— Every word that we use is part of the Great CON — A Con - TopicsExpress


— Every word that we use is part of the Great CON — A Con that has been going on for a very long time — Ideas are how we as a species communicate. Words are simply tools that facilitate in that communication. What if at some point in time, in a place in history we no longer remember, our language was actually hi-jacked and re-formulated so that words we are presently using DO NOT MEAN what we think they mean. The Illuminati prides itself on being smarter than the average “useless eater” living in the world. They use signs and symbols to identify both ideas, and other members within their ranks. Our seeming ignorance is a big JOKE to them, which is why they thought our awakening was next to impossible. Remember how I wrote in the 1st installment of this series that the very word Con is a negative. Perhaps it’s time to look at a few more words then. Here’s one: Convict. A convict, is a “conned” victim, or, a victim of a CON. Remember how I wrote that NO one goes to jail unless their consent is ‘tricked’ out of them first. So our “rulers” have given us this word, to laugh at us right directly into our face, and then they wink-wink to themselves. Men and women “they” send to prison are “convicts”, or victims of the CON. Have you noticed that no matter how many of “us” they send to jail, NONE of “them” EVER end up behind bars — or even in a courtroom? The crimes they commit are both legendary and Cosmic, however — wink, wink, “they” run things, so the law does not APPLY to them. Another Word: Concept. A concept is a “conned” thought. It is the idea brought forth as the result of a Con. In this word “cept”, means to “take in”, or to “seize”. In slang, when a person has been conned, we say that he has been “taken”, or he was “taken in” by another’s lies. All major universities teach our children “concepts”, which here again, is the illuminati’s way of laughing at our so-called education, because we are “taken in” by their lies. Our species was given a language that has Double Meanings, and Hidden Meanings. The words we are forced to use, do not mean what we THINK they mean. Those who are the Dark Magicians USE this “word magic” against us, knowing all the while we are at a severe disadvantage when we use them. Again, they think they are so much better and smarter than the common man that they don’t even care. Getting back to Judge Dale, just one example that he pointed out is that when ANY JUDGE asks you — do you understand these charges I’ve read to you — They are NOT asking if you comprehend them! With word magic, “because they are magicians” they believe that words can be both backwards and forwards, thus, they love words which can be read exactly the same backwards and forwards. In that sense, according to Judge Dale, what the judge is really asking you is this: Do you “stand under” the charges I’ve read to you?” Which means: are you willing to “agree” to these charges? Do you CONSENT to them? If you do, then let’s have a “trial” in a “court”! So when you say “yes I understand”, they take that (and reverse it magically) to mean that you agree to “stand under” the charges — and their authority. All by your CONSENT! Now, “no elite” would ever get caught this way. They understand language. They understand “word magic”. Remember how I said earlier that advanced races don’t even use words, they use telepathy to send ideas. Our language was given to us by those who “wished us” to be enslaved under them. So next time a judge asks you, do you understand the charges, say NO! Once you’ve been fooled into consenting to “stand under” their authority (which you should never do), then you get to “play their game” — The great CON. So now you go to “court” — All games are usually played on a court. Of course you as the victim are just getting bounced back and forth by the opposing lawyers who are “playing you” like a ball, in their “court.” And when they are done “playing” with you, and have had enough, (and taken enough of your money) you become the ultimate victim of the CON, and are turned into a CONvict. (Wink, wink) Nice of these elites to tell us it’s all just a game, a scam, a dog and pony show for the masses. It’s all about managing the useless eaters — and making money off of them. Most prisons in America are now privately run, which means that they are FOR PROFIT Institutions. They need to make money for their owners and stockholders, which is why there are more people in jail in America than almost all other countries combined! There are more rules, regulations, and limitations now than ever in the past. Each new limitation helps in “conning” more people into consenting to the elites authority over them. Why not, however, BE YOUR OWN AUTHORITY? Here’s a novel idea. You as an infinite and immortal soul already are YOUR OWN AUTHORITY. Why pray tell, do you then need to be under anyone else’s? When I said, its all magic, I was not joking! The Dark Magicians, or elites, have their OWN schools for their own children. Their children are taught VERY differently than the commoners’ children. The commoners do not “get” to learn anything of consequence because they are not “worth it” according to the elites. Here is a great video lecture by Jordan Maxwell. He is the original “symbologist”, and he understands word magic very well indeed. The video is called: Magic Dominates The World.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:47:50 +0000

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