5PM Newsletter 26 RABBLE ROUSING HATE SPEECH It’s - TopicsExpress


5PM Newsletter 26 RABBLE ROUSING HATE SPEECH It’s personal, and very nasty. Mr Dotcom showed his true ugliness and vitriolic motivations when inciting an orchestrated and now well-publicised “F… John Key” chant at a party rally last week. The Internet Mana Party is using the video clip in its campaign advertising (a matter now before the Advertising Standards Authority). People are allowed to be idiots but what’s truly dangerous about Dotcom is that elements within society are joining his campaign of revenge....... NATIONAL AND GANGS Last Monday National released details of a new policy targeting gang crime. It included some interesting facts: There are 4,000 known gang members in NZ (there are about 9,000 sworn police officers). Gangs are responsible for: 25 per cent of homicide related charges. 34 per cent of class A/B drug offences 36 per cent of kidnapping and abduction offences 25 per cent of aggravated robbery/robbery offences 26 per cent of grievous assault offences Gang members average 53 offences in their lifetime. The 50 members with the highest number of charges average 229 charges each. Almost half of serious offences by gang members are family violence related. 74 per cent of gang children have been abused or neglected on multiple occasions. Corrections estimates the proportion of gang members in prison has increased from 15 per cent to around 28 per cent over the past eight years, with each prisoner costing the taxpayer approximately $100,000 each year. Five out of nine child deaths in New Zealand between 2009 and 2012 involved step fathers with gang connections. 55 per cent of gang members are dependent on welfare. 61 per cent have outstanding child support owing. 71 per cent of clan labs have links to organised crime The release had four new initiatives..... NAPIER CATCHES THE WRONG BUS Veronica and Belle have cost Napier’s ratepayers a lot of money – about $1.3m. That’s how much the Council lost on two art deco buses used to provide a tourist link between Napier’s seaside suburbs and the city centre....... CONSERVATIVES SCORE COUP The Conservative Party has scored a coup in attracting Sensible Sentencing Trust chief executive Garth McVicar as a list and electorate candidate. It’s no secret that Mr McVicar had been courted by a number of parties over the years, and for good reason – he is well known and well respected...... 5PM POLLS Last week we asked: Do you think the Conservative Party will take the Epsom seat from ACT? On this readers were divided: 51% said YES, 49% said NO. Comments included:........ This week we ask: Do you think ALL party leaders should refuse to enter into post-election deal with the Internet-Mana Party? To vote, please visit 5pm.org.nz and look on the RH sidebar. THE 5PM FACEBOOK PAGE The hundreds of poll comments from last week can be seen on the 5PM Facebook page here > https://facebook/pages/Five-Principles-Movement/220457384790044 And finally, please don’t forget to help us spread the message about 5PM! Our policies, see 5pm.org.nz/policies/ would have a very positive impact on the future of New Zealand. Regards Frank and Muriel Newman P.S. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on. Read the latest 5PM Newsletter 26 here > 5pm.org.nz/newsletter-26/ 5PM website > 5pm.org.nz/
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:15:31 +0000

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