#39 on mondays incindent:- nw happy after sabotaging me each n - TopicsExpress


#39 on mondays incindent:- nw happy after sabotaging me each n everywhere. might i ll get suspended through out d whole sem (so its a party time 4 u)! u wnt 2 knw d resns y didnt speak a single word! 1st of al i loved uh wid each n every part of my heart! n i dont even want 2 see uh pain just bocz of me! proof:- when sum1 just told me dat u got fever dats? u r nt cuming 2 clg n i msged uh after happening a lot wid me without thinkng abt my future!! bt u ll never understand! but a day will cum when sum1 will make u understand! arnt me bocz i cant see a single scratch on uhh n a short of hurting uh i cant even thing of it! dats? i told uh dat want 2 talk 2 uh in alone! bt u were busy in depraving me! congrates!! 2nd thing if i would hav spoken any thing dat might hav hurt ur frnds in frnt of d crowd dan uh u knw through out whole life they would hav cursed uh bocz 4 ur kind info.. no1 z perfect n i knw abt every1 hw dey r! n dat 2 i dont want bocz i m guy yr i can manage dey cant bocz dey both r gal (i hav also a sis n i belive dat if i m respting a gal 2day dan god will surely send a holy man 2 my sis when see need any help if we cant reach dhere) u al nt understnd bocz u ll just knw hw 2 subvert others! atleast uh just hav listen 1nce wat i wanted!! bt nw its over!! BOCZ ENOUGH Z ENOUGH gud luck 4 ur future!! n listen plz dont take my silence as a granted!! my frnds startd thinkng dat c became my weakness! yeah its a bit true(bt d thng z dat evertng has a limit) n when ever in future i came 2 knw dat c severely need my help dan i ll surely reach dere frm any corner of d world! bocz yr dil hai ki manta nahi bt honestly i dont want any1 really frnds believe 1once waana live wid uhh all dear at last god gave my a lot of obstaclesbt didnt forget 2 bless me wid all energetic, enthusiastic,loveable pple 2 cope me wid all dese stuffs thanx a lot guys! n a big thanx 2 big-g 4 tolerating me,my feelings, n 4 being dere in frnt of d croud just 4 me! luv uh all!!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:11:44 +0000

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