1) Tarot and clairvoyance Our capital birth, from which we - TopicsExpress


1) Tarot and clairvoyance Our capital birth, from which we draw when we activate our mind. His reserve is located in the kidneys . It is activated every time you breathe in returning the belly ( = Taoist breathing). The ancestral energy is not renewable, but rest assured, you will pretty well until the end of your life! However its reduction affects the aging of the body . And the second renewable at will, generates in our energy centers and also shamanic work . I work with you throughout your journey . As to measuring your progress , you can send me your comments, your dreams, your comments, questions: By phone or chatprivé . It is you who choose the medium that best suits you . It also helps to always be able to contact me when you feel the need , regardless of time or day . Following my journey and awakening of my energy centers , I communicate with any thought-form , and events . I find it possible to charge the energy, excitement entities , or souls and free myself thereafter. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are powers of shaman , awakening , and I said that it does not work as a radio station where , just press the button on . If this concerns only clairvoyance and to answer your questions. When someone contacts me , it is together that we take stock , on request . Your cure it is a clever see harmful ( in your sleep ) , or a cure for a project magical encounter ( see: my benefits ) goes with the commitment of my rituals , I put my skills at your service. The first contact To take the time to meet with you , listen to you , to accompany you , I work only by appointment . Geographical distance does not matter , let your text in the messaging site. I get to my office, but you can also send me a photo media . I also consider any travel request . The accompaniment I work with you throughout your journey . As to measuring your progress , you can send me your comments, your dreams, your observations, It is you who choose the medium that best suits you . It also allows you to always be able to contact me when you feel the need , whatever the hour or day. Psychics with yiking depths You need to take with you on your choice on your projects? You are about to make a decision and you do not know what to do ? We made you an offer and you are afraid to accept ( or reject ) ? You have heart problems ? You have professional or financial difficulties Let s talk about Oracle ... I am at your disposal for any questions love , career , health ... 2 ) Coaching privacy My goal as a coach Taoist is to help you achieve your goals, personal and / or professional , the most effective way and that is nice . Now , lets be honest , although I trained myself to practice methodologies and proven tools , I m not a magician or a miracle worker . In other words, without your active contribution , nothing is possible . My work is as follows: allow you to access for yourself in your own solutions. This is a strong alliance between you and me is building a spiritual successful coaching . Life is movement , so my concern is he constantly revive this movement where it is temporarily fixed , and that, my job as a coach is different from an analytical approach that seeks first the why of things. It is sometimes necessary to find an explanation for a whole block to be able to exceed the real question remains as my method to dissolve to proceed . And to do that , your best ally is yourself. Specifically , the following types of coaching that we can consider whether distance to your home. where in my office at Blois 41000 . Coaching Tarot resolution vectors , yi king , rituals , prayers, or as a last resort , oral debate controlled conflict. Clarify and overcome conflict Out of a recurring problem that impedes development problem of self-efficacy , stress-related problems , relational blocking , lack of confidence or self-esteem , fear of winning, failure to conduct the success Coaching Support Through a difficult passage in the context of personal weakness : dealing with a difficult situation, overcome personal or professional failure , restart after an accident of life Regain momentum and consistency after a patch personal or professional Guidance Coaching Finding Your Way (education, business , choice of personal and professional life ) Identify lines of force ( skills , motivation ) , consistency and possible deployments Build a personal and professional project according to his personality Coaching job search Ensure a clear and realistic career plan , in accordance with their skills and motivations Ensure consistency of the project, the research process and tools ( including a CV that is too often built for itself , regardless of any well-defined project ) Be accompanied psychologically to maintain a good level of confidence and motivation for research that can be challenging because of its duration and its hazards Negotiate and validate the final choice in the presence of one or more offers Coaching conversion Ensure a clear and realistic career plan , in accordance with his personality , skills, and your inner motivations Identify individual qualities that have ensured the success in the first course , and the latent potential , and redeploy in a meaningful way in a new context . Be accompanied psychologically to maintain a good level of confidence and motivation during a phase of life that often involves a throw-in deep identity personal, professional and social life of the individual Coaching change and transition Anticipate and optimize phases of change, selected or not, in his personal and professional life Be accompanied at key moments or the high stakes change Coaching for personal and professional development Be accompanied by such structuring in one or more stages or dimensions of their personal or professional Be accompanied by long-term , more comprehensive and personalized way to maximize their individual development , personal and professional ( economic, athletic, political, cultural ) Be accompanied in the construction of his own creation in advertising with the revelation of his personal mythology. Gaethan gaet999@gmail 06 26 64 01 43
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:49:30 +0000

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