1 - WHAT IS ALZHEIMERS DISEASE:. Alzheimers disease is perhaps - TopicsExpress


1 - WHAT IS ALZHEIMERS DISEASE:. Alzheimers disease is perhaps the most important neurodegenerative disease by their presence and destructive nature, to the point of constituting a serious public health problem. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia, scientifically, is defined as such. This disease was first described in 1907 by German physician Alois Alzheimer, who took his name. The disease is irreversible and so far no known cure. We know that it will gradually destroying brain neurons, the passing of information between cells and thus contact with the world. It is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly. . However, the increase in life expectancy made these statements appear in the older population (senile dementia). A neurodegenerative disease is an alteration in the structure and function of the CNS of insidious onset and slowly progressive course (much slower than hereditary metabolic diseases, to the point that the patient or family can not remember the precise start). Alzheimers ( pronounced Alz-jai-mer) is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain which causes a decline in memory, thinking and behavior of the person. Alzheimers disease causes a decrease in intellectual functioning severe enough to interfere with the individuals ability to perform activities of daily living. 2 - Causes of Alzheimers disease. The cause of Alzheimers disease is unknown, but it is increasingly a component greater emphasis on genetic characteristics. Researchers have found so far that some genes that in one way or another are the cause of the disease. However, besides the genetic component, do not overlook other factors such as viruses, toxic or environmental agents, inflammatory responses or blows to the head, which they could cause isolated jointly or dysfunction in the general system the body and behavior of the person. Also, from experience, we know that there are other factors that could somehow affect one earlier emergence of the disease. 3 - symptoms of Alzheimers disease. Many of the early symptoms of Alzheimers disease may not be noticed easily because they resemble natural signs of aging, such as forgetfulness, loss of concentration, and motor and speech problems, including difficulty talking and walking. The signs of deterioration are increasing rapidly, especially impaired memory and attention. The average age of onset of Alzheimers disease is usually 55 years, cases are often much younger patients. The most common symptoms of Alzheimers disease are: Explosions of humor (hyperthermia). Appear tired, sad or depressed Disability from acts as simple as dressing and undressing. Display paranoid or suspicious of everyone. Repeat the same question repeatedly. 4 - decursar Alzheimers disease. The onset of Alzheimers disease begins with events that could happen to any person at certain times, forget something, do not remember where I keep a gift or any document, or an address, the date of that day or the month found. As this happens the memory impairment is becoming gradually, but forget recent situations have passed just minutes. Can not remember that I have dinner just before. The behavior will vary, will become very depressed and unmotivated apathetic, increasing throughout the day, being at the end of that very anxious and restless. It easily disoriented, I frequent those places that always are unknown. You will not know to go to the market or your neighborhood coffee, or know how to return home from a place thats gone. Communication will deteriorate gradually. Over time other problems begin to arise. There are important changes in brain function, memory and language may be first noticed. It is noted oblivion more when you do not know how to dress or you can not, you can put your shirt on the sack. It is difficult to communicate or express what you want, you can change the context of what he asks. With the passing of time the patient Alzheimer becomes totally dependent, little by little problems become more common. All those few activities that could still make disappear completely; the simplest calculation operation may not carry it. Communication becomes impossible. Physical deterioration begins (changes in posture, impaired muscle tone) and mental (not recognize his family) progressive. The Alzheimer patient ends up bedridden presenting other problems, urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence, bedsores respiratory tract infection, urinary tract and other complications that can be fatal to life. 5 - Symptoms to be taken into account Symptoms that put on alert for a consultation with your doctor 1. Problems with language. Forget common words and phrases that are used often incomprehensible. Temporal and spatial disorientation. Lose track of time and your street or neighborhood may be unknown to be impossible to return home. 2. Changes in behavior and moods. Varies in a split second, you can go from laughter to tears and back again. Difficulty in familiar surroundings. Put things in unimaginable places or objects (a shoe in the fridge, a shirt in the kitchen oven). Not remember having done something that made moments before. You cannot perform common activities always did. Changes in personality. For friends will not be the same, since you can not know (even if it was accompanied days before or even hours), will become elusive, confusing and even fear him at all. Poor or no reasoning. Do not know how to dress, forget where you put your shirt or pants. Demotivation. It is almost impossible to motivate them to any activity, being too passive. Memory loss. As it forgets your street or neighborhood, do not remember the name of other persons known and others not remember things or objects where placed. 6 - Physiological factors. The memory loss caused by the disease causes the person cannot remember, so every few minutes or every time again the same question. The physical changes in the brain caused by dementia may have damaged part of the brain that allows people to switch to a new activity or routine, making it seem as if-the person, the individual, he had remained stuck to the same cycle or pattern. Some medications can cause side effects resulting in repetitive behaviors. Also, certain tranquilizers make the person may submit involuntary movements of the mouth or tongue.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:24:26 +0000

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