2015 elections: Should God decide otherwise The Catholic Bishop - TopicsExpress


2015 elections: Should God decide otherwise The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Mathew Hassan Kukah lately disclosed that the issue of who becomes the president of Nigeria in 2015 is in the hands of God. His most recent comments are coming on the heels of unprecedented challenges which at the moment is creating a gloomy picture in anticipation of the general elections proper. Even in the midst of these challenges however, many Nigerians are optimistic that the elections will come and go without a scratch on the nation’s polity. Bulus Gambo examines the anxiety and prospects of the polls expected in a few months time. IN less than six months or thereabout, the nation shall come face to face with another most challenging moment in the annals of the country’s history. This time around, it may not be another civil strife but an election which if care is not taken would redefine the future prospects of the already polarized nation. At no time and or moment in the nation’s history have the citizens of this country been dramatically and literary devastated in anticipation of any general elections as such. For now, only a few citizens of this country have little hope that it shall be well with the nation in the aftermath of the forthcoming elections of 2015. Before the 2011 elections, a familiar but not as challenging as this situation engulfed the entire political landscape of the country. The growing restiveness and anxiety then generated great concern amongst the various political analysts, stakeholders and friends of the nation. For the citizens of this country, it was like tomorrow would never come. The unguided behaviors and utterances of the political class also added heat and more tension to the already exacerbated and charged atmosphere. Then came the outrageous statements credited to General Mohammed Buhari, one of the then presidential candidates who was quoted as saying that hell would let lose should his party lose the elections. Many people had thought and or concluded that the general ought to have been arrested and subsequently prosecuted but that was never to be. His party eventually lost and just as he rightly threatened, hell was let loose and thousands of innocent Nigerians lost their precious lives. Most painful was the way and manner some members of the NYSC were brutally murdered in some states up north without any fault of theirs. These innocent souls were terminated just because of the fact that they were serving their fatherland in that capacity. The killings of the NYSC members automatically came as a rude shock to many citizens of the nation. This is because of the fact that they did not deserve to die in such a horrified and barbaric manner. The aftermath of the 2011 general elections no doubt further divided this country beyond comprehension. Sooner than later, a nation that was not known for religious bias, bitter politicking and whatsoever ethnic palaver became vulnerable to these antics and what have you. The political landscape of the nation eventually changed gear and some selfish politicians started introducing ethnic and regional sentiments into the whole issue. Religion also became a tool in the hands of these politicians who without the fear of God and based on fallacy brainwashed some people and citizens of this country to rebel against the nation. Unfortunately, this is where we as a nation have found ourselves today. The innocent citizens of this country are continuously slaughtered like chickens today just because of the fact that a group of people who lost political relevance are pitching these insurgents against the rest of us. As the incumbent administration under the leadership of President Goodluck Jonathan struggles to be on top of the situation however, more unimaginable and catastrophic problems are beginning to emanate from all the nooks and crannies of the nation. Today, the country is gradually been dragged into a state of oblivion. Indeed, Nigeria is today facing surmountable problems ever imagined in the nation’s history. Apart from the biting poverty situation created against the interest of the common man by the political class, these same people have caged us and robbed us of all that we depended on leaving the entire nation in abject poverty. Yours sincerely can say without fear of intimidation that Nigerian politicians are the most greedy and selfish class of people the world over. Most annoying is the fact that their continuous struggle to gain political control is not in any way to help the less privileged but increase the territory of their corruption and outrageous manipulation in the country. While most of the citizens of this country are languishing in abject poverty, the issue of inadequate medical facilities is certainly beyond comprehension. The question many people are asking is whether the nation has no enough resources to construct any state of the art medical center in the country? Why are our politicians and other top government officials in this country embarrassing us by routinely going overseas for medical checkups and or treatment when we as a nation have the capacity and ability to build a more befitting medical center back here in this country? Unfortunately, most citizens of this country have been so blind and or brainwashed to notice the debasing degree to which these politicians are playing with our intelligence. While they continue to loot the resources meant for us all, we have continued to accept them with open arms and collect anything they decide to give us without complaining. We have become slaves in our fatherland and the political class does not give a damn about it. Even when we have nothing on our table to eat, they don’t seem to care about us. Even in our churches and mosques, these politicians are the ones recognized as the good Samaritans ever imagined. These same people who suppress the common man are the ones glorified by our religious leaders as men of honour. The game of politics has dramatically changed from that which we used to know in this country. The game of politics has generated corruption and manipulations of all sorts. Just recently, the nation was engulfed with series of impeachments saga in some states which nearly created another headache for the nation. As it is, the opposition is claiming that the PDP led central government is playing these gimmicks so as to deal with their governors in the country. The PDP on the other hand has dismissed these claims which they believe was the hand work of their opponents so as to generate unnecessary and undeserved sympathy in the country in 2015. But again, the APC was also quoted as saying that they will form a parallel government should the PDP rig the forthcoming elections in the country. In the midst of all this problems, Nigeria is heading towards the 2015 general elections with great anxiety. The citizens of the country are at a sea as to how the country will get it right this time around. That is not to conclude that the citizens of this country should not have a say during the general elections. In fact, without any fear of contradiction, the citizens of this nation must stand up and protect their vote by all means. In as much as the days of political maneuvering are gone with the wind, the issue of money politics should be put behind us all. Let it be established and known that Nigerians are tired of negative gimmicks of some selfish politicians who have done us no good in the past. This time around, the entire citizens of this country must take their destiny in their hands. They must ensure that the hope and prospects of our future generations are not in any way compromised. Should God decide otherwise and chose a leader of His choice, a lot of drama would take place. Many people will be caught napping and others may also rebel against it. Our prayer however is that may the Almighty God prevent the nation from further bloodshed. This is our prayer and the people say….
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:47:03 +0000

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