is being hailed again. She sat at the park on a moonless night feeling the dread looms over her. She presses her temple and closed her eyes, then open. Ahnya: yes? Unknown male alien: I think you know why I called you. Ahnya: I told you before I’m working on it. Unknown male alien: you’re falling for that human. And you’re not getting any closer to having Kisohn home. I’m starting to question your judgment… Ahnya: I know what I’m doing…and I have my own method. Unknown male alien: and that method involves Hwi Kyung how? Ahnya: (hesitate a bit) I need to get inside the head of Kisohn to know the best way to convince him to leave with me….the only way to do that is to experience what he’s experiencing…I need to know…in order to make the right move. Unknown male alien: (still doesn’t sound convinced) are you sure that’s all there is to it? Are you not going too far in your experiment and research? Aren’t you afraid you’re going to be affected by this? Ahnya: (steel her voice and answer him coolly) You forget that my rank is not that far off below yours, you have your methods I have mine. And while I’m here I want to at least enjoy myself a little. Do remember that I’m the top academic researcher you’ve got. I know how to handle myself accordingly so don’t worry about me and my choices. As long as I do my duty to you in the end, does it really matter how I go about doing it? Unknown male alien: fine, I’ll leave that to your own judgement….but what about the baby? Ahnya: what about the baby? Unknown male alien: it’s been leaked out, now the galactic governing entities are demanding answers and asking us what we are to do. Ahnya: what we are to do? Who are we to dictate that? Who’s to say that this baby is not a being created by the creator of the universe themselves? Finding its way to correct the glitch? Just tell them I’m keeping a close eye…I think this baby may well be an important breakthrough for us all. Unknown male alien: you said earlier that you didn’t think it would survive… Ahnya: and maybe there’s still a chance she won’t but now that Song Yi is halfway through her pregnancy I sense that she’s getting stronger (referring to baby) sometimes when I check in on her, I almost have a sense that she actually know I’m there and that she can understand me. I’ve tried to analyze her brain capacity a few times but I’m left with more questions than answers. Her mind isn’t structure like humans it’s much more advance but curiously, it’s not like ours either. There’s regions of her minds firing off that I don’t yet understand. (confidently she stated) But, it is to be expected as she’s a new kind of breed. You entrust me to come down here not only because I was Kisohn’s partner, you know I’m the best of the best at what I do…so please, stop questioning me and let me do my job. I will report back to you when there’s something of importance to share. Are we done here? Scene 11 – SY Took MJ To Get Her First Ultrasound MJ fidget in his seat as the sonographer start pulling up his wife’s shirt to expose her belly, then pulled down her pants a little bit. MJ immediately rush over. MJ: I don’t really think that’s necessary…I can help, what do you need to do? I can do it. (why of all the female sonographers out there did his wife have to pick a man to go to? Why suddenly listen to her mother? MJ don’t care if he was the same man who did the ultrasound of SY’s mother and is a family friend, he’s still just a man) Sono: (sigh with frustration) for the last time can you stop getting in my way? SY: Min Joon-ah come here and sit next to me. (He walked over and sat down in the seat next to her still looking fidgety and uncomfortable) The sonographer continues spreading the gel on her belly and started scanning. He pulled the screen over closer to SY. Sono: did your mother like the movie I sent her? (SY smile and nod her head) good…and I still don’t understand why you did this so late…you should have come to me months ago (he glare over at MJ, sitting there looking guilty) here she is…that there is her foot, there’s her heartbeat…I’m going to scan her head now. Hmmm…seems big for a baby girl at this stage, but nothing to worry about as of yet. SY: (look hard at the screen tilting her head around) why does it look like a blob to me? MJ: (patiently point out to her) see, this here is her head, she’s curling up, there’s her hand, down to her legs, she’s hiding her feet now. SY: (suddenly her eyes light up and she scream out excitedly) I see it now! I see her now Min Joon! (MJ smile at her excitement) MJ: she’s saying hi to you, there’s her hand waiving. SY: she can do that? (look at MJ, he nods his head) she can wave already? (looks at sonographer, he shook his head sternly) oh it doesn’t matter, I can see her! Min Joon-ah (she yank on his sleeve) our daughter, she’s so beautiful (SY touch the screen laughing and crying at the same time.) look at her cute little nose, she have your nose! MJ: (concern in his voice) are you ok sweetheart? SY: how could I not be? I’m so happy right now (another tear roll down her eye and she laughs still clutching MJ’s sleeve) That night MJ is holding SY in bed, deep in thoughts. SY is drifting off to sleep, the black and white ultrasound picture of their daughter still in her hand…his voice nudge her up. MJ: Song Yi-ah… SY: hmmm??? MJ: I’m very sorry for keeping you from seeing our child for so long. I was wrong for wanting to keep you all to myself…you can do it again at another time if you like….(brief pause) but can we switch to a woman’s sonographer instead? SY: (still half way asleep) Min Joon-ah… MJ: wae? SY: don’t ever apologize to me again. You’ve done it too often lately. You know how much I love you, don’t you?….I’d forgive you anything…(drifting off to sleep)…so don’t say it agai….. MJ: Song Yi? (no answer) are you still up? (no answer, he sat up in bed and look at her sleeping face, kissed her lips softly and smiled…then decide this is as good a time as it may be to have a private chat with his daughter. He pressed his cheeks to her belly). Jin Sunhee…..it’s….daddy (he whispered a little hesitantly saying it at first, still trying to get used to saying “daddy” out loud). Some things are going through my mind right now and I can’t help shake this foreboding feeling. I know you’re smart and you can understand me….can you promise me no matter what happen you always take care of your mommy for me?…especially when daddy is not around. I know now that you were the one that saved her from Jae Kyung before, you are so brave (looking sad) Although your mom thinks she could forgive me anything, there may come a day when she won’t recall what she said just now so you’re going to have to step in and take care of her for me ok? (He pat her belly softly)….good, that’s my girl….And another thing, you shouldn’t use your mother’s body for what you want, she will be very tired. If you like something just let daddy know and I will get it for you. (MJ chuckle softly) yes, you can have more ice-cream but latter when your mom wakes up. Oh, and another thing, this is a secret between us only, don’t let your mother in on your thoughts, she might not be able to handle it or understand it…(MJ sigh) for now not Ahnya either until Daddy figure out her real motives. (He gave the belly a kiss) Ok…now go to sleep…….I love you too. Scene 16 – HK Spends an Unforgettable Night With Ahnya HK pace the floor feeling somehow nervous. He look at his watch again then smile and shook someone’s hands as they walk passed him (camera zoom out, there’s a lot of well-dressed people mingling around). HK: did I give her the right date? The right time? (Look at his watch again) how can that woman made me wait like this? (as if on cue, the door open shortly after and a hesitant Ahnya step inside) Ahnya feels self-conscious all of a sudden, this is the first big function she’s attending and the first time mingling with people she’s not familiar with. Her eyes search around for HK but all she saw are people’s eyes on her…gawking at her, which made it even more uncomfortable. HK saw her the moment she stepped in but hadn’t been able to move from where he stood. His eyes still fixed in her direction. It’s true that he had finally admit to himself that she is indeed beautiful but his SY was just as beautiful so it didn’t really bother him too much. Yet at the moment, she looks like a goddess stepped out from someone’s dream or a princess from some fairy tale land that someone just summoned. Her pale pink multilayer chiffon dress hugs the top of her body and fan out to grace the floor, it swirls lightly around her like a coy seductress. Her long hair curls down to her back with a simple small diamond tiera pin clip on the side. He suddenly realizes too that the noise had died down significantly as most people are just out right staring at her. She looks very uncomfortable. He made a signal for the music to start, then walk over and link his arms in hers. HK: you finally made it (the crowd started to slowly resume back to its activity) Ahnya: yes….I wasn’t sure what to wear or how to prepare for such an event….so I had to enlist SY to help me out. (smile) she is such a grouch but she did picked this dress out or me…what do you think? Does it fit with the function (she look around) am I overdressed? HK: no…you look perfect….erhmm (pretend cough) I mean perfectly fit the situation…let’s go (he faces the crowd again looking slightly nervous for that slip of the tongue, she didn’t reply back but continue staring at him with amusement as he pulled her along) —a few hours later— [camera panning around room, Ahnya is by herself staring at some couples slow dancing to the background music. Not too far from her, a group of men stare longingly and openly at her while some of their wifes came over to whack them in the head or twist their ears and drag them away. Ahnya is oblivious to everything except the dancing couples. HK stare at her from across the room surrounded by all his business partners trying to garner his attention, he nods his head here and there in agreement but his eyes never left Ahnya. She suddenly turns around and looks back at him. They continue staring at each other through the short distance. Ahnya finally smiled and tilt her head towards the dance floor hinting at a dance. HK was more than ready to leave his group. HK: excuse me gentlemen but lets leave the work talk for another, more appropriate time (he pat someone on the back and walk towards Ahnya, still did not break eye contact with her. Before he even reach her, a strong arm yanked him around) Unknown man: (he stumble a bit looking shabby in his disheveled tux, his tie loosen from his neck) you think youre so high and mighty huh? Acquisition?! (He shouts and beat his chest drunkenly) you strip away my birth right and now you have the gall to enjoy yourself? You sleezeball!...you... HK: arent you being too much? I paid your family more than what your companys worth. Ya.... (He pat the mans shoulder) did I not tell you many times not to waste all your money gambling on that suspicious foreign dieting company? You didnt listen to me and now its all my fault? Unknown man: yes! Its all your fault!! (HK made a gesture for his guards to take him outside) HK: just take him out and get him a cab home, I think he drank a bit much tonight. (He had forgotten all about Ahnya but as he turned around he saw her staring at him with concern in her eyes) sorry about that, its just a misunderstanding, hes going home and sleeping it off. Would you like to dance now? Ahnya: Ive never done it...but Im a fast learner (his hand went behind her back and for a quick moment she was taken aback but he swiftly swirl her out onto the dance floor) HK: My study in the states finally have some good use, dont worry just follow my lead. (He twirls her off camera’s view) --an hour later-- Ahnyas waiting on the step for HK as he stepped out of a car and approaches her. HK: Common, Ill take you home. Ahnya: actually Im not ready to go home yet. I have something Ive been meaning to show you...want to come with me? (She walks closer towards him) HK: (nods his head thoughtfully) where do you want to go to? Just hop in the car and Ill tak.... (they both disappear before he could even finish his sentence and reappeared somewhere in the wild). Ya!!! You have to stop doing that without letting me know....(he looks around) where are we anyways? Ahnya: Youve ever been to Muju mountain in June for the fireflies festival? (HK shook his head) how could you not? Its one of the most beautiful thing on earth! Come! Ill show you! HK: Wait, youve seen it before? I thought you only recently came to Earth? Ahnya: (she grins at him) Who said I have to be here to see it? I was a very good researcher back home. (He didnt understand what she meant by that but let the subject dropped as she pulled him into an enclosed area surrounded by tall trees and in the center is a small waterfall that cascade onto a lake-like oasis.) [camera zoom into Ahnyas happy expression as she swirl and look around in amazement. HK look at her and then look around him, the fireflies are floating around them flickering their lights. He could hear the crickets and the soothing sound of the waterfall and the moons reflection shown perfectly on the lake to illuminate more light. HK suddenly burst out laughing] Ahnya: what is so funny? (Look around her feeling a little lost) HK: (he laughs even louder holding on to his stomach, she scrunch up her face, perplex, and disappear) yahh!! (stopped laughing) you can’t leave me here like this? You know how far we are away from home? Ahnya!!! I’m sorry ok? I shouldn’t have laughed! Ahnya! (it’s almost impossible to explain to her or himself for that matter, why he laughed like this. There’s really nothing funny about it…not the fact of how perfect this place is, like a true fantasy one only read in fairy tale books and him like the prince and she the princess stepping out of those books…how could he explain to her that he had to find it ridiculously funny, this whole situation…or else he might really fall under its spell…under her spell…and do something he might regret later on) Ahnya: (she poofs and reappear in front of him again, this time with some sort of white, enclosed, see through lantern) you can laugh all you want but I’m going to enjoy myself. (she took it with her and suddenly floats effortlessly into the air, she swirls around and fly about catching the fireflies and putting them in her lantern which starts to glow more and more fiercely, her soft peals of laughter made everything even more surreal for HK) [camera continue following Ahnya in slow motion, her pink dress and curly hair floating around with the wind. She landed in front of him finally, out of breath and laughing] Ahnya: Now that was fun! (just as she raised her head to meet his gaze, she felt his soft lips on hers. She blinked rapidly not believing what just happened. But too quickly HK took a step back looking about to apologize. Ahnya didn’t waste any time, she took a step forward, dropped the lantern on the ground, grab his front shirt, levitate slightly up to his height, and gave him an open mouth kiss. HK eyes went wide for a split second as he could only moaned with surprise from her unexpected bold kiss. Before long he started kissing her back and pulled her closer to him. The tingling sensation he felt all over his body feels stronger and stronger the harder and longer he kissed her. His mind reasoned that he must have been drugged to feel so dizzy and tingly like this but in that moment he didn’t care about anything. Camera pans out as the fireflies started escaping from the fallen lantern, floating with their flashing lights surrounding the two entwined bodies). Epilogue – Ahnya’s Protective Side Ahnya is standing outside waiting for HK car to pick her up to take her home. She smiled thinking she could have easily teleported but he insisted on taking her home the proper way. She wondered if he may have wanted to spend some more time with her perhaps, then thought better of it…he likely just wanted to see SY if she’s still awake. Ahnya suddenly heard a rustle and looked behind her. That same man who was drunk earlier screaming at HK is now lurking behind the side wall building with something that look like a gun in his hand. She use her power to see how far away HK is at and is glad to know he’s still waiting for the car, the valet area is packed with people. She disappears and reappears behind the building with the man. She taps on his shoulder and he turn around in a panic, pointing the gun at her. She looks at it as it crumbled into a ball of metal. He dropped it to the ground and started backing away. Unknown man: who…what….are you (his voice trembled badly) Ahnya: it doesn’t matter what or who I am. (Without touching him she flew him into the wall and pinned him there. Casually she walks over to him and dust off an imaginary lint on his shoulder) the only important thing you need to know is that if you ever harm a hair on Hwi Kyung’s head…(pause) if I even hear he breaks a nail dealing with you…well…(she turns away from him and started walking away as his loose, lopsided tie started to tighten around his neck constricting his air passage. His face turned red as both his hands tried to loosen it without success. She turns around and looks at him again). Do we understand each other? (He nods his head vigorously as she release him from being pressed against the wall…his tie started to loosen up. He’s coughing in the background as she breath in deeply) you ruined my mood…now I have to do something fun to forget this incident ever happened.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:29:12 +0000

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