2015 will be the Year of the Gentile! Thanks for all your help in - TopicsExpress


2015 will be the Year of the Gentile! Thanks for all your help in starting this global awakening. Sometimes people tell me that FB is a waste of time, but I dont agree. In the last four years I have learned and incredible amount of real history because FB friends shared it with me. And I do have 3 1/2 years of college education, yet I learned more in 1 day of internet truthing than I learned in all my formal education (read: indoctrination). First I learned of Israel creating 9/11, then I learned of the horrid way the jews treat Palestinians, I learned about the USS Liberty attack, the King David Hotel bombing, the Lavon Affair…I found out Israel assassinated JFK and RFK, I found out that Israel has illegal nukes, and I found out about the Greater Israel zionist plan to turn much of the Middle East into Jewish-only lands. I learned that the French and British revolutions were Freemasonic Jewish plots, as were the first and second World Wars. I learned that the jews are behind the crimes of Bolshevism. I learned that they are not descendants of the Hebrews of the Old Testament, as they claim is what gives them the right to steal and desecrate Palestine. I learned that the Holocaust story, although widely believed, is based on propaganda and hearsay only, with no evidence at all. I learned that ISIS, the FSA, and other takfiri terrorist groups are mercenaries on the payroll of the Mossad. All of these facts shocked and horrified me as I absorbed them, but I never felt that my descent down the rabbit hole had hit the bottom until I saw this film about Hitler, originally shared with me by Tiga Bendy. https://youtube/watch?v=7mA0kk29DBA
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:17:46 +0000

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