7.4.2014 I am simply and utterly non-Christian by nature and - TopicsExpress


7.4.2014 I am simply and utterly non-Christian by nature and essence, through and through, both morally and intellectually, and physiologically too, there is simply no way I am capable to assent to the Christian climate or biology, neither to have me tread their way, I am a bird of prey, and by far too, as Nietzsche will describe this, and in stark contrast to the sheep and the lambs that they themselves are, the Christians. a bird of prey simply cannot go near the sheep or the lambs without wishing to devour the sheep and lambs, and this specific behaviour is perfectly natural and perfectly acceptable, even as it will have to be in the real and true Creators eyes Himself. God has no religion, and in His eyes with me, He certainly does not intend me to assent to Christianity or to the Christian morality. I am told oh this is blasphemy here, this is blasphemy there, what you say, Adam, therefore you are in danger of hellfire, you must change your perspective to suit our specific particular perspective, before it is too late!, nonsense again from such person...I affirm of life, I affirm of knowledge, I affirm of the quest and the adventure and the journey for real truth, and clearly such real truth is not at all found within Christian morality, and certainly so there are enormous aspects of Christianity that are wholly erroneous or warped and distorted and unclarified, and needing true clarification and correction, such specifically here, that Jesus Christ the Christians will say that he was an actual really lived person [by no means, for this life experience did not exist before Adams conception and formal cause generation, there was no ancient Rome or ancient Judea!]...and everything is centered around Adam, I myself, and all life is reflection and reference and communication and so forth in relativity to Adam and his volition and whatever else apart of him...this is my world, not theirs, not yours even neither, not ultimately so...never will I humble myself down below from I can step onto...it is simply an impossibility when I am standing upon a mountain, and all of the rest of them are on their knees in the valley...there is no equality or comparison between the most of them and I [perhaps between none of them, the actual real animated creations themselves]...for where do the actual real animate creations themselves create any real and true great works of art or of philosophy? all such greatest works of art and philosophy are found in the blueprint foundations of the so-called past, prior to Adams birth, and these such persons prior to Adams birth did not really exist or live, they are instead formalised here immediately apart of this life at Adams birth, however they are the Creators, or Adams Divine Fathers, will and volition, having prepared already beforehand such books of philosophy, John Lockes Essay of Human Understanding, Beethovens Ninth Symphony, Michelangelos Sistine Chapel, Shakespeares Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus himself as person, Aristotle and Plato themselves as persons and as the books they themselves had supposedly written [it was Adams Divine Father that had created all of the aforementioned substantiations]...enough! my life is more or less what I make of it indeed, however it is made already from start to finish, as everything present moment predicated is reflection of either past or future realities or actions or movements or reflections or sentiments and so forth...so therefore my life is altogether manifest and precedent with everything there and existent, and clearly then I am helplessly and inevitably forced dependently onto a fixated and linear course and path from the beginning and to the end of myself...and clearly there is no independent volition of myself, and if so not myself, then clearly so not that of others, for Adam is the center here, and all externality is reflection and reference and so forth to Adam, dependent even more so on Adam then Adam is upon whatever else...and were there a truly independent God and Divine Father, and not part of the life experience script and fixated course itself, then He would clearly have foreknowledge of everything, for He would have to be perfectly wise, and without foreknowledge of everything from start to finish, He would be less wise than would He could actually be, which is a less perfect essence than what He otherwise really is...the center of the life experience, Adam, will not be scripted or determined from start to finish, can I actually believe this, Adam may very well get into a car accident from his parents having driven him somewhere and at a very early age, and then, the life experience is clearly the eternal return of Adams life...how could he possibly have been permitted to die so soon and experience nothing greater than what he meagerly and minimally was otherwise to have experienced? nonsense, I will never allow this freedom of will or independent volition to take occurrence, indeed I have him written and established on a set course from start to finish, there is every effect that has a cause to it regardless, his life experience must be thorough and as complete and as perfectly sufficient and perfectly satisfied as possible...and such is the case with Adam...and the Christians themselves are clearly in the wrong in regard to their perspective that they defend ignorantly and vainly and foolishly everywhere that we all of us have freedom of will! look at us acting without any dependence on the Divine Fathers volition!...it is impossible then if with this freedom of will to have consequences, either rewards or punishments, or either blessings or cursings, to be given and acquired and obtained by the various animate creations, for nothing could possibly move another separate creation by the volition of the Creator to move toward such creation and offer such creation a reward or a punishment, or whatever else...this is serious and grave, that the Christians inhere and possess such a monopoly of bodies and souls within this civilisation particularly, and there is grave falsehood everywhere attached and attributable to their religion, and religion indeed that Christianity itself is, they will go so far in their negativity as to deny that their religion is not even religion at all whatsoever, which is another falsehood as clear as the day to us...and the morality of such religion itself is everywhere refutable, everywhere refutable! there is for every phrase of morality expressed by them a necessary and desired counter-phrase by us to refute their expressed phrase of morality thoroughly...with every term that they use, with every sentiment that they feel, all of it is thoroughly out of place and out of harmony, and everywhere inverted and backward and opposite and upside down and negative reflection and communication in relation to Adams volition and to Adams identity...Adam is Teutonic, therefore the world is negative roundabout to the Teutonic...Adam affirms of Classical music, therefore the essence of the world is negative roundabout to Classical music...Adam affirms of the Teutonics themselves, the Europeans and so forth, because he is most identifiable with the blueprint essence of them, the world is then of course negative roundabout again to the affirmation of the Teutonics...Adam affirms of height and loftiness and magnificence, and the world is of course negative roundabout toward height and loftiness and magnificence...light is affirmed by Adam, darkness is affirmed by the rest of the world...so Adam affirms of truth, by cunning and clever method, then the world helplessly and slavishly affirms of falsehood...Adam can truly get the essence of the world to affirm of falsehood, and Adam himself to affirm perhaps singularly so in the end of the truth...the negativity of the planet in relation to the center of the life experience is truly that bad...and it doesnt become this way over the course of time, it simply is this way from start to finish, and not by the action or behaviour or sentiments or thought processes of Adam himself...the negatives of this world are simply out of place and not desirable to be here apart of this life of his, this life of Adams, that they will then to invert everything really and truly attributable to this life, and destroy what means nothing to them...the Christian heaven and hell afterlife is refuted by me by now, and it was truly that terrifying to behold, to get around it, to affirm of the true perspective otherwise in stark contrast to Christianity, to potentially face so-called supposed eternal hellfire for having affirmed of it, and to helplessly abandon such perspective and attempt to repent otherwise because of such supposed potential damnation, when in actuality such is never going to be the case, and I indeed have nothing to fear, and likewise I have every right to affirm of the true perspective, my true perspective, that of which stands everywhere, morally, intellectually, sentimentally, skillfully, biologically, in stark contrast to everything and anything Christian, and Judaic and Islamic...never attempt to scare me away from the truth ever again, you Christian, for I will vex myself and trouble myself with the process of logic and of examination and definition of the real and correct and clarified truth until the end, until the point that all of what you say Christian is falsehood, and myself that of truthhood, and never again does your animosity toward me have any hold or strength or grasp against me, for otherwise I affirm of the self in transcendence from your mediocrity and lesser being, that of which you wish not ever to see, out of jealousy and fear and envy and hatred against me...oh, I turn away from you so thoroughly you Christian, you disgust me boundlessly and rightly so for you are where the slime live indeed...enough of them...Adam has overcome them by now, and truly he has nothing to fear, at all whatsoever, and never did have anything to fear in the first place...never anything to fear at all whatsoever...
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:00:37 +0000

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