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●☆● ☆● ☆● ☆● ●☆● ☆● ☆● ☆● ◢♂◣◥♀◤[When Hardwork Goes Unrewarded. Have you ever noticed that if you do a regular job at work every day for a month, no one says a word? You work hard, you are never late and you perform above and beyond the call of duty. You are always the person called upon to help when something is wrong. Yet your boss, far from showing his appreciation of your diligence and loyalty, treats you as someone whose feelings do not matter, someone who can be inconvenienced at any time if he or she wants something done and as long as everything goes according to plan, there seems to be no reason to comment. Does this kind of situation apply to you? Do you feel used, contemptuously treated as an object without regard to your thoughts and feelings? Although the Bible believes that we should not expect anything in return for good deeds (Luke 6:35), yet we can feel that all our efforts are wasted when no one notices. This may be quite discouraging. We may ask ourselves, why bother? This thoughtlessness to your good efforts can easily sour your attitude, making it difficult to maintain proper Christian approach to your employer and other workers. The stress built up in anger and resentment at a supervisor can affect other aspects of life. Yet there is something you can do. All actions either good or bad is setting examples for others. When a mother yells at and threatens her children who misbehave, she sets an example. So does an impatient driver who drives recklessly, screeches past other drivers, glaring angrily, hurling insults or making obscene gestures. On the other hand, when someone takes the time to listen to a lonely widow, that individual sets an example as well. So does a person who donates food, time or money to a worthy cause. Sometimes the examples we set are not so obvious. How many times however have you been inspired or motivated by someone’s positive example? People do notice the good examples you set and you might never know who might be watching you. Your good example may even change the lives of others without you been aware of it. The Bible also says in I Timothy 5:25: “Good deeds are obvious and even those that are not cannot be hidden”. We must do the work we are given to do as unto Christ. The apostle Paul wrote in the book of Ephesians 6:5: “Servants, be obedient to those who are your masters…….. in sincerity of heart as to Christ. It is to Jesus Christ we should look and not to men. How often do we remember the command of Christ to pray for those who spitefully use us? This prayer does not just benefit those for whom you pray but in fact you may be the main beneficiary. You are much less likely to have a negative mind-set toward someone for whom you sincerely pray. Such prayers relieve stress and gives you strength to continue living God’s way of life. Who knows, because of your prayers, God may even help the other person’s attitude towards you to change. So whenever you feel pressurized into resigning your appointment or you feel used in the sense that your good works remain unnoticed, there is still something you can be assured of and that is the fact that you are setting pleasant examples for others to follow and secondly, you can pray to change the situation. Believe that Christ is your employer and will eventually reward you in due season.] ◢♂◣◥♀◤ ๑๑,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 07:31:59 +0000

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