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摘自: mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/how-homeless-man-spend-100-4870992 內文: How does this homeless man spend $100? Filmmaker left stunned after following man living on the street 街友會如何運用美金一百元?影片製作人跟蹤街友後有驚訝的發現。 • Dec 24, 2014 10:55 • By Jessica Best When filmmaker Josh Paler Lin gave $100 to a homeless man to see how hed spend it, he admits he was expecting the worst. 當影片製作人Josh Paler Lin給了一位遊民100元美金並觀察他會如何使用這筆錢,Josh承認他心理其實只期待看到最壞的一面。 After approaching the man named Thomas in the street, Josh hands over the cash to Thomas obvious delight. 在與街友Thomas打個招呼後,Josh將現金給了滿心開懷的Thomas。 He describes the gift as incredible before giving Josh, a hug and going on his way. 在給Josh一個擁抱前,Thomas形容這是一份了不起的禮物,接著離去。 At this point Josh, who has his own YouTube channel, follows Thomas - secretly filming his every move to see where he goes, and things dont look good when he appears to head straight for a liquor store. 在此時,這位擁有Youtube頻道的Josh偷偷地跟蹤Thomas並且拍攝他的一舉一動。而當Thomas直接走到販酒商店時,一切似乎急轉直下。 But Josh tells his cameraman to keep filming - and is stunned by what happens next. 不過,Josh仍然要求攝影師繼續拍攝,接下來發生的一切令他刮目相看。 Thomas comes out of the store with a heavy bag, and crosses the road to a group of other homeless people. Thomas從商店出來,手上提著很重的袋子,跨過街走向另外一群遊民。 There he pulls food he has just bought from the shop out of his bag and, in an act of touching generosity, shares it with other people living on the street this Christmas. 他拿出剛買的食物,與其他住在街上的街友在這個聖誕節一起分享,這是何等令人動容的善舉。 Bowled over by his kindness Josh runs over to Thomas, tells him theyve been filming him the whole time, and asks why he thought of others instead of himself. 此舉令Josh肅然起敬,他跑向Thomas並說其實他一直在拍攝他,也詢問為何Thomas如此慷慨。 Thomas selflessly replies: Theres things money cant buy. I get a happiness out of what Im doing. 他無私的回應說:有些東西錢買不到,我的作為我帶來快樂。 He goes on to tell how he ended up on the streets after giving up his job to care for his step-dad while he had cancer. Just two weeks after his death, Thomas mother also passed away and the building where the three of them lived was sold, leaving him homeless. 他接著告訴Josh他離職照顧罹患癌症的繼父已至淪落自此。繼父去世兩週後,Thomas的母親也離世了。他們三人同住的房子被賣,他則落的無家可歸。 A lot of people are just victims of circumstance, he adds. 許多人都是無妄之災的受害者,他如此說道。 Josh was so moved by the story that he handed Thomas another $100 - but he has gone on to raise almost $50,000 for Thomas, after launching a fundraising page to give him a fresh start. Josh hopes the cash can help Thomas find a new home, job and buy a mobile phone so he can keep in touch with him. Josh聽完他的故事後非常感動,並立刻拿出另外一張百元鈔給他。然而,為了讓Thomas重新振作,Josh成立了一個募款專頁,這個專頁已經幫Thomas募到將近5萬美元。Josh希望這筆錢能幫Thomas找到新的家、工作及手機,並且用新手機與Josh保持聯絡。 You can support Thomas fresh start here. 支持Thomas專頁如下 By TomBear誤導式翻譯
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 18:46:48 +0000

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