---------- JUST TO BE CLEAR, IM LETTING YOU ALL KNOW ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU-------- Honestly, I have to say that through extensive research and personal experience that most of whatever people have been telling you about preventing and treating cancer is completely untrue (for the most part). It may not make sense now, but Ive personally seen people recover from chronic disease and yes, even cancer, through promoting good healthy cells and detoxing themselves of the everyday chemicals we put into our body instead of using the kill-off strategy (ie chemo, radiation, etc because that also kills your healthy cells which you NEED in order to help fight off everything else). Granted, chemo and radiation therapy have worked for SOME people and thats great to hear, but most of those cases end up in recurrence of the same cancer and sometimes even different types of cancers on top of that - and they usually come back with a vengeance. I know, we cant always escape the chemicals in the air and water were exposed to every single day, but every little bit of bodily cleansing helps so much more than you can even imagine. Unfortunately, it has been proven that lots of people have genes that can increase the possibility of cancer, but odds are you wont even get it at all if you take really good care of yourself... and by that I mean youll have to put in the effort. Yes, youre probably groaning by now, its sounds like a lot of work but honestly once you get started on care regimens, itll be just like normal. Plus youll feel much better. I know I do. Though I do have a great family health history, no cancer or chronic disease in the genes but its always best to be safe than sorry. Im not saying go on a crazy fad diet or anything like that, nor am I slamming on conventional medicines per se, but Im just giving my humble opinion on what works better than the shit they do to you in hospitals. I personally believe modern medicine should only be saved for when/if nothing else works... Because as Ive said before, in my experiences and watching others go through the pain and misery of being treated with harsh modern medicines, usually theyre left with side effects worse than the original ailment they were being treated for. Im going to tell you right now, this is some of the best advice youre ever gonna hear... So listen up.... (& before I get the comments of oh were all gonna die one day though so smoke cigs and drink yourself to death and die young blah blah would you rather die healthy and happy, or sick and frail?) In my opinion, its heavily recommended really stay away from artificial sweeteners, refined sugars, preservatives, BHT, hormones in milk and conventional meat sold in grocery stores, basically anything packaged.. and definitely stay away from genetically modified foods... You can treat yourself with some of that stuff occasionally because its never good to deprive yourself of cravings sometimes, but I think for the most part its just best to take good care to try and avoid these things.. (Yes, I am completely serious. I do not blindly believe everything I see on the internet - the information I am giving you is through months and months of research from documents, sites, pages, books, documentaries, etc. the list goes on. Id cite sources but there are just far too many - and that in itself says enough. Id recommend doing some research on your own too, it can only help you in the long run especially if curiosity gets the better of you like it did for me) The unfortunate thing about GMOs is that approximately 75% of what is sold in stores contains genetically modified ingredients, but it IS possible to live off an organic diet cheaply. You just need to learn how to bargain shop. Most people stay away from organic because its too expensive - which Im not denying that it IS a bit pricier than regular conventional foods, but thats only because its better for you and they know it. Start an organic garden, share with your friends and family, form a healthy mind and eventually your body will follow the lead... Because the way I see it, hospital bills are much more expensive than what youll pay for regarding the healthy foods. Basically, in conclusion I feel like modern medicine is definitely necessary in SOME cases, but only when nothing else works for you. In my opinion, I feel like it should be a last resort. Im no doctor, but its in my instincts and it SHOULD be common sense to realize you need to promote good health rather than consume crap and have to pay for it later... Especially when most modern treatments treat the effect, and not the root CAUSE. You treat the root cause, and there will be no negative after-effect. Simple as that. Ive just given you a start-up guide to a healthier, happier life. You are welcome.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:59:18 +0000

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