丹真絨布仁波切答疑系列:(一) Question & Answer - TopicsExpress


丹真絨布仁波切答疑系列:(一) Question & Answer Series: Section One 4.我是剛剛皈依的弟子,但是實話說,我對藏地的佛法還不是有很大的信心,想請上師幫忙答疑非常重要的幾個問題! Q 4: I am a novice practitioner, just having taken refuge recently. Honestly speaking, I still don’t have great faith in Tibetan Buddhism right now, so I hope Guru could be so kind to answer me the following questions which matter a lot to me. A.弟子發現藏地以密法為主,其中最明顯不同的是強調弟子一定要供養上師,把上師視為一切,似乎給人的感覺是高高在上的感覺,可是據我瞭解,佛弟子與釋迦牟尼本師是師生的關係,與菩薩們是同學的關係,只不過菩薩是前期的學生,我們是後期的學生,這種說法對嗎? Part 1: I notice Tibet mainly advocates Mantrayana, one of whose most distinct characteristic is its great emphasis on the obligation of disciples to make offering to their guru, seeing him as everything, which gives me an impression that he always stands in a high rack with superiority. But to my knowledge, Buddhist followers only hold a kind of relationship of teacher and students even to Namo Buddha Sakyamuni, of classmates even to all Bodhisattvas, as Bodhisattvas are merely the Buddha’s earlier students while we his students in the later period. Is my argumentation sound enough? 答: 釋迦牟尼佛也是依止上師學習後方成佛的。比如我們種植的青稞、花朵也是依靠陽光、水分、土壤等才得以生長,同樣釋迦牟尼佛也是依靠跟隨上師學習而成佛的,而非無緣無故就獲得佛果。如果你對佛陀有絕對穩固的信心,也沒有規定說你必須找一位上師,然後向他求法。 A: Please bear this fact in mind: it was also after having followed his gurus that Buddha Sakyamuni Himself came to achieve Buddhahood. Just as for barley or flowers to grow, such elements as sunshine, moisture and soil are absolutely indispensable, thus anyone who aspires for Buddhahood, even including Buddha Sakyamuni, must follow his guru to study and practice the Dharma for the accomplishment of Buddhahood, since its attainment can never be realized without reason. But there is simply no definite rule for him to find a living guru for practice. In fact, if he has developed his faith in the Buddha with absolute staunchness, he can naturally pray to Him for Dharma transmission. 你可以直接祈禱佛陀,但是你不能說依止上師是不對的,因為每個人的根基不同。智慧高的人可以直接祈禱佛陀然後成佛,如老母親祈禱狗牙最後獲得成就的公案。 我個人認為,現代人要修學佛法必須依止上師,藏傳佛教強調上師是一切的來源。你可以不找上師,但是你不能說依止上師是錯誤的並由此誹謗,這是不對的。 However, the feasibility that you can directly pray to the Buddha should never make you against others’ following their gurus, since people possess different faculties. Those who have great wisdom can surely attain Buddhahood only through their direct praying to the Buddha, which is evidenced by the story of an elderly mother achieving enlightenment simply by sincere praying to the dog teeth as the Buddha’s true relics. 藏傳佛教裡並沒有強調弟子必須對上師供養錢財,但卻非常讚歎對上師身口意的供養及法供養,這是最好的供養。藏傳佛教裡供養上師有三種,上等的是法供養;其次是護持上師的一切事業的承侍供養;下等的是錢財供養。錢財供養裡更沒有說必須要供養多少錢,哪怕一個石頭、一根繩子都是可以供養、可以結緣的。供養的金額必須達到多少的說法是不對的。 Moreover, Tibetan Buddhism practically doesn’t attach so great emphasis to disciples’ material offering to their gurus, but it highly praises their offering of body, speech and mind to the gurus, with Dharma offering as the best kind. Actually there are three types of offering to the guru in Tibetan Buddhism. The superior is Dharma offering, the middling any kind of personal attendance to support the guru’s Dharma activities, and the inferior material offering. Even in the last category, no requirement for the amount of money is set, even a single stone or rope being a good object for offering to make the doer positively connected with the guru. Therefore, it is totally wrong to say that there is a quantity criterion for material offering. B.很多的弟子都說上師與佛陀是無二無別的,可是我認識的應該只是成就者、是大菩薩啊,並沒有真正的成佛啊,這怎麼解釋呢? 答:從證悟的層次看,菩薩與佛是有區別的。每一地菩薩,如一地菩薩與八地菩薩、十地菩薩等所證得的境界是所有不同的。比如要是拿文殊菩薩與彌勒佛來比較則是不對的,文殊菩薩就是菩薩,彌勒佛就是佛陀。每一地菩薩證悟的層次都是有差別的。 Part 2: Many practitioners claim their gurus to be definitely no different from the Buddha, but whoever I may have acquainted with in this life can only be the enlightened ones or Bodhisattvas at most, who are not true Buddhas now. How can this paradox be well explained? A: If speaking from the states of realization, differences clearly exist between Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. Even within Bodhisattvas of the ten stages, they have achieved different levels of realization, Bodhisattvas at the first stage surely possess dissimilar experiences from those at the eighth or tenth stages. Thus it’s simply unreasonable to make comparisons between Manjusri Bodhisattva and Maitreya Buddha, since Manjusri is a Bodhisattva in his manifestation while Maitreya has already accomplished Buddhahood. 在我看來,佛陀與上師及成就者是毫無差別的。因為從恩德的角度來講,上師帶領我們進入佛門,開示解脫道,引領我們究竟成佛,所以上師與佛陀無二無別。 從個人智慧的角度看,如果一個人智慧很高,心很清淨,是可以面見佛陀的,在其眼裡上師就是佛,佛就是上師;若智慧不夠,心不清淨,即便佛陀來到他面前,亦被視為凡夫。 But in my own eyes, my guru and other enlightened masters are absolutely nothing inferior to the Buddha. As it is totally owe to the guru who leads us to enter the Dharma and onto the path of liberation to achieve the ultimate Buddhahood, so the guru has no distinction from the Buddha. People who possess great wisdom with a pure mind are indeed able to see the Buddha right in His presence, since in their eyes their guru is the Buddha and the Buddha simply their guru. Otherwise, even when the Buddha personally comes to them, they lacking sufficient wisdom and purity would regard him merely as an ordinary person. C.聽很多的論點說,我們成就一定要依止一位上師,不然無法解脫無法成就,那麼我的問題是,佛陀當年的上師是誰呢?釋迦牟尼本師當年的上師是誰呢? Section 3: It is frequently claimed that we must follow a spiritual teacher to achieve enlightenment, or its attainment is simply impossible. Then my question is that who was exactly the Buddha’s guru? 答:很多經與論都說沒有上師就沒有佛。釋迦牟尼佛也是皈依上師,從上師求得佛法,受菩薩戒,逐步修學而後成佛的。你可多閱讀釋迦牟尼佛的傳記,索達吉堪布也翻譯過,裡面關於釋迦牟尼佛如何拜師求法、如何發願、如何佈施等都寫得非常清楚。 A: It is indeed emphasized in many sutras and sastras that without the guru there is no possibility to accomplish Buddhahood. As a matter of fact, Buddha Sakyamuni Himself also went to the gurus for refuge, asked for Dharma transmission and received the vows of Bodhisattva, who achieved the ultimate Buddhahood only after his continuous study and practice of the Dharma. It is advisable to read over The Biography of Buddha Sakyamuni which has been translated into Chinese by Khenpo Sodargy, as it has elaborated in great details such stories as how the Buddha went to visit his teachers and ask for Dharma transmission, how he made his great vows and how he practiced enormous generosity.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:23:53 +0000

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