4GC PRESS STATEMENT-(FULL). THE STATE OF THE COLLAPSING NATION Kampala July 19, 2013 - As we mourn the collapse of the Ugandan nation, For God and My Country, we note with consternation the callousness of the National Resistance Movement regime. In its 2013/14 Budget estimates, the NRM once again revealed to Ugandans its insolence and unshaken virtue of greed, when it suggested that the burden of cleaning up the mess left by its decadent and wicked disciples who have decided to loot the country with impunity, lay on the shoulders of the unsuspecting Ugandan public; especially the poor masses. When Finance Minister Maria Kiwanuka cheerfully proclaimed that Ugandans were to contribute up to 81 percent of the country’s total budget, she failed however to tell Ugandans that her hard-hitting fiscal policies were just meant, to bridge the gap created by a freeze on aid to Uganda. The freeze of aid by some major donor countries followed the misappropriation of funds in the office of Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi who is also NRM’s Secretary General. Minister Kiwanuka instead decided to pass on this baggage of thieves in government onto Ugandans who are forced to fill the void of up to 383.5 billion shillings left by the donors’ contributions. On top of the hole created by donors withholding money from a budget controlled by thieves, the government was forced to reimburse the stolen money. This is what our poor citizen are being squeezed to pay. This immoral balancing act is shameless, inconsiderate, objectionable, and dreadful and must be resisted by all right-thinking people of this country. Whereas the budget for State House and other departments closely associated with Mr. Museveni were increased, salaries of civil servants remained the same in spite of these new punitive taxes! 4GC would like to state that although budgetary independence is plausible to all Ugandans; it should be a result of a resilient and buoyant economy. This trajectory by the NRM however, is instead an act of squeezing life out of the poor who find themselves between a hard place and a rock as they try to make ends meet while officials of the regime continue to swim in luxury and grandeur by having enough to continue embezzling. The 80 percent banner is just but a slogan, which means that hard times are at the doorsteps of every one of us while it represents a rainy day for the regime embezzlers. Teachers and some public servants are threatening to strike; arrears have engulfed the public service; even the police have no salaries and government has to distribute posho to stop their starvation. The poor have to pay more to access essential services like paying for water, kerosene, communication; the boda-boda industry has not been spared by the squeeze; the traders are in continuous grumbling mode due to over taxation; the education sector is in shambles. All these have become the byword of NRM. At the University level, private students continue to subsidize government-sponsored students as government funding to these institutions drastically fall. The health sector is not spared either with breakdown in services in government facilities. Midst all this, corruption and graft by officials of the regime seems not to be abating. As 4GC, we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. This exploitation and injustice must stop or it will be stopped. We implore Ugandans to join us in the efforts to effectively standup and express our dissatisfaction. As a country, more than ever before, we require to aggressively assert our right to demand for justice, equity, accountability in all government departments, responsibility in the management of public affairs and discipline in budget management. The bizarre continuation of lip service in addressing the ills facing all of us as offered by the Museveni regime, is not what Uganda deserves. Way forward: On top of the activities we have been calling fellow citizens to participate in, beginning with next week (beginning 22nd July 2013), we shall engage in protest actions of various kinds. Since the partisan Uganda police is on the rampage to stop citizens peacefully protesting against the unacceptable government policies and actions, we shall use our own creative ways of letting our people know of the specific ways and actions to protest. These protests will continue until the policy of squeezing poor citizens to pay for thieves ends. WE SHALL NOT PAY (TAXES) FOR THE THIEVES!!! TETUJJA KUSASULIRA BUBBI BWAMWE!!! FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 06:45:53 +0000

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