5 Eay Ways to Lose Baby Weight Fast Wonderful - youve - TopicsExpress


5 Eay Ways to Lose Baby Weight Fast Wonderful - youve welcomed that new baby into your life and everything is hunky-dory - except everyone thinks youre still pregnant. That left over baby weight can be one of the most depressing aspects of being a new mom. Youre no longer glowing and pregnant, instead you just look pregnant. Well, dont despair and dont drop into the habit of calling yourself fat. There are a few things you can do to lose the baby weight fast. If you gained the average 20-25 pounds during your pregnancy, it shouldnt take too long to lose that much weight. However if you started out slightly overweight or gained a lot more weight during pregnancy, than losing the baby weight will take more effort. But you do want to lose it. You dont want those extra pounds sticking around with you as you grow older. This weight just keeps adding up and makes you a candidate for obesity and all its associated health risks as you get older. So, do yourself a favor and commit to losing the baby weight safely and quickly. But as with any project, dont set off without a plan. Here are some tips to help you get started on your post-pregnancy weight loss program. 1. Drink Up - Nope, we dont mean red wine here. Though you may want a glass, better to drink lots of water if you want to lose the baby weight. It prevents you from getting dehydrated and helps fill you up - and makes you think youre full. Theres debate on whether you really need eight 8-oz glasses of water a day, so you can use the color of your urine to judge if youre getting enough. You know youre drinking enough water for weight loss if your urine is relatively clear and you have to go to the bathroom every 3 to 4 hours. Tip: To help curb overeating, drink one large glass of water before a meal. It will fill up your stomach, tricking your brain into feeling full - youll be less likely to eat all the bread in the breadbasket or devour the entire piece of chocolate cake for dessert. 2. Dont Diet - Though this advice may seem counter-intuitive, the stress of going on a strict diet right after giving birth may be too much too handle on top of the demands of being a new mom. Dont go for deprivation but try to eat a varied and balanced diet, loading up on healthy and filling foods like whole wheat bread and pasta, fruit and veggies. All of these foods are relatively low calorie and loaded with fiber - a combination that makes you feel full without filling you up on calories. And if you do need some chocolate just to get through the day, then dont be afraid to have some - in moderation. Try a small piece of really good dark chocolate for something thats satisfying and relatively good for you. Try not to dip below 1800 calories a day, though, as this the governments recommended daily calorie count for women. Dont forget to eat your super-foods. The term Superfoods refers to a loose collection of foods that help fight obesity and disease and include things like berries, dark leafy green vegetables, cooked tomatoes and even nuts (in moderation). 3. Breastfeed -Some new moms swear that breastfeeding helps you lose the baby weight fast and some studies back this up. But the best beneficiary of nursing is your baby. It helps boost her immune system and provides the perfect diet. And, breastfeeding allows a nursing mom to add up to 300 extra calories a day to her diet to compensate for the milk going out. 4. Sleep - Sleep deprivation goes with the new mom territory. But did you know it could actually make you fat? Once study shows that new moms who got less sleep were more likely to keep the baby weight than those who got seven hours or more of sleep. If a straight seven hours seems like impossible, then follow the old adage - Sleep when the baby sleeps. Its perfectly acceptable to nap when your baby does, and if youre trying to lose baby weight, its definitely encouraged. 5. Move it - Yes, its true, you do need to exercise to help lose the baby weight. Diet wont do it alone. You need to get out and move it. But as a new mom (and perhaps you have other young children at home) committing to a regular exercise routine can seem a daunting challenge. But it doesnt have to be. You can get just as much benefit from exercising in spurts (like three 15-minute sessions) as you can in one long workout. The key is to get really moving and elevate your heart rate and break a sweat Try these quick tips to work some exercise into your diet - Use the stair-master - the real one that is. A few quick trips up and down the stairs while the baby is napping can be a great heart rate booster. Take the baby for a stroller ride - shell enjoy the fresh air and so will you. Some cities even have stroller boot camps - fitness classes for new moms (and their babies). Also check out local fitness centers for a mommy and me exercise class - youll meet some other moms and lose weight. Just be at the same time. Just be sure to get the all clear from your doctor before you start any exercise routine. With just a few small steps you too can work on loosing the baby weight - safely and quickly. Andrea Stein is the founder of SkinnyMomDietTips, a resource for moms who want to healthfully lose weight and enjoy a slim and active lifestyle.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:15:51 +0000

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