转变后的新世界(金融事件及大逮捕之后) Our New - TopicsExpress


转变后的新世界(金融事件及大逮捕之后) Our New World: After The Event (English Below) 军事存在 希望逮捕结束后不久,军队就能够正常执勤,短暂的溷乱情形将会结束。在初期,军队和员警会有所增加,但秩序会一直保持,并无暴力。违规行为将被处理。当电子围栏,阴谋集团,以及媒体恐吓机器被移除后,希望民众不要有太多过激反应和恐慌。你们在这个程式中的説明到时会至关重要! 工作和领导 全世界民众将被鼓励回到工作岗位,这是由于恢复民有,民治,民享的政府管理计画正迅速向前推进。在短期内可能会有新的选举,然而领导人位置将不会被买卖,整个选举过程将是公正的,其公平和诚实也是透明的。你可能会被要求参加会议,并瞭解有谁,是什麽内容,你投票的是谁!想像你不会再靠电视裡的口号来投票。有可能的情况是,如果你选择不去瞭解,不参加会议,并且不关心有谁,自己投票是谁,那麽你就不能参与投票。为什麽要让人民去按按钮,难道因为他们喜欢听到名字的声音吗? 银行 在银行重新开业后,每个人都会有他们的资金。罪犯,大银行家和大男孩股票操纵者会发现他们没有钱了。这些数万亿美元的金钱都用在其它好的方面。按照计画,世界信託基金将会被建立,以确保世界范围内无家可归的人能够获得衣服,避难所和食物。年纪大的,生病的和身体虚弱的人会被优先考虑。这个世界上,遗失遗弃的孩童将会找到充满温馨和爱的家庭,与此同时,一些地方会挪出来,以提供给那些在旧世界伪政权下遭遇苦难的人们,并为他们进行治癒和疗养。 科学 新科学将揭示出过去曾经被压制的新想法,以及对物理学的错误认知。我们将会瞭解到发生在外太空的事实真相。科学委员会将判定,哪些技术是有害的 或导致有毒物质产生,哪些技术将会被废除禁止。众多替代方桉将会被寻找出来,并选择出最能胜任任务的方桉。许多职业将不得不消失,在世界范围内劳动力人口将会发生巨大的变化。 新科技 在世界范围内,新科技将会被释放出来,这不仅会产生出自由能源,而且也会带来非常先进的通讯技术。运行的卫星将会被重新调整位置,太空垃圾将会被清除。自然界中令人惊歎的秘密将会被揭示出来,并会用来治疗各种疾病。为什麽我们会生病?我们如何用思维来创造现实?这些背后的真相将会被公开地释放出来。在我们社会中,众多疾病或生病的根源将会被立即清除,许多人将会很快地结束疾病所带来的痛苦和折磨。 水源 我们将淨化整个地球,包括水和空气都会及时得到清理和恢复。大型水专桉将会启动,水坝会被移除,让自然界的水按照其原由方式自由流淌。大型海水澹化工厂将会建造,沙漠将会被灌溉,人类将再也不会缺水挨饿。 生产转变 老旧过时,并且无用的技术将会被改造成可持续迴圈的模式,因为我们需要创建可持续并且可行的生活环境,使得其能够和大自然,和我们的生活节奏形成和谐。随着时间的流逝,人们会逐渐认识到,是时候忙碌起来,参与这个行动计画。许多个人将会真正地开始爆发出许多创意,拥有更多创造力,这种进步将会是极为迅速的。 食品生产 有毒食品生产设施将会被重新改造,以便为当地社区居民提供健康的食物。转基因食品将会被销毁。孟山都及其它公司将会被关闭,那些需要承担责任的人将会被处理。任何杀虫剂将不会再使用于生产。在屠宰场对动物的残忍对待,将会被宣佈是违法的,人们将会认识到自己的错误行径,地球将最终变成素食世界。狮子将会从口中放下小羊羔,放弃食肉。 工会 在世界范围内,会建立起各种技术工艺的职业董事会和工会,并依据大量自由获取的更新讯息,去处理重建社会中所遇到的问题。由于受到压制的通讯科技和能源科技最终会被自由地展示,那麽对主要系统的分析和后续行动计画是有必要的。民用工程是非常重要的,可以使地球回归到它最原始状态。大规模的运输替代方桉将会启动,会使得空气更乾淨,给地球更小的压力。从整体性应该认识到,我们是地球的管理者,文明会剧烈地改变,并展现其与生俱来的权利和责任。 新工作 让我们的世界持续保持无毒害和充满活力,这需要巨大的改变,并要求我们社会有一个完整的重组,这都是我们已知晓的。许多公司和工作将会消失,其中一些会一夜之间结束。经济援助会发放给那些失去工作岗位的人们。工作安排将是头等重要的,以确保人们有机会以一种安全有效的方式来服务同胞。新项目和人道主义项目的数量将会是庞大的,并且影响深远的,因此没有人会留下来无所事事。 宗教 世界宗教将面临严重影响,因为自认为代表真理的老师,其真相将被揭露出来。这些宗教消息中关于灵性核心的部分将保持完整,因为它们确实是爱,真理,和谐与和平的本质揭示。灵性揭露中的真实本质将会被放大。宗教中的教条主义,刻板仪式,以及控制部分也会被揭露,并会令人厌恶唾弃。对于那些许多还没有与内在光建立真实联繫的忠诚民众来说,这将会导致巨大的绝望。但是这不可能被避免,因为造物主从来没有想让哪个人,神父或书本去扮演一个诠释角色,去诠释活在我们每个人心中的神性世界。 那些试图利用自我任命的“宗教领袖”权利位置,并以此获取权力甚至声望的人们,将会看到他们的统治权会立刻终结。古老教诲中真正的和真实的本质将会被恢复活力,而神职人员的欺骗和谎言将会被揭露,以揭示出他们做了什麽。他们所压制的古老卷轴和伟大导师的真正意义,将以他们真实的形式被诠释。 这些来自远古和近代的伟大智慧将会来到面前,并展现它们的力量。光与爱的渊源一直被完整地保存着并隐藏起来,并会在来临的自由新时代,继续重新繁荣兴旺。会有新的庙宇建造起来,去促使发展高级的灵性成长科学。人们会在美丽辉煌的地方共同欢乐地庆祝和敬拜神灵。这些都不是製造分裂,并毁灭持否定观点人群的宗教或世俗邪教。操纵的游戏将会被揭露,没有人可以为了控制,将自己凌驾与他人之上。真正的精神领袖会被证明是那些人,他们以典范的方式生活着, 并与自己,与大自然,与周围的世界保持平衡。 那些持不同信仰的天真诚挚的寻求者及追随者们,将会学习和成长,并担负起自己灵性成长的责任,而不是依赖他人,并被告知相信什麽。大多数的无知忠诚的追随者都有诚挚的意图和纯粹的愿望来做好事,而这些行动会使神职人士长时间保持活力的力量。儘管神职人员曾经有恶意歪曲的行为,但是整个人类还是在长期的世俗宗教中,在真理的道路上学会了很多。甚至许多神职人员本身也是被灌输错误资讯和概念的无知受害者。在灵性发展的进程中将会有一个大跨步,一般来说,这些将会面向全世界自由公开地教授。 边界 边界将不复存在,这对那些完全受到恐惧程式设计,并缺乏理解我们是一个整体的人们来说,是非常困难的。在“事件”发生后,国家边界和关卡将会被立即取消。任何人去世界任何地方再不会有限制。毕竟没有人能拥有地球,在一张地图上再也不会通过画线来区分,也不会在人群中画线来区分,并限制思维。不会再有安检的干扰,你可以穿着你的鞋子!如果这对你来说变化太剧烈,那麽对不起,你必须适应它。让人们彼此分离,并处于恐惧是巨大谎言和计画之一,而这即将结束。 法律 立法者製造出了违法者,大多数建立在伪政权系统下的法律会被废止。普通法律条令将会被重新介绍进新社会,并以一种全新的方式被传授给大家,这将会带来欢乐。监狱系统会结束他们目前的存在形式,大多数人会被立即释放。一些囚犯会需要谘询辅导,然后重新恢复正常生活。在他们的破坏趋向被治癒后,关于恢复他们社会角色的计画将会受到所有人的欢迎。 货币体系 金融世界将会看到戏剧性的变化,这让全世界每个人都松了口气,也许除了那些以不正当手段牺牲别人来谋取自身利益的人们。股票市场会永远被关闭,公司会被迫收购回他们的股票。许多公司和大多数银行都会终止当前的生存模式。今后也不再会有信用卡。 建立一个由实物黄金支撑,并具有公开,诚信,透明的新金融系统是重要的第一步。接着,当财富资本的疯狂运作被揭露后,世界各地的经济体系将会被成功地实施,人民将会被治癒。当我们学会正确地处理经济生活中的关係的时候,货币的实际使用终将被信用系统所代替。这意味着你不必再带着钱到处跑。这不是新世界秩序的控制版本,因为它会是个受监控的开放系统,违规者会立即从岗位职责上给驱除出去。新系统将绝对不允许被篡改。希望随着它的实施,多数人会从原来渴望物质财富的病态方式中获得治癒。那些导致偷窃和贪婪的病态形式,是经由物质缺乏和不安全性而产生的恐惧所引起的,这种恐惧将会被治癒。 税收 世界税收系统是另外一种压制和控制的方式,并用来压迫地球人类,它们在事件后会很快地被根除。它们一直被用来资助毁灭行径,但事件后,这些资金会被更好地利用。然后,会有一个针对所有新购买物品徵收销售税的计画。销售税被建议大约是15%左右,但其会随着我们依据变化推进的时候,才会通过并实施。人类将会意识到生命的真正目标不是物质黄金的积累,而是意识到,这炼金过程是把自己炼就成神性意志和爱的载具。并通过説明他人,通过服务于社团的幸福和成功,来最终目睹到,我们将实现一体。 新薪资 非常可能情况的是,在经济报酬方面不会再有巨大差别。换句话说,关于一个人究竟会赚多少,尤其与另一个人相比较的话,那麽就会有一个关于薪酬的限制。但这并不代表追求平衡,我们可以让世界上某个地方的人所赚的钱是世界上另外一个地方的人的2000倍。然而像现在,有时候两个不同地区人的薪资的差距会达到数百万倍。 无限富饶 创新,繁荣和富饶将会被激励和庆祝。奢华和品质是没有极限的。艺术,音乐,科学和教育本身将会被看到整体范式在改变,这将会为世界民众创造出有目的和有希望的感觉。 相关连结: prepareforchange.net/2013/07/11/transition-to-a-new-society/ 选择你的语言 (简体中文) Military Presence It is hoped that shortly after the arrests the military will be able to stand down and the temporary state of confusion will end. The military and police may have a increased presence initially but there will be orders to remain non violent. Transgressions will be dealt with. It is hoped that the populace will be less prone to over reaction and panic after the electronic fence, Cabal and the media fear machine is rendered inoperative. Your help in this process is vital! Work and Leadership The worlds populace will be encouraged to back to work as the plans to restore the governance of the people for the people and by the people proceeds apace. There will most likely be new elections within a short period of time. However the choices of leadership will not be paid for and the election process will be just, transparent in its fairness and honesty. It may be required that you actually attend meetings to learn who and what and who you are voting for! Imagine no more voting by what slogan you hear on TV. It may be possible If you choose not to learn and attend the meetings and learn who and what you are voting for that you do not get to vote. Why have someone just push a button because they like the sound of a name? Banks After the banks reopen everyone will still have their money. Criminals and banksters and the big boy stock manipulators will find they have no money! These trillions of dollars will be used for good. It is planned that there will be world trusts established to insure the clothing, sheltering and feeding of the worlds homeless. The aged, sick and infirmed will be considered first. The misplaced children and unwanted of the world will find loving families and places will be provided for healing and nurturing of those who have suffered under the old false regimes of the world. Science Science will blow the lid off of the repressed ideas and false understanding of physics and we will learn the truth of what has been happening in outer space. Science boards will establish what technologies are harmful and toxic and these will be banned. Alternative solutions will be sought out and chosen by those best suited to the task. Many careers will end and vast changes in the work forces of the world are anticipated. New Technologies New technologies will be released that will to create not only free energy but create advanced communication resources world wide. Satellites will be repositioned and space debris will be cleared. Wondrous secrets of nature will be revealed to heal many diseases. The truth of why we get ill and how our thoughts create our reality will be taught openly and the causes of many diseases and ills in our societies will be eradicated immediately and many will find an end to pain and suffering rapidly. Water We will purify the earth’s elements and the water and the air will be cleansed and healed in time. Huge water projects will commence. Dams will be removed and the water will flow as nature intended it. Vast desalination plants will be built and the desserts will be irragated and mankind will never go thirsty or hungry again. Changeover Old outdated and useless technologies will be recycled as we create sustainable and viable living environments that are in harmony with nature and our fellow life streams. Over time people will realize it is time to get busy and be part of the solution. Many individuals will literally explode with creativity and progress is expected to be very rapid. Food Production Toxic food facilities will be retooled to provide healthy local fare their community’s populace. Genetically altered foods will be destroyed. Monsanto and other companies will be closed and those responsible will be dealt with. No more insecticides or pesticides will be allowed. The horrible treatment of animals in slaughterhouses will be outlawed and man will learn the error of his ways and the planet will eventually become vegetarian. The lion will lay down with the lamb. Trade Unions Vocational boards and unions in the various technological crafts probably will be established world wide to tackle the issue of retooling our society in the light of the immense freedom of information that will come forward. As the suppressed forms of communication and energy technologies are freely revealed there will be a need for major systems analyses and subsequent plans of action. Civil engineering will be paramount to return the earth to its pristine state. Massive transportation alternatives will be begun and the result will be clean air and less stress for the entire planet. Collectively it will be realized we are stewards of the earth, and the culture will shift dramatically to enact this birthright and responsibility. New Jobs The tremendous changes that are needed to make our world sustainable non-toxic and viable will require a complete retooling of our society as we know it. Many companies and jobs will be lost and some of them will end almost overnight. Financial assistance will be given to those who are misplaced. Job placement will be a top priority to insure people have a chance to serve their fellow man in a safe and productive way. The volume of new projects and humanitarian projects will be so vast and far reaching that none will be left without something to do. Religions The world’s religions will face harsh repercussions as the truth of the teachers whom they claim to represent is revealed. The spiritual core of these messages will remain intact as the revelations of love, truth, harmony and peace that they truly are. The true essence of the spiritual revelations will be magnified. The dogma, dead rituals and control aspects of the Religions will be exposed for the abomination that they are. This will be the cause of much despair amongst the masses of the faithful who have not established a true relationship with the light within. This cannot be avoided, as the creator never intended for any one man, priest or book to act as an interpreter of the living word of god that exists in each of us. Those who have sought to exploit their self appointed positions of authority as “Religious Leaders” for profit power and even fame will see their dominions end rapidly. The real and true essence of the ancient teachings will be reinvigorated as the deceptions and falsehoods of the priesthoods are exposed for what they have done. They repression of ancient scrolls and the true meaning of the great teachers will be explained in their true form. The great messages of wisdom from the ancient and recent past will be bought to the fore. The lineages of light and love that have remained intact and hidden will now continue to flourish in the light of the new day of freedom. There will be new temples built to foster the advanced science of spiritual growth. Glorious places of beauty may manifest where beings will rejoice together and worship God. These will not be religions or secular cults that seek to divide and destroy other peoples by negating other viewpoints. The game of manipulation will be exposed and no one will be able to place themselves above others for control. True spiritual leadership will be evidenced by those who live exemplary lives in balance with themselves, nature and the world around them. Those innocent and sincere seekers and followers of the various faiths will have to learn and grow to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and not rely on others to tell them what to believe. Most of the innocent faithful followers have sincere intent and a pure desire to do good and these actions have been the power that has kept the priesthoods viable for so long. The entirety of humanity has learned much in the way of truth through the secular Religions despite the malicious perversions instigated by priesthoods. Even the priesthoods themselves are filled with innocent victims of false information and concepts. There will be great strides in the process of spiritual development and these will be taught openly and freely to the world at large. Borders This may be hard for some people completely programmed by fear and a lack of understanding that we are all one people, but there will be no borders. Immediately after the Event borders and checkpoints will come down. There will be no restriction on anybody in the world going anywhere. After all no one owns the earth and there are no lines drawn except on maps and in peoples limited thinking. No more TSA molestations and you can keep your shoes on! If this is too radical for you sorry you will have to get used to it. It is one of the major lies and programs to keep people separated and in fear and this will end. Laws The lawmakers created the lawbreakers and most laws created under the false political system will be repealed. The common law dictates will be reintroduced into society and taught in a fresh new form and will be a cause for joy. The prison systems will be ended as they exist now and most people will be released immediately. Some prisoners will need counseling and they will be rehabilitated. Programs to reinstate them into society after they are healed of their destructive tendencies will be welcomed by all. Money System The financial world will see changes so dramatic that it will bring a sigh of relief from everyone everywhere. Except perhaps for those who have made their way unfairly at the expense of others. Stock markets will close forever and companies will be forced to buy back their stock. Many companies and most banks will cease to exist in their current form. There will be no more credit cards. An open honest and transparent financial system backed by real gold is the first step. Then as the madness of money itself is exposed and the success of the universal economic system is implemented people will heal. As we learn the proper relationship to the finacial life the actual use of money will eventually be replaced by a credit system. This means you will not have to carry money around. This is not the NWO version of control as this will be an open system monitored and violators will be expunged from positions of responsibility immediately. The new system will not be allowed to be tampered with. It is hoped that by the time of its implementation most of humanity will be healed from the old ways that created the sickness of desire for material wealth. The fear of lack and insecurity, which bred the illnesses of theft and greed, will have been healed. Taxes The worlds taxation systems, which are another form of repression and control to oppress the peoples of the earth will be eradicated very soon after the event. They have been used to finance our destruction and the funds will be put to better use after the Event.There are plans to have a sales tax on all newly purchased items. It has been suggested this will be around 15% but this will be worked on and agreed upon as we move forward with these changes. Humanity will realize that the real goal of life in not accumulation of physical gold but in realizing the alchemical process of transmuting themselves into instruments of divine will and love. By helping others and serving toward the community’s happiness and success it will be seen we all achieve as one. New Wages There is a strong possibility there will be no longer vast differences in financial remunerations. In other words there may be a limit on how much a person may earn in relation to another. It does not serve the laws of balance to have someone in one part of the world earning 2000 times what another earns for their time. Right now the discrepancy between earners is in some cases in the millions! Unlimited Abundance Innovation and prosperity and abundance will be encouraged and celebrated. There will be no limit to luxury and the quality. Art and Music, Science and education itself will see entire paradigm shifts and this will create a sense of purpose and hope for the worlds populace. 相关连结: prepareforchange.net/2013/07/11/transition-to-a-new-society/ 选择你的语言 (简体中文)
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:18:16 +0000

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