2013 09 16 1,000 reasons why prorogation will - TopicsExpress


2013 09 16 1,000 reasons why prorogation will hurt Canadians The prime minister is once again showing his contempt for the work of parliamentarians: Mulcair OTTAWA – The Conservative government’s decision to shut down parliament will impact the lives of Canadians, says NDP leader Tom Mulcair. “Stephen Harper has padlocked Parliament and is preventing MPs from doing their job,” said Mr. Mulcair. “MP’s should be back in parliament today, working to find solutions to the challenges facing people.” Prorogation will delay improving rail safety standards and puts an end to the special committee on missing aboriginal women. Opposition members will also be prevented from asking the government nearly 1,000 questions over extra month’s break the Conservatives are taking from Question Period. “Unlike Mr. Harper, my team and I strongly believe in the work of parliamentarians, the people’s representatives. Prorogation means we won’t be looking at things like changes to EI or debating Canada’s role in resolving the Syrian conflict,” added Mr. Mulcair. “And that’s just one example of the negative effects of prorogation and the prime minister’s decision to turn his back on his back on his responsibilities.” Examples of additional negative effects of prorogation: Almost 1,000 fewer questions from opposition members. Correcting Conservative budget mistake delayed, credit unions still have their taxes more than doubled to 28%. Bill against transgender discrimination once again delayed. Special committee on missing and murdered aboriginal women shut down. Environmental studies on habitat conservation, the Great Lakes, groundwater surveillance near the oil sands and on the impact of climate change on northern fish populations all must now be abandoned. In order to maintain some accountability over the government’s decisions, our shadow cabinet and MPs will be holding a virtual question period each day through Twitter, directly challenging Conservative ministers to answer. “Problems don’t miraculously disappear just because Conservatives close their eyes and try and wish them away,” said Mr. Mulcair. “Mr. Harper has a responsibility to govern for all Canadians – and he has a duty to respond to questions that Canadians are asking through their elected representatives.”
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 13:08:14 +0000

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