1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, - TopicsExpress


1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. My Christian Brothers and Sisters: I want to share something personal with all of you today. Yesterday I went through one of the most challenging times I have faced as a Pastor. As most of you know, many of us left our former Church and started Leap of Faith. We did not leave our old Church with any bitterness or animosity; we just felt God pulling us in another direction. As anyone that has attended our services knows, I am very grateful for the season of my life I spent at my previous Church and I give them the credit and God the Glory for who I am in Christ today. I didnt agree with everything at my old Church, but I love God, I loved the people, and I served there with all of my heart. The truth is, there is not a Perfect Church because the Church is the Body, and we all fall short. The Church is however Gods Bride, and He loves her more than any of us could ever imagine. One thing most of you have heard me say on many occasions is that we cannot allow people to represent Christs Bride, therefore we should never speak anything negative about a Church. Remember, we are to speak in love and encourage one another. So here is where the challenge occurred…Yesterday, I spent about 2 hours in a meeting with my previous Pastor and a few other gentlemen to discuss some items that have occurred since our departure. First, I love this man and his family with everything in me, and even named my middle son after him. He and his wife counseled my wife and I when we were broken, and we didn’t know who Jesus truly was. See, yesterday, this man was hurt, he was let down, he couldn’t believe some of the things that were being said about him, his family, or his Ministry. I understood where he was coming from as we have also been the center of many of these negative discussions, more than anyone including from leaders. The only substance of any of this gossip was the fact that when we, as Christians don’t speak in love and encourage each other, there is a negative impact to Christ himself, His bride, His people, and His agenda. You don’t have to agree with everyone, or one man’s agenda, but we are called to speak in love. Let’s look at this verse: 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is without foundation, and so is your faith. When we call ourselves Christians, or followers of Christ, and then speak negative things about someone or what they are doing for God, it takes away from the power of Christ. This verse says that we (The Dead) are resurrected through Christ! If we are resurrected, then our hearts are to be focused on Him, not worrying about, or pointing out the shortfalls of others. This behavior gives the enemy life, and takes away from our foundation, resulting in the weakening of your Faith. “The Body” is not the people you attend Church with on Sunday, it is all of The Believer’s. There is supposed to be UNITY between the Churches, each using their individual DNA for purpose of furthering the Kingdom of Christ. When “gossip” or “condemnation” occurs, it impacts our ability to work collectively in order to shine the light of Christ. How can we possibly impact the community around us and change the surrounding culture when we can’t even get along as Churches? We all need to work together to stay focused on the cross, repent when needed, and restore any potential relationships that have been impacted as a result of negative talk. While my old Pastor and I may have not said anything negative about one another, it is our role to take responsibility for our flocks. I want to encourage all of you eliminate ungodly speech from your lips, put your trust in God, and understand the negative impact ungodly talk has on everyone and everything we do. If you hear gossip, squash it immediately and show that person how to walk in love. When we keep Christ the center of all we do, it’s then we begin to experience the fullness of God’s love. Tell your enemy you love them today. Put on the new you, and let everyone see the power of the resurrection of Christ through your words and actions. It doesn’t matter where you go to Church, what club you’re in, or who your Pastor is; what matters is that we speak in love and encouragement in order to expand His Kingdom, for His glory! Please consider your speech, put on the new you, and allow people to experience the power of the Gospel!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:23:45 +0000

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