1. Then he said to him: Go to your family. I see that we have - TopicsExpress


1. Then he said to him: Go to your family. I see that we have filled them with fear when we made you come to us. If that with which we might increase your gift according to your right, were in our hands, we would give it to you. 102. Do not apologies for the ruler (amir) to me, said Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them and rode away. 103. That is the best of men, said Musrif to those who were sitting with him. 104. There is no evil in him because of his position and rank from the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. 105. The account has been reported that one day Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them, was in the mosque of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, when he heard some people describing God in terms of His creation. 106. He became fearful and frightened of that. 107. He rose and went to the tomb of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. 108. He stood before it and raised his voice to talk to his Lord. He said in his conversation to Him: 109. My God, Your power has been shown but the form of Your Majesty has not been shown. They are ignorant of You and they try to estimate You on the basis of what You are not, and they make comparisons with You. 110. O my God, I renounce those who seek to discover You through human comparisons. 111. My God, there is nothing like You, and they have not become aware of You. 112. It is clear that the favour which they have is their evidence for You, if they would (choose to) know You in Your creation, My God, I am free from the fact that they should give You (these characteristics). 113. Indeed they have pictured You according to Your creation. 114. Thus they do not know You and have adopted some of Your signs as (if they were their) Lord. 115. In that way they have attempted to describe You. 116. May You be exalted, O my God above the pictures of You of those who try to describe You in human terms. 117. The knowledge and piety of this holy imam was matchless AZ- Zuhari. al-Waqidi and Ibn Uyaynah say that they could not find any one equal to him in piety and Godliness. He was so mindful of Allah that when ever he sat for prayer his face complexion changed and all of his body tremble. When he was asked why it is so he answered Know ye not before whom i stand in prayer and with whom i hold discourse 118. He came to be known as Zain al-Abideen, history books note ,as a result of his worship, by the Prophet (S.A.W.). Al-Zahiri reported on the authority of Said bin al-Mussayab, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, that the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) had said On the day of Judgement, a voice would call, addressing us, And where is Zain al Abideen? It is as if I am now looking at my son, Ali bin Husayn, string between the rows of people. 119. Amru bin Thabit reported, When Ali bin Hussein and they started ritually washing them, they examined dark marks on his back. What are these? Inquired they. He use to carry a bag of flour on his back, during the night, to distribute it to the poor among the people of Madinah, came the answer 120. A man reviled Zain al - Abideen (A.S.). His servants lunged at the man with the intention of beating him. Do not touch him said Zain al-Abideen (A.S.) to his men. Then he turned to the man and asked him, Are you in need of anything?” The man blushed and could not manage to answer. Then he favored the man with a new garment and 1000 dirhams. The man left saying loudly, I bear witness that you are the son of the Messenger of Allah (s.aw). Ibid. p 23 121. A man once approached Ali bin Hussein (A.S.) and reviled him. The Imam (A.S.) said nothing to him. When the man left, Imam Zain al Abideen (A.S.) turned to those who were in his presence and said You have heard what the man said. I d love you to come with me to hear what I would say to him. We certainly will said they, though we wish you had answered him and we had said something to him. We certainly will, said they, though we wish you had answered him and we had said something to him. Then he set off repeating these Quranic words, And those curb their anger, and who forgive their fellow men, and Allah loves the Charitable. Imam Zainul-Abideen,Ahl-ul-Bait 6, Al Balagh Foundation, Tehran, Iran, p.24 122. Hazrat Bibi Zaynab[sa] was the first person who hit her forehead to a bar inside the carriage she was in, causing considerable bleeding, when the head of al-Hussain (AS) was being paraded in Kufa. This is one evidence that the shedding of blood is permissible; whether from the head or from the back etc. The infallible Imam Zayn-el-Aabidin (AS) used to address Lady Zaynab al- Kubra (AS) by saying to her You are al- Hamdu-Lillah an untaught scholar - Anti al-Hamdu-Lillah Alimah Ghayr Muallimah Bihaar al-Anwaar; volume 45, page 114, Jalaa’ al-‘Oyun; volume 2, page 238, Zaynab al-Kubra; page 112, Asraar al- Shahadah; page 474, Al-Muntakhab; volume 2, page 478, Nusrat-ul-Madhlum; page 18. 123. Narration of Ibne Saad she was not seen smiling even for a day. Imam Zainul Abedeen (A) mourned for his father for his entire lifetime. Whenever a sheep was slaughtered and its head separated he used to say: My fathers head was chopped off in the same manner. The son of the Prophet was slain in this way. 124. Refrain from lying in all things, big or small, in seriousness or in jest. For when one starts lying in petty matters, soon he will have the audacity to lie in important matters (also). 125. A man need not fear Allah except on account of his own sins, and should place his hopes only with his lord. When about something one does not know, one should not be ashamed of having to learn about it. And patience is to faith, what the head is to the body; one who does not have patience also lacks faith. 126. The fourth holy descendant of Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him and his pure progeny), Hazrat Imam Zaynul Abedeen bin Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib (peace of Allah be upon them) stated:A mujahid who is martyred for Allahs cause does not deserve as much reward as a person who chooses not to sin despite having the power to do so. Such a person may even become one of the chaste angels. (Saheefa-e-Sajjadia) 127. Incident 1 Shaykh al-Mufid states in Kitaab al- Irshaad that once Imam Abu Jafar Muhammd al-Baqir visited his father Imam Ali bin al-Husayn. He saw that Imam as-Sajjad had reached an unprecedented state of ibadah. His color had paled from keeping awake all night; eyes sored from weeping; forehead and nose bruised due to prolonged sajdahs; and his feet and ankles were swollen from standing in salaat. Such was the state of our fourth Imam during the worship that our fifth Imam says that he could not help breaking into tears. I wept out of compassion that I felt for him, commented Imam al-Baqir. Some time passed before the Imam realized that his son has come. Upon seeing him, Imam as-Sajjad asked for the parchments which describe the great ibadah of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a). The fourth Imam read something from it and let it go from his hands in exasperation commenting, Who has the strength to worship like Ali b. Abi Talib, alayhis-salaam? 128. Incident 2 Shaykh al-Toosee writes that once Abu Hamzah al-Thumaalee saw Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn saying his prayers and his cloak slipped from his shoulders. The Imam did not arrange it. After the prayers Abu Hamzah asked him about it. The Imam responded: Woe to you, dont you know before whom I stood (Wayhaka, atadaree bayna yaday man kuntu)? 129. Incident 3 It is said that Imam al-Sajjad did twenty hajj everytime travelling on foot Mecca. 130. Incident 4 The fourth Imam had a large farm of date trees. He offered two rakaat payers besides each date tree. 131. Incident 5 His daily practice of salaat. His father Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a) states: Ali b. al-Husayn, alayhimas-salaam, used to pray a thousand rakaat during the day and the night. The wind would sway (his body) forward like an ear of corn. reports al-Mufid in al-Irshaad. 132. Incident 6 His style of entreating the Almighty is well known to all of us who have had a chance of reading from his famous duas found in AL-SAHEFAAT AL-SAJJADIYYAH. I invite you all to study, or just have a brief look at, the Dua Abu Hmazah al- Thumalee found in almost all books which cover the Amaal of Holy Ramadhan. 133. Imam Sajjad (PBUH) did not answer the man. When the man left, Imam Sajjad (PBUH) said to his companions, you have heard what this man said to me; I would like you to come with me so that you can hear my reply to him. 134. The companions replied, We will come with you, for we would like you to answer him back. We too would like to say something to him. 135. Imam Sajjad (PBUH) put on his shoes and he read this verse as he began to leave,: ..Those who lower and suppress their anger, yet forgive people, truly Allah loves them. (3:134) 136. Hearing that, the companions of Imam Sajjad (PBUH) understood that the Imam will not answer the man back. They walked towards the mans house till they reached to his door. With a loud voice Imam (PUBH) said, Tell him Ali-ibn al-Hussain is here. The man came out offensively prepared to face the punishment of Imam Sajjad (PBUH). But Imam Sajjad (PBUH) told the man, My Brother! A few moments ago you came to me, and you said whatever you wished. If what you said about me is true within me, then I will ask Allah for forgiveness; and if what you said is not within me, then may Allah forgive you. 137. At that time the man kissed Imam Sajjads (PBUH) forehead and said: I said something about you that is not in you, yet I deserve whatever I said to you. (Selection from al- Irshad, by Sheikh Mofid (RA), vol. 2, p.145) 138. Imäm Sajjäd (AS) stated: ‘The right of your child is that you should know he is from you. Be it good or bad he is related to you. 139. You are responsible for his upbringing, education and showing him the path to Allah and helping him to be obedient. 140. You should treat him in such a way that if you behave well towards him, you will be sure of being rewarded and if you behave badly towards him, you will be sure of receiving punishment’ Dua” and afflictions challenge each other until the day of Judgment, yet “Dua” comes out victoriously even if the afflictions are certain to happen.” 141. “Dua” removes both the present affliction and that which will come down later.” 142. MY God! By Your Glory, even if You put a chain round my neck, deprive me of Your pardon, disclose my disgrace before people, give order to put me into Fire, and make a separation between the righteous and me I will never lose my hope in You, nor will I expel from my heart the desire of seeking Your pardon and forgiveness, or expel from my heart Your Love. I will never forget Your kindness and Your concealing of my defects.” 143. Refrain from lying in all things, big or small, in seriousness or in jest. 144. For when one starts lying in petty matters, soon he will have the audacity to lie in important matters (also). 145. A man need not fear Allah except on account of his own sins, and should place his hopes only with his Lord. 146. When about something one does not know, one should not be ashamed of having to learn about it. 147. And patience is to faith what the head is to body; one who does not have patience also lacks faith. 148. Imäm Sajjäd (AS) stated: ‘One’s happiness is in having pious children from whom one can seek help’.” 149. Imam Zayn al-Abidin predicted that: The birth of our Qaim will be concealed from the people and that will cause the people to say that he is not born at all, so that when he takes the command no ones allegiance will be on his neck. 150. Refrain from lying in all things, big or small in seriousness or in jest. 151. For when one starts lying in pretty matters, soon he will have the audacity to lie in important matters also. 152. A man need not fear. Allah except on the account of his own sins and should place his hopes only with his lord. 153. When about something one does not know one should not be ashamed of having to learn about it. 154. Patience is to faith what the head is to the body, one who does not have patience also lacks faith. 155. Whenever he got a chance, the Imam would advise his followers on how they were to lead their lives. These advises or sayings are in plenty. Over and above that, the Imam gave a lengthy advice on human rights. These today appear in a book form and is called RISALAT AL-HUQUQ (Or a treatise on rights). In this book, the Imam (A.S) gives examples of 51 different rights.We shall reproduce here a few sayings of the Imam and few rights that the Imam (A.S) describes fully in his RISALAT AL-HUQUQ. 156. Once, one of his companions complained to him that out of jealousy some people whom he had served very well were treating him badly. The Imam gave him some advice which was: 157. Guard your tongue and do not speak about people whatever comes out of your mouth, otherwise you will turn your friends into your enemies. 158. Our fourth Imam Zainul Abedeen (as) why the faces of those who rise for Namaaze Shab are graceful and elegant, he said Because they seek privacy with their Lord, Whose light is focussed on their faces. 159. O Lord, bless Muhammad (S.A.W) the last of the Prophets and the chief of the Apostles and His descendants who are Pure and Holy. 160. Avoid saying things which the minds of people are not prepared to accept. 161. Ali b. al-Husayn) used to say: I have never seen similar preference (given to) a prayer (than this prayer). The worshipper will never pray without an answer coming to him on every occasion. (It was one of the prayers learned from him, peace be on him, when it was learned that Musrif b. Uqba was heading towards Medina.) My Lord, however much favour You have bestowed upon me,my thanks to You for it has been little. 162. However much testing You have given me, my endurance in the face of it has been little. 163. O He who receives little thanks from me for His favour, let Him not deprive me. 164. O He Who receives little endurance from me when He tests me, let Him not desert me. 165. O Possessor of unceasing kindness ! 166. O Possessor of incalculable favours, 167. bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad; ward off the evil (of man) from me so that I may find protection through You amid (mans) slaughter. 168. I seek refuge with You from (mans) evil. 169. Musrif b. Uqba came to Medina. It was said that he did not have any hostility towards Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them. He greeted him, honored him, was generous to him and gave gifts to him. The account from another source is that when Musrif b. Uqba came to Medina, he sent for Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them. The latter went to him. When he came to him, he honored him and said: The Commander of the faithful (i.e. Yazid) has enjoined me to show goodness and generosity towards you, to distinguish you from the others. 170. So he treated him very well. Then he said to those who were around him: Saddle my mule for him. 171. Then he said to him: Go to your family. I see that we have filled them with fear when we made you come to us. If that with which we might increase your gift according to your right, were in our hands, we would give it to you. 172. Do not apologize for the ruler (amir) to me, said Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them and rode away. 173. That is the best of men, said Musrif to those who were sitting with him. There is no evil in him because of his position and rank from the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. 174. The account has been reported that one day Ali b. al-Husayn, peace be on them, was in the mosque of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, when he heard some people describing God in terms of His creation. 175. He became fearful and frightened of that. 176. He rose and went to the tomb of the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. 177. He stood before it and raised his voice to talk to his Lord. He said in his conversation to Him: 178. My God, Your power has been shown but the form of Your Majesty has not been shown. 179. They are ignorant of You and they try to estimate You on the basis of what You are not, and they make comparisons with You. 180. O my God, I renounce those who seek to discover You through human comparisons. 181. My God, there is nothing like You, and they have not become aware of You. 182. It is clear that the favour which they have is their evidence for You, if they would (choose to) know You in Your creation, My God, I am free from the fact that they should give You (these characteristics). 183. Indeed they have pictured You according to Your creation. 184. Thus they do not know You and have adopted some of Your signs as (if they were their) Lord. 185. In that way they have attempted to describe You. 186. May You be exalted, O my God above the pictures of You of those who try to describe You in human terms. 187. He who does not have wisdom will be ruined by the a smallest thing (Mistake). 188. Imam Zaynul-Aabideen (as) has said, “These are your duties towards your neighbor; protect his interest when he is absent; show him respect when he is present; help him when he is afflicted with any injustice. 189. Do not be on look out to detect his faults; and if, by any chance, you happen to know any undesirable thing about him , hide it from others; and at the same time, try to desist him from improper habits, if there is any chance that he will listen to you. 190. Never leave him alone in any calamity. Forgive him, if he has done any wrong. 191. In short, live with him a noble life based on the highest Islamic ethical code”. 192. O Allah spare me the concerns which distract me, employ me in that about which Thou will ask me tomorrow, and let me pass my days in that for which Thou hast created me! Make me worship Thee and corrupt not my worship with self-admiration! 193. Let good flow out from my hands upon the people and efface it not by my making them feel obliged! 194. Give me the highest moral traits and preserve me from vainglory!... 195. What harm will come to you if you take all Muslims to be your family and your relations? Consider your elders to be your parents, those younger than you as your children and those of your age as your brothers. If you do so who is going to harm or abuse you? 196. Whenever a thought comes in your mind that you are better than any other person, then think along these lines : If the person is older than you then remind yourself that this person is better than you in matters of Islam because he has done more good deeds than you have. 197. If the person is younger than you then remind yourself that this person is better than you because he has committed less sins than you have. 198. If he is of your age than your argument should be : he is better than you in matters of Islam since you know of your own sins but not of his. 199. Abu Hamza Thumali (r.a) was a close companion of Imam Sajjad (a.s) He has related that during the month of Ramadhan Imam Sajjad (a.s) used to spend a greater part of the night in prayers and when it used to be the time of beginning of the fast he recited the following duaa. This duaa has been recorded in the book Misabh In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful O my Lord! Do not discipline me by Your punishment, And do not plot against me in Your stratagem. From where do I obtain the bounties, 200. O Lord, while none can be found except with You, And how can I seek salvation while it can be granted by none but You, Neither can the good-doer do without Your help and mercy, nor can the sinful one who offended You (when sinning), and displeased You, bypass the realm of Your power and capacity. 201. O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord...(repeat until out of breath)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:23:30 +0000

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