荒漠甘泉 Streams in the - TopicsExpress


荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert 考門夫人苦難經歷中的神聖安慰-「荒漠甘泉」2013全新中譯本 2013年4月16日星期二 祂必使每一個打擊成為遠超想像的祝福和恩典-4月17日 「誰不知道這是耶和華的手作成的呢?」-約伯記12:9 幾年前,非洲發現了一顆史上最美麗的金剛鑽。過不久它被獻給了英皇,作為他冠上的寶石。英皇把鑽石原封不動地交給了阿姆斯特丹的一位寶石工匠。 你猜這位寶石工匠作了什麼? 他左右端詳了這個無價之寶,最後決定在寶石上鑿出一道痕跡,然後拿起鐵鎚狠狠的朝刻痕上鎚下去。 一塊完整的稀世珍寶頓時裂為兩半。這是多麼荒謬的舉動啊!這簡直就是褻瀆的行為。 但事實並非如此,這致命的一擊其實是經過寶石工匠周詳的盤算。 在鎚下去之前,他已經幫寶石作了許多素描和模型,詳細的研究它的質地、紋理、和瑕疵。 你能說這一擊錯了嗎?這一擊是世上最偉大的寶石工匠終其一生經驗登峰造極的表現,這一擊使得這顆寶石成了世上最光彩奪目、耀眼非凡的金剛鑽。 似乎是致死的重擊,實為寶石的救贖和昇華。匠人的銳眼,看見了隱藏在碩大卻失當的寶石中那顆閃耀輝煌的美鑽。 有時神也允許你受到極重的搥打,讓你血流不止,痛徹心扉,讓你覺得神錯了。 但事實並非如此;你是神的稀世珍寶,而祂是宇宙中最偉大的寶石工匠。祂知道當如何在你身上細細雕琢,祂不會浪費任何一次擊打,祂必使每一個打擊都成為遠超你能想像的祝福和恩典。 有一天,神必使你成為祂冠冕上閃爍的美鑽!-J.H.M. The hand of the Lord hath wrought this (Job 12:9). Several years ago there was found in an African mine the most magnificent diamond in the worlds history. It was presented to the King of England to blaze in his crown of state. The King sent it to Amsterdam to be cut. It was put into the hands of an expert lapidary. And what do you suppose he did with it? He took the gem of priceless value, and cut a notch in it. Then he struck it a hard blow with his instrument, and lo! the superb jewel lay in his hand cleft in twain. What recklessness I what wastefulness! what criminal carelessness! Not so. For days and weeks that blow had been studied and planned. Drawings and models had been made of the gem. Its quality, its defects, its lines of cleavage had all been studied with minutest care. The man to whom it was committed was one of the most skillful lapidaries in the world. Do you say that blow was a mistake? Nay. It was the climax of the lapidarys skill. When he struck that blow, he did the one thing which would bring that gem to its most perfect shapeliness, radiance, and jewelled splendor. That blow which seemed to ruin the superb precious stone was, in fact, its perfect redemption. For, from those two halves were wrought the two magnificent gems which the skilled eye of the lapidary saw hidden in the rough, uncut stone as it came from the mine. So, sometimes, God lets a stinging blow fall upon your life. The blood spurts. The nerves wince. The soul cries out in agony. The blow seems to you an apalling mistake. But it is not, for you are the most priceless jewel in the world to God. And He is the most skilled lapidary in the universe. Some day you are to blaze in the diadem of the King. As you lie in His hand now He knows just how to deal with you. Not a blow will be permitted to fall upon your shrinking soul but that the love of God permits it, and works out from its depths, blessing and spiritual enrichment unseen, and unthought of by you. --J. H. M. 吳緯中 於 下午9:00 分享 ‹ › 首頁 查看網路版 由 Blogger 技術提供
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:37:49 +0000

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