2014 DAP Deepavali Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For - TopicsExpress


2014 DAP Deepavali Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 18.10.2014 Malaysians Must Resist Any Socio-Political Engineering Efforts To Change Our Behaviourial Template From Moderation To Extremism, Moving From Results To Racism And The Dangerous Ideology of Special Privileges That Includes The Right To Be Corrupt And To Bully Minorities Or Abuse Basic Human Rights. Malaysians must resist any socio-political engineering efforts to change our behavioral template from moderation to extremism, moving from results to racism and the dangerous ideology of special privileges that includes the right to be corrupt and to bully minorities or abuse basic human rights. The proponents of these socio-political engineers are supporters of the ruling status quo but they spread a dangerous ideology of hostility towards diversity that directly threatens the peace and harmony of our multi-religious and multi-cultural nation. DAP expresses appreciation for moderate Muslim groups for their support and condemning Minister of Law Nancy Shukri, for justifying the Attorney-General’s refusal to to prosecute Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali for threatening to burn copies of the Bible(in Bahasa Malaysia and Iban) with the term Allah, in that Ibrahim was merely to defend Islam which was in line with the Federal Constitution. This justification that defending Islam gives Ibrahim the right to burn the holy book of another religion is contrary to Islamic precepts that prohibits Muslims from burning holy books of another religion. Such hostility towards non-Muslim and non-Malays can not be the future for Malaysia, especially when in doing so, all the wrongs associated with corruption and abuse of power are either ignored or tacitly condoned. What is the use of appointing a former Transparency International President Datuk Paul Low to fight corruption when Malaysia is perceived as one of the most corrupt country in the world, evidenced by the highest outflow of illicit money? What is so difficult about implementing open competitive tenders, public declaration of assets by elected officials of the government administration or barring close family members of leaders from doing business with the government? If it can be done by PR in Penang, why can’t it be done by BN Federal government? The Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia(MICCI) said recently that Malaysia is 19 years behind South Korea in terms of productivity because of graft, leakages, complacency and archaic labour laws. Malaysias Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per worker productivity last year was equivalent to South Koreas - but in 1995. On average, a worker in Malaysia in 2013 is as productive as a worker in Singapore 35 years earlier in 1979. Gross domestic product per worker in Malaysia last year is also equal to that of a Japanese worker in 1972, Hong Kong in 1982, Taiwan in 1990. MICCI asked the right question that Putrajaya is always quick to point out that Malaysia is better than Thailand or Vietnam or Indonesia. But why is Malaysia choosing the worst and not the best to make comparisons?” Putrajaya’s shocking inability to answer has caused them to turn to and rely on socio-political engineers to focus on emotional ethnic and religious hatred as well as bare-faced lies to distract attention from addressing the real problems. For this reason, the leaders who have failed are asking for the revival of preventive laws not against those who are responsible for oppression and corruption but against those who voice out against such injustices. Let Deepavali remind us of our sacred duty to shine the light against the darkness of oppression and corruption. LIM GUAN ENG 民主行动党秘书长兼峇眼区国会议员林冠英于2014年10月18日在吉隆坡发表的屠妖节献词: 马来西亚人必须抵制任何尝试将我们的行为模板,由中庸变成极端主义、从以结果为导向变成以种族为导向,及享有特权的危险思想主义(包括享有贪污权力、欺负少数民族,或滥用基本人权)之社会政治工程。 马来西亚人必须抵制任何尝试将我们的行为模板,由中庸变成极端主义、从以结果为导向变成以种族为导向,及享有特权的危险思想主义(包括享有贪污权力、欺负少数民族,或滥用基本人权)之社会政治工程。这些社会政治工程的支持者,都是目前执政党的支持者,但是他们却散布对多元社会危险、充满敌意的意识形态,直接地威胁我们这多元宗教、多元文化国家的和平与和谐。 民主行动党对获得温和派的穆斯林团体支持,并谴责负责法律事务的首相署部长南茜,合法化总检察长拒绝起诉恫言焚烧印有“阿拉”字眼的马来文版及伊班文版圣经的土族权威组织主席依不拉欣里,表示感激。南茜甚至解释称,依不拉欣只是根据联邦宪法捍卫伊斯兰教。这捍卫伊斯兰教的理由,赋予依不拉欣阿里焚烧其他宗教经文的权利,其实是违反了伊斯兰教的训诫—即禁止穆斯林焚烧其他宗教的圣书。 类似对非穆斯林及非马来人的这种敌意,不能够成为马来西亚的未来,一旦我们这么做,所有与腐败和滥用权力相关的过错,要么会被忽视,要么就会被默许。尽管委任了国际透明组织前主席拿督刘胜权来打击贪污腐败,又有何用?马来西亚还不是因黑钱外流名列世界最高,而被认为是全球最腐败的国家之一。 难道落实真正的公开招标制度、要中选的政府行政人员公布财产,并禁止领袖的近亲与政府有生意往来等措施,有这么困难吗?如果槟城州民联政府能够做得到,为什么国阵的联邦政府不能做到? 马来西亚国际工商总会 (MICCI) 最近指出,马来西亚因为贪污、漏洞、自满及过时的劳工法,让我国在生产力方面,落后韩国足足19年。马来西亚去年每名员工的国内生产总值 (GDP),与韩国在1995年的每名员工之国内生产总值相等。 平均来说,即是一个马来西亚员工在2013年的生产力,相等于一个新加坡员工在35年前,即是1979时的生产力。我国一名员工在去年的国内生产总值,也相等于日本于1972年、香港于1982年及台湾于1990年的国内生产总值。马来西亚国际工商总会提出了一个很好的问题,即“布城每次都很迅速地指出,马来西亚比泰国或越南更好。但是,为什么马来西亚选最差的来作比较,而不是选择较好的来作比较呢?” 布城令人震惊的无法回答上述的质问,导致他们转向并依赖于专注种族情绪及宗教仇恨的社会政治工程,并用无耻的谎言来转移视线,以逃避真正的问题。 因此,失败的领袖要求恢复预防性的法律,但不是用以对付那些压迫及腐败行为的始作俑者,反之却是用以对付那些对不公平现象发表意见的人。 让这个屠妖节提醒我们,让我们在被压迫及腐败的黑暗中,点燃光明之灯。 林冠英
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:09:30 +0000

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