1. First and above all I hope you understand that what I feel in - TopicsExpress


1. First and above all I hope you understand that what I feel in my heart and the love I have for you is an eternal love. Nothing can ever change that. We will not always see eye to eye, and both of us will hurt each other as we grow but nothing will ever change or replace the love I have for you. 2. It doesn’t matter if you can’t dance, Just get up and move. I love that you are fearless in who you are, and I hope that you never lose that. Always remember, enjoying life from the sideline isn’t living. 3. You choose who you are. Others cannot define that for you, not me or your dad, not your sister or your friends. You are who you decide to be, sometimes it takes time to figure it out and that’s ok. The most important tip I can leave you is that when you are determining who you are be very careful of who is around you and influencing and evaluate if they are helping or tainting who you are. And remember life is too short to feel embarrassed of who you are, learn to laugh at yourself and enjoy the moment you are in. 4. Establish what moral boundaries are important to you and NEVER compromise them for anyone or anything. Not your spouse, not your job or boss, not your friends, not for money, and not for pleasure. You alone determine yourself respect and self worth. Others will respect you more if you are true and not fake, don’t change for the situation or surroundings. 5. It’s ok to have differing opinions from others, including me. So many times I have seen people with differing views make each other the enemy. This will be true on a global scale and on a personal scale. Sometimes it’s ok if we disagree. It doesn’t mean I respect you or love you any less, it just means I have taught you the value of a differing opinion. Same goes when you disagree with a friend, co-worker, or stranger on the internet; truly listen and consider their point. It may stretch you to think of things from their shoes. 6. There is always room for growth. Wisdom doesn’t just come to you, its obtained. Always move toward truth, seek truth, and never think you can’t learn something. Read to your hearts content, gain wisdom from what you find. Reading is a way that your mind can take you places your body may never get to go. 7. Rather than complain about what you don’t have, learn to be truly and sincerely grateful for what you do have. Let me start by saying, I am still working on this one. Make yourself content though never complacent. (This thought was adapted from the book mentioned above.) If you become stale and complacent you will never better yourself. Learning something new isn’t a sign of unintelligence, it’s a sign of growth. Never covet what others have, you will always want more and will fall short in your own mind. Instead set goals and build dreams and work towards those. 8. True love isn’t the way it’s portrayed in fairytales. I’m sorry. I know that you love the Little Mermaid, Cinderelly, Princess Anna, and the list goes on. But love is work. People change, circumstances change, and it takes an evolving door of commitment and trust to make what we call Love. 9. Meet people where they are. In other words life isn’t always about you. You are not better than anyone, you just strive to be the best you. If someone isn’t in a perfect situation in life, that is not for you to judge, be there for them. If it’s not a place you should be, you have the choice to walk away from any situation. Never forget that there is always a choice. 10. You have been given freedom. You live in a country where you can achieve and be who you want to be. Don’t sell yourself short, because at the end of the day you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and wouldn’t it be awesome to know that you took full advantage of every opportunity given. There are so many other things I could include in this list, but if you get nothing else out of me as your mom, I hope that I am able to show you love and respect in all things. You are strong, you are beautiful, and you are valuable. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. And when you go out on your own, and life gets busy. I hope you know that I will be here for you to lean on. No judging. Just listening and offering love. With Love, – Mom
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 05:35:55 +0000

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