每日讀經靈修: 逼迫的账 (2013年 7月14日) Daily - TopicsExpress


每日讀經靈修: 逼迫的账 (2013年 7月14日) Daily Devotional: Suffering Afflictions and Going the Second Mile (Sunday, July 14, 2013) 只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打。(太五39) I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also —Matthew 5:39 这经文说出作基督徒的谦卑。依常情来说,不还手是懦夫;但在属灵上,不还手表明有神的儿子在他里头。你被侮辱时,不但不要动怒,更要藉这机会表彰神的儿子。你无法模仿耶穌的性情,有就有,没有就没有。对一个圣徒来说,个人受辱是表彰主耶穌美妙的机会,这真令人难以置信。 登山宝训不是——做你当做的,而是——做非你分内的。你本不必走第二里路,不必转左脸,但耶穌说若我们是他的门徒,就必须这样行。我们不该存这样的心:[唉,我受这样的冤屈误会,再也无能为力了。]每次我坚持自己的权益,就伤害了神的儿子;我若接受那一击,就叫耶穌免受伤害。这正是补满基督患难缺欠的意思。主的门徒只知道主的荣耀,而非他自己的声誉,这是系於一生的目标。切勿从他人身上要求正义,自己也不可不去行义。我们往往寻找公义;但登山宝训却说不要找公义,要时常施行公义。 This verse reveals the humiliation of being a Christian. In the natural realm, if a person does not hit back, it is because he is a coward. But in the spiritual realm, it is the very evidence of the Son of God in him if he does not hit back. When you are insulted, you must not only not resent it, but you must make it an opportunity to exhibit the Son of God in your life. And you cannot imitate the nature of Jesus— it is either in you or it is not. A personal insult becomes an opportunity for a saint to reveal the incredible sweetness of the Lord Jesus. The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is not, “Do your duty,” but is, in effect, “Do what is not your duty.” It is not your duty to go the second mile, or to turn the other cheek, but Jesus said that if we are His disciples, we will always do these things. We will not say, “Oh well, I just can’t do any more, and I’ve been so misrepresented and misunderstood.” Every time I insist on having my own rights, I hurt the Son of God, while in fact I can prevent Jesus from being hurt if I will take the blow myself. That is the real meaning of filling “up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ . . .” (Colossians 1:24). A disciple realizes that it is his Lord’s honor that is at stake in his life, not his own honor. Never look for righteousness in the other person, but never cease to be righteous yourself. We are always looking for justice, yet the essence of the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is— Never look for justice, but never cease to give it. 完整文章 Full Article - 中文版: wellsofgrace/devotion/archives/1283 Eng Version: utmost.org/suffering-afflictions-and-going-the-second-mile/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:22:32 +0000

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