1995 - Mexico. The U.S. government sponsors campaign against - TopicsExpress


1995 - Mexico. The U.S. government sponsors campaign against Zapatistas. Under the guise of anti-drug there is a struggle for territories that are attractive to American companies. For the destruction of local residents used helicopters with machine guns, rockets and bombs. Trained by the CIA gang cut the population and is widely used torture. It all started this way. A few days before the new 1994 some indigenous communities have warned the Mexican government that in the first days of the contract NAFTA, they will revolt. The authorities they do not believe it. New years eve hundreds of Indians in black masks and with old rifles took the capital of Chiapas, immediately seized the Telegraph and introduced himself to the world as Apatitskaya the national liberation army (SANO). Their military leader, who spoke with the press, was a subcommandant Marcos. The next day, the army attacked the largest city in the state and led the fighting 17 days. B the first days of the war, the Indians all over the country took to the streets and demanded to leave the rebels state alone. In support of the Indians were also made by the largest public organization in the world. And the government has announced the cessation of hostilities and the willingness to negotiate with the rebels. All past tense negotiations that were conducted, it was again interrupted, and the rebels Indians remained the owners of the capital of Canasa, several major cities and some other lands in neighboring States. Their main requirement is the provision of the Indian legal broad regional autonomy. Apatitskie community is not only in Chiapas, but also in the four neighbouring States. But in General zapatists - minority Mexican Indians. The majority is under the authority of either supporters of the former ruling party, or new, in power for two years. 1995 - Croatia. The bombing of the airfields of Serbian Krajina before Croats. 1996 17 July 1996 flight 800 airline TWA exploded in the night sky near long island and fell into the Atlantic ocean - all 230 people on Board were killed. There is strong evidence that Boeing was shot down by an American missile. The motivation of this attack is not installed, among the main versions - error during the exercise and the removal of unwanted persons on Board the aircraft. 1996 - Rwanda. 6000 civilians destroyed by government troops who are trained and financed by the USA and South Africa. In the Western media, this event was ignored. 1996 - Congo. The U.S. Department of defense secretly participated in wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). To the secret operations of Washington in the DRC were also attracted by the American company, one of which is connected with the former President the USA George Bush-senior. Their role by economic interests in mining in the DRC. Special forces of the USA trained armed groups opposing the DRC parties. To maintain confidentiality, used private military recruiters. Washington helped the Rwandan and Congolese rebels to overthrow the dictator Mobutu. Then the Americans supported the insurgents, who started a war against the deceased now DRC President Laurent-desire Kabila, because by 1998, Kabila regime began to trouble the interests of the American mining companies. When Kabila has received the support of other African countries, the US changed tactics. American special agents began teaching as opponents Kabila - Rwandans, Ugandans and Burundians and supporters Zimbabweans and Namibians. 1997 - Americans staged a series of explosions in Cuban hotels. 1998 - Sudan. The Americans destroy the missile hit a pharmaceutical plant, arguing that it produces nerve gas. Since this plant was producing 90% of medicines in the country, and import them from abroad Americans, of course, was banned by the missile strike was the death of tens of thousands of people. They simply had nothing to cure. 1998 - 4 days active bombing of Iraq after the inspectors report that Iraq is not sufficiently cooperative. 1998 - Afghanistan. A blow to former training camps CIA used by Islamic fundamentalist groups. 1999 - ignoring the norms of international law, bypassing the UN and the Security Council, the United States, NATO forces launched a campaign 78-day aerial bombardment of the sovereign state of Yugoslavia. The aggression against Yugoslavia, carried out under the pretext of prevention of humanitarian disasters, caused the major humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since the second world war. For 32.000 sorties were used bombs weighing 21 tonnes, which is equivalent to four-fold power of the atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. More than 2,000 civilians were killed, of 6,000 wounded and maimed, and over a million were left homeless and 2 million are without any source of income. Bombing paralyzed production capacity and infrastructure of everyday life Yugoslavia, leading to an increase in the unemployment rate to 33% and dropping 20% of the population below the poverty caused direct economic losses in the amount of $ 600 billion. Caused devastating and long-lasting damage to the ecological environment of Yugoslavia, and Europe as a whole. From the evidence collected by the International Tribunal for Investigation of War Crimes in Yugoslavia, chaired by former Minister of justice of Ramsey Clark, clearly shows that the CIA has established, fully armed and financed gangs Albanian terrorists (the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA) in Yugoslavia. To Finance the KLA gangs CIA has established a well-organized criminal structure of the drug trade in Europe. Before the bombing of Serbia, the Yugoslav government gave NATO map of facilities not subject to the bombing, because this will cause environmental catastrophe. Americans inherent in this nation cynicism started bombing the objects, which were given to the Serbian map. For example, refinery Pancevo they bombed 6 times. As a result, in the horrible environment, along with the resulting in huge amounts of poisonous gas phosgene, 1,200 tonnes of vinyl chloride monomers, 3000 tons of sodium hydroxide, 800 so horovoding acids, 2350 tons of liquid ammonia and 8 tonnes of mercury. All of it went into the ground. Soil poisoned. Ground water, especially, of Novi sad, contain mercury. The application of the NATO bombs with the uranium core began diseases of the so-called syndrome of the Persian Gulf, give birth to children-freaks. Ecologists of the West, first of all Greenpeace, completely ignore the brutal crimes of American militarism in Serbia. 2000 - revolution in Belgrade. Americans finally overthrew the hated Milosevic. 1903 - США направили к Панамскому перешейку военные корабли с тем, чтобы изолировать колумбийские войска. 3 ноября была провозглашена политическая независимость Панамской республики. В том же месяце Панама, оказавшаяся фактически в полной зависимости от США, вынуждена была подписать договор с США, по которому территория для строительства канала навечно предоставлялась в пользование Соединённым Штатам. США разрешалось в определённой зоне построить, а затем эксплуатировать канал, содержать там вооружённые силы и др. В 1904 была принята конституция Панамы, предоставившая США право высаживать войска в любой части страны, что неоднократно использовалось правительством США для подавления антиимпериалистических выступлений. Президентские выборы 1908, 1912, 1918 проходили под наблюдением американских войск. 1903 - ввод войск в Гондурас, Доминиканскую Республику и Сирию. 1904 - ввод войск в Корею, Марокко и Доминиканскую Республику. 1904 - 1905 - американские войска вмешиваются в Русско-Японскую войну. 1905 - американские войска вмешиваются в революцию в Гондурасе. 1905 - ввод войск Мексику (помогали диктатору Porfirio Diaz подавлять восстание). 1905 - ввод войск в Корею. 1906 - вторжение на Филиппины, подавление освободительного движения. 1906 - 1909 - американские войска входят в Кубу во время выборов. 1906 - Восстание либералов, протестующих против беззаконий, творимых правительством президента Э.Пальмы. Пальма просит США прислать войска, но правительство США направляет на Кубу посредников. После ухода в отставку президента Э.Пальмы, США заявили о создании в стране временного правительства, которое будет находиться у власти до тех пор, пока в государстве не восстановится порядок. 1906.10.02 - Победа либералов на выборах. Президентом Кубы избран Х.Гомес 1994 - Rwanda. The story is dark, much remains to find out, but now we can say the following. Under the leadership of the CIA agent Jonas Savimbi in the country was cut about 800 thousand people. Initially it was reported about three million, but over the years the number is reduced in proportion to the growth in the number of mythical Stalinist repression. We are talking about ethnic cleansing - the destruction of the people Hutu. Armed to the teeth with the UN force stationed in the country, but did nothing. How those things America, what goals it pursued, is unclear. It is known that the army of Rwanda, which was mainly engaged in the cutting of the peaceful population, there is money on the U.S. and trained by American instructors. It is known that the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, in which mass murder happened, received his military education in the United States. The result Kagame well-established contacts not only with the U.S. military, but also with American intelligence. However, no visible benefits Americans from genocide has not received. May the love of art?
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 10:02:35 +0000

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