#人間菩提— 20130930《人間菩提》悲智足跡印邊地 - TopicsExpress


#人間菩提— 20130930《人間菩提》悲智足跡印邊地 Providing Relief with Compassion and Wisdom youtube/watch?v=M7du1njOWGg 真的是看著一個、一個,被擡出來的都是學生,五十個往生,這樣的瞬間,在校園裡面,到底發生了什麼事?其實什麼事都沒有發生,只是人的觀念(偏差),就這樣瞬間生命就沒了,這是很令人看了很不捨。 Truly, seeing the victims in Nigeria carried out on stretchers one by one and knowing that they are all students… Fifty have died. Their college was suddenly attacked by gunmen. What brought this on? Actually, there’s no real issue of substance. It’s only the gunmen’s way of thinking which caused lives to be taken away just like that. This is heartbreaking. 還有巴基斯坦,也是一樣,好端端的天下之間與人,應該都是這樣的和平相處,能得到了四大調和,為什麼不和平相處呢?造成了這樣的人禍,造成了這樣的動亂,其實巴基斯坦,最近真的是雪上加霜,它本來都是常常社會的動盪,但是天災也是,二十四日的大地震災難這麼大,但是,就是要去救災的人,沒有辦法進去,也沒有人敢靠近,因為這個地帶就是反抗軍,兩邊都很激烈地(交戰)。 Pakistan is also in a similar situation. Born into this world, we human beings should live in peace with one another. With Nature in balance, providing a good environment to live in, why do people not live in harmony? Why commit such violent acts and cause harm, chaos, and turmoil? Actually, Pakistan has been suffering greatly recently, with one crisis after another. Violent attacks and bombings are already frequent, along with natural disasters. A major earthquake on Sept. 24 caused widespread disaster. However, relief groups have difficulty reaching the area. No one dares to go because separatist militants control the region and make attacks on incoming groups. The area is in a very volatile condition. 也看到了生、滅同時,地震,瞬間房屋倒了、滅掉了,但是同時這個瞬間,就是海上浮出了一個小島,這都是世間相,佛所說「成、住、壞、空」,世間上就是生滅無窮,所以叫做無常,這都是人來造成。 已經天然的災難,就這麼的苦不堪?還是加上了這種的人禍來造成,又開始,這幾天,那樣的天災的災情沒有辦法救,在天上在丟物資的飛機,也被打了,所以苦、災,災、苦,無法救濟,又加上了這樣的人為的炸彈(攻擊),想一想,生在這樣的國度,實在是苦不堪言,真的是看了很辛苦,看了很不忍心。 We also see formation and destruction happening in the same instant. The earthquake caused buildings to collapse, but in the same moment, it caused a small island to form. This is the way of things in the world… as the Buddha said, all material things go through formation, continuation, decay, and annihilation. There is constant turnover, nothing is permanent. But humans cause much of the destruction. While natural disasters have already caused unbearable hardship for people, conflicts and fighting in recent days are preventing relief workers from helping people suffering from the earthquakes. Aircrafts delivering air-drop supplies have come under fire. Cycles of disaster and resulting suffering go on without relief in sight. Now on top of that, there are car bomb attacks taking place. Imagine what it is like to be born and raised in such a country. It must be hardship beyond what words can describe. Seeing them suffer so much pains me very much. 看到了慈濟人的溫馨,江蘇省宿遷那個地方,因為冬天救濟快到了,所以我們開始踏勘,去訪貧,人世間,老來的時候,真的是老苦,老又貧也苦,這種一苦加上一苦,重重的苦難,又是獨居,所以慈 濟人那樣的愛,都是一一、一一地去了解,也就是準備要幫助。還有看到醫療的,馬來西亞吉打洗腎中心,那個地方,已經我們的白衣大士、大醫王,不只是能讓人來我們愛的呵護,幫他洗腎,還要走出去,挨家挨戶去了解每一個家庭,居家關懷,同樣他們做醫療、照顧病患,同時也要宣導慈濟竹筒歲月,醫療和慈善,他們一起平行,真的是做了之後他們都很感恩,見苦知福,所以他們願意這樣地投入,實在是看了很感動,這就叫做覺有情。 But we see that our volunteers delivered heartwarming care to people in Suqian, Jiangsu. To prepare for our upcoming winter distribution, volunteers began making home visits and assessment. We see that in life, some suffer multiple hardships, being old, lining in poverty, and living alone. So, Tzu Chi volunteers with their love went to visit and assess their needs to prepare aid materials for them. Also, we see in the news our nurses and doctors in Tzu-Chi Dialysis Centre in Kedah, Malaysia not only provide dialysis to patients with love. The nurses also went to visit patients at home one by one to understand their living conditions. Besides providing them medical care, our nurses introduced Tzu Chi and gave patients coin banks to inspire their kind thoughts and good deeds. They’re doing medical and charity work together. After the home visits, our nurses felt very grateful because seeing their patients’ hardship has inspired them to do more to help. Seeing their services touches me very much. This is called “enlightened love”. 凡夫的煩惱會造成了,許許多多的災禍、苦難,前面所說的,多少國家心不調和,所以會造成了,社會國家毀滅掉,人的家庭破碎,人間的苦難,那就是一個心,那叫做眾生煩惱,所以會共業,造成了多少的禍亂。在心調過來的愛的覺有情,他們可以走到了偏遠地區去撫慰、去關懷、去了解,就要準備要冬令,讓他們好好溫暖地過冬,這樣的前置作業做得很好,也很令人讚歎。 But the impurities in people’s hearts will lead them to create unrest, violence, and suffering in this world. People in the many countries I mentioned before are afflicted. That’s why they caused such crises that destroyed families and society. The sufferings in this world all originate from people’s hearts going astray. Being afflicted, they create negative karma, which builds up into collective negative karma that leads to a society of endless unrest. But when people turn their hearts around to have enlightened love like our volunteers, they can reach remote areas to assess needs and to give care to people in need. They prepare winter aid distributions so that the people in need can survive the harsh winter. Seeing our volunteers carry out very good planning and assessment, I praise them for their good work. 看到了菲律賓,真的也都是窮困的人還是偏多,真的很感恩,我們臺灣農委會,今年透過了慈濟,有三千五百公噸的白米,可以讓慈濟來分配給十個國家。你看,他們窮人領到的米,是多麼的開心啊!看到了那一位阿嬤,他們的家是一輛破車,阿嬤八十多歲,還在路邊賣茉莉花,同時米店若有人量米,掉下去、散落在地上,她一粒、一粒去撿,她說,父母就是這樣教她。 We saw, in the Philippines, how there are truly many impoverished people. So I am truly very grateful to the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan for providing Tzu Chi with 3,500 metric tons of rice this year, that we can distribute to the needy in ten countries. Look at the joy of the people when they received the rice. The elderly woman we saw is living in a rundown van. She is over 80 years old but still sells jasmine flowers by the road to make a living. At the rice store, if someone drops some rice on the ground when they measure it, she will pick it up grain by grain. She says that her parents taught her this way. (安琪拉阿嬤)從小我的父母教我不能浪費,因為每一粒米都很珍貴,所以我不能任由米粒,掉在地上讓人踐踏,因此我會撿起那些米、洗乾淨,跟我買的米放一起。 My parents taught me not to be wasteful since every grain of rice is very precious. So I can’t let any grain of rice remain on the ground and be stepped on. So I take these grains and wash them and put them together with rice I buy. 【證嚴上人開示】她就這樣、這樣去撿,能夠撿出了塑膠袋這一點的米,她很滿足了,很感恩。 你看,人生在苦難中很無奈,可是她可以守貧還是奉道,人的規矩就是要這樣,不可浪費,一粒米都不能漏掉。慈濟給她的兩包米,她的感恩,實在是無法形容。 Just by picking up rice on the ground, she can collect enough for a small bag of rice. This makes her very content and grateful. You see, a life in poverty is very difficult, but in the midst of her poverty, she still abides by ethics. Indeed, we should follow the principle of not wasting even a single grain of rice. When she received two bags of rice from Tzu Chi, she was deeply grateful. (安琪拉阿嬤)我很高興,能得到慈濟發的大米,我很感恩也感到很有福氣,這些米足夠我們吃上幾個星期,謝謝你們能來幫助,像我們這樣貧困的人。 I am so happy to get the rice from Tzu Chi. I am very grateful and feel very fortunate. This rice will feed us for several weeks. Thank you for coming to give help to us poor people. 【證嚴上人開示】還有賴索托,我們環保菩薩的,這樣的環保理念,製造了多少的毛毯,也可以送到了,那樣的苦難的地方,讓他們溫暖了身體好過冬。看,他們多麼感恩啊!領到了慈濟物品,他們都知道這個米是來自臺灣,大家在感恩,都同時會喊出了「感恩臺灣」,任何一個國家都是一樣。 There’s also our aid to Lesotho. The blankets made out of recycled PET bottles that our recycling volunteers in Taiwan helped collect and sort were sent to Lesotho and distributed to the people in need to keep them warm through the winter. See how grateful they are Receiving the aid from Tzu Chi, they know that the rice is from Taiwan. They are all very grateful and shout out Thank you Taiwan. Aid recipients in every country are all like this. (賴索托居民)阿彌陀佛。謝謝,我好開心。謝謝,臺灣慈濟,愛來自臺灣,感恩。 Amituofo. Thank you, Taiwan Tzu Chi. Love from Taiwan, thank you. 【證嚴上人開示】這都要感恩,任何一個國家的當地種子,不忘掉這個恩的來源,來自臺灣,慈濟人的愛,遍布在這麼遼闊的國度,今年這十個國家得到臺灣的,三千五百公噸的白米,真感恩,把愛的能量如何來分配,就地要有種子,一定要有慈濟人,才能普及到。 We need to be grateful to the volunteers in every country who started Tzu Chi locally for not forgetting that the origins of all this was Taiwan. The love of Tzu Chi volunteers is now in so many countries around the world. The 3,500 metric tons of rice from Taiwan this years were able to benefit people in ten countries only because there are local Tzu Chi volunteers in these countries, making it possible for us to reach the people in need. I’m truly grateful 世間動盪苦不堪 見苦知福覺有情 悲智足跡印邊地 法喜盈心自在行
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 16:49:30 +0000

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