1996 Evander Holyfield entered the ring a 25-1 underdog against - TopicsExpress


1996 Evander Holyfield entered the ring a 25-1 underdog against The Baddest Man on Planet Earth, Mike Tyson. 11 rather easy rounds later Tyson was soundly beaten and stopped. Declaring Hoyfield the winner and a three time Heavyweight Champion. After the fight he had proclaimed his faith in Jesus Christ as he often did. He spoke of praying his way through the fight. His trainer at the time said something I will never forget, he said Holyfield won the fight in the dressing room. Before the fight even began, Holyfield and his camp not only were prayed up, but were praising and worshipping in the time before they walked out to the ring. all he had to do was show up. proclaimed Holyfield trainer, Don Turner. James 5:16 the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Did you get that, most fights are won in the dressing room, they are won in the throneroom. The Apostel Pauls ministry was paved through prayer, doors were opened and many were saved through this mans efforts. Paul continuously had appealed for prayers for himself and the people he encountered through out his letters. Thats how many people, and regions were reached for the Christian faith. The prayers of the righteous moved hearts, opened doors and literally prepared Pauls way in prayer before he even went to those places. So remember before you preach, teach, worship or speak your faith to someone. Before you face that mountain in front of you or that immovable object in your life. The battel is not won in the preparation of your actions rather in the spiritual realm, its won in the throneroom of God, on your knees in the dressing room of life. All you gotta do is be faithful and show up in your faith and get that victory.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 09:41:38 +0000

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