75 Ways to Use Young Living Essential Oils: 1. Ease pain Apply a - TopicsExpress


75 Ways to Use Young Living Essential Oils: 1. Ease pain Apply a few drops of PanAway blend to the affected area and layer with Peppermint for a natural analgesic effect. 2. Freshen stinky sneakers and shoes. Place cotton balls with sever...al drops of either Thieves, Peppermint, Geranium, Lemon or Tea Tree into shoes overnight. 3. Scent a room for mood. Gently scent a room using the YL Travel Diffuser or Ultrasonic Diffuser try Evergreen Essence or Christmas Spirit during winter, or Citrus Fresh essential oils during spring and summer. For romance, try the blend Sensation. 4. Scented dryer sheet. Add a few drops of your favorite YL essential oil to a dampened washcloth, toss into your clothes dryer when drying laundry. 5. Repel flies: Fill a 32 oz. spray bottle with water, add 20-30 drops of Peppermint, shake often. Spray kitchen counter-tops, around windows/doors – and yourself (do not get spray on your face or eyes!) 6. Eliminate food odors in the fridge. Add 1-2 drops Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Thieves, or Purification essential oil to 1 cup of water. Using a sponge wipe surface of icebox, freezer, oven, trash cans. 7. Air Freshener spray. Add 20-30 drops of Peppermint, Lemon, Thieves, or Purification to a 32 oz. spray bottle of water – spritz into the air for a nontoxic freshener that kills odors rather than mask them. 8. Repel mice and squirrels in the home. Put several drops of Peppermint oil on cotton balls in problem areas where mice enter. 9. Carpet freshener. Add 10 drops of Thieves or Purification with 3 drops peppermint to 1 cup cornstarch or baking soda, stir well, let sit for 24 hours in a closed jar. Sprinkle carpet and vacuum after about an hour. 10. Doggy odor? Try YL Lavender Shampoo and several drops of Palo Santo essential oil when you give your dog a bath. Massage in mixture for 20 minutes, rinse… your dog will smell amazingly GREAT! 11. Non-toxic dog flea collar. On a soft rope put several drops of Purification and Palo Santo, then put the rope into a bandanna to tie loosely around the dog’s neck. 12. Scent your room while you vacuum. Put 2-3 drops of your favorite YL oil on a cotton ball placed inside the vacuum canister of your vacuum cleaner. 13. Tired muscles and aching joints? Add one part each Eucalyptus, Sage and Basil oil to 4 parts V-6 or Jojoba. Massage into area as needed. 14. Deodorant powder. Mix in a small jar – mix 2 oz. Cornstarch, 1 oz. Baking soda, and a few drops of either Geranium, Melrose, Thieves, Joy, or Lavender essential oil. 15. Massage oil. Add 10 to 12 drops of your favorite YL essential oil to 2 oz. of YL V-6 Massage Oil base. 16. Hangover bath. Blend in a small jar one drop each of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon or Fennel to 2 oz. of sea salt or Epsom Salts. Add 1-2 tablespoons of the salt mixture to a warm bath and soak. 17. Stay awake and alert. Put a couple drops each of Peppermint and Rosemary on cotton ball near the car heating/cooling vents for a refreshing scent. 18. Sleep well. Place hanky sprinkled with a couple drops of Chamomile and Lavender oil under our pillow. 19. Smelly hotel rooms while on vacation. Add a few drops each of Chamomile and Lavender to travel-sized mister, or a few drops of Thieves or Purification. 20. Athletes foot / nail fungus. Dab a couple drops of Melrose on toes and rub on feet to soothe burning, tired feet and to combat foot fungus. 21. Ease headache. Massage 1 drop of Peppermint or Palo Santo on temples (avoiding eye area) and back of the neck for relief. 22. Scented stationery gift. Add a couple drops of Lavender, Jasmine or Ylang Ylang to a cotton ball, place stationary and envelopes and cotton ball in a zip-lock baggie for 24 hours. Put into a pretty box with a nice pen, tie with ribbon. 23. Aromatic sachets. Add a few drops of Citrus Fresh, or your favorite YL essential oil, to dried flowers/herbs in lightweight decorative cloth bags then tie with a thin ribbon. 24. Potpourri. Fill glass jars or decorative boxes with dried flowers scented with a few drops of of your favorite YL essential oil. 25. Perfume. Add 25 drops your favorite YL essential oil to 1 oz. jojoba oil. Let sit in a tightly capped bottle for two weeks before to using. 26. Bath oils. Add a few drops of Lavender, Release, Peace & Calming, Gentle Baby, or Ylang Ylang essential oil in a small jar of apricot or almond oil and stir thoroughly. To use: put 1-2 TBSP in warm running bath water. 27. Arthritis or stiff joints. Mix 2 drops each of Wintergreen, Cypress, and Lemongrass with 2 tablespoons of V-6 massage oil. Apply topically to achy joints. 28. Bathtub scrubbing cleaner. Mix 1 cup baking soda, 6-10 drops of Thieves essential oil in a bowl. Pour mixture into an airtight container to have on hand. Use this mixture the same way you would use SoftScrub. 29. No calorie, refreshing, flavored water. Add 1-4 of either Lemon, Peppermint or Citrus Fresh to a 16 oz. glass of water. 30. Lavender-Peppermint Foot Soak for tired feet. Mix together in a small bowl: 1/4 cup Epsom Salts, 2 drops each of Lavender, Peppermint and Chamomile essential oils, add to warm foot bath water, soak for 10-15 minutes. 31. Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Make your hot chocolate as usual, take a toothpick and dip it into the center hole of your bottle of YL Peppermint essential oil (only a tiny amount will get on the toothpick, which is what you want), then swirl the toothpick in your cup of hot chocolate – perfect! 32. Dipping Oil (for bread) In a small dipping bowl put 1 oz. of olive oil and one drop of either Mountain Savory, Oregano, Thyme, Marjoram, or Basil. Set dipping bowl on table so everyone can dip as desired. More cooking with YL essential oils recipes. 33. Copper polish. Add 1 drop of Lemon to a soft cloth and gently buff. 34. Aid digestion. Add one drop of either Di-Gize or Peppermint to a tall glass of water. Di-Gize can also be rubbed onto the tummy area, you may want to use a little V-6 massage Oil. 35. Fever sponge bath. Add 2 drops each of of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender into your basin of cool water. Submerge a washcloth into the basin and wring, gently wipe body. 36. Alleviate depression and anxiety. Put 1-2 drops of Geranium, Lavender, and Bergamot on a hanky or in your YL Travel Diffuser or Ultrasonic Diffuser. 37. Moth repellant. On a cotton ball, put 4 drops each of Lavender and Cedarwood, put cotton ball in chest or drawer. 38. Keep tabletop water fountains cleaner, longer. Add 1 drop of Lavender or Geranium to your fountain water to scent the air and keep water fresher longer. Not to be used in fish tanks! 39. Help heal cold sores. Apply 1 drop of either Lavender or Melrose to the cold sore. 40. Cleanse and heal open wounds / antiseptic spray. Use a drop of Lavender and Tea Tree (Melaleuca) to the site of the cut or scratch. These essential oils can also be put into a small spray bottle with distilled water and used as an antiseptic spray. 41. Kitchen burns. Try LavaDerm spray, or keep your bottle of YL Lavender in the kitchen. 42. Dandruff and hair loss. In a small 4 oz. spray bottle filled with distilled water, add 8 drops each of Lavender (for dandruff) and Rosemary (for hair loss and to stimulate scalp), spritz scalp before bedtime and brush/comb in. I would also take YL Omega Blue supplement as many skin and health conditions are the result of deficiency of omega 3s. 43. Flu going around? To your YL diffuser or air freshener spray bottle, add several drops of Thyme essential oil or Thieves oil. 44. Prevent MRSA / staph infections. To your YL diffuser or air freshener spray, add 20-30 drops of either Lemongrass or the blend R.C. – these can also be added to the blend Thieves. 45. Bathroom air freshener. In a 4 oz. bottle filled with water, add 6 drops of both Lemon and Purification. 46. Callous or bunion? Apply 1 drop of Lemon oil morning and night. 47. Increase shelf-life of fresh produce. Fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops of Lemon oil. Drop your cleaned fruit into the water and stir. Be sure all surfaces of the fruit contact the lemon water. 48. Sanitize counter-tops. In a 4 oz. bottle filled with water, add 8 drops of either Thieves or Lemon essential oil. 49. Sanitize and disinfect dish cloth. Soak your dishcloth overnight in a bowl of water and 1 drop of Lemon oil to disinfect and kill germs. 50. Frustration / Depression / Uplift Mood. Rub a drop of Joy oil over the heart and on the bottom of each foot. The Feelings Kit is for promoting emotional clearing and may be another good choice. 51. Inflammation and Bruises. Apply a couple drops of PanAway oil topically on an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising – NOT for open wounds. 52. Blemishes. Apply 1 drop of Purification to blemish – keep away from eyes! 53. Dry aging skin solution. Add 1 drop each of Frankincense and Geranium to a tablespoon of Sweet Almond Oil – apply a very thin amount on face before bedtime. 54. Dog ear mites. Apply Purification oil and Peppermint oil diluted with V-6 Massage Oil to a cotton ball and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in dogs. Do NOT put essential oils into ear canal!!! 55. Blisters. Rub a drop of Purification or Ylang Ylang essential oil on a blister to cleanse and disinfect. 56. Sore throat. Rub a drop of Purification oil on the outside of a sore throat when it is first beginning. Or, gargle with Thieves Mouthwash a few times a day! 57. Air travel germ protection. Before leaving home, put a cotton ball with 4 drops of either Purification or Thieves, into a baggie – open baggie often to inhale the aroma. You can also apply a drop of either Thieves or Purification to the soles of your feet for protection from germs too. 58. Over-active and hard to manage children. Diffuse the blend Peace & Calming for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours. 59. Sciatica pain. Rub 2-3 drops of PanAway at the base of the spine. 60. Cranky man around the house??? Rub 1 drop of the blend Joy between your palms and then spread over the face and neck after shaving. 61. Chiropractic adjustments. Before your Chiropractic session rub a couple drops of the blend Valor on the soles of your feet, this will will help your body get in alignment much faster. 62. Embedded ticks on people and dogs. Put 1-2 drops of Palo Santo essential oil on the embedded tick to dislodge and kill the tick. 63. Getting rid of Bedbugs. Before going to work, completely fill with Purification and turn on your TheraPro or Essential Oil Diffuser (nebulizer type) in your bedroom with the door closed, and let the diffuser run all day. Note: do NOT keep children or pets in the same room with a diffuser which runs all day. 64. Natural Laundry Detergent. Use 1 TBSP Thieves Household Cleaner in place of all laundry detergents. It will not make suds and cleans laundry really well. 65. Monsters in your kids bedrooms spray. In a 6 oz. spray bottle, add 8-12 drops of either Lavender, White Angelica, Valor or Sacred Mountain and spray under beds and in closets to eliminate monsters and encourage calmness, courage and protection. 66. For bites and boo-boo’s. Try LavaDerm Cooling Mist Spray to stressed skin to bring relief. 67. Dog with back pain. Try Deep Relief Roll-on on your dogs back, you will have to move the fur so the essential oil gets on their skin. 68. Nutritious and delicious ginger ale. Try pouring one bottle of Ginger Brew (found in most health food stores) into a tall glass and add 1-2 oz. of NingXia Red for a delicious and nutrias carbonated beverage. I had to put this one in because it is so good! 69. Get rid of facial wrinkles. Rub a couple drops of both 3 Wise Men and Copaiba essential oils on your face every night to help regenerate skin and smooth wrinkles. 70. Eliminate greasy build-up from shampoo. Try any of the YL shampoo’s and conditioners. These non-toxic products are amazing! No more flat, greasy build-up again! Plus, you will save a ton of money on the conditioner because it is so concentrated. 71. Muscle cramps in calves. Try rubbing in 5-7 drops of Gentle Baby essential oil. 72. PMS symptoms? Try Dragon Time essential oil or Dragon Time Massage oil. Rub either on abdomen, or do a full body massage. 73. Window cleaner. Try 7-10 drops of Lemon in a 14 oz. spray bottle filled with water. 74. Anxiety? Try equal amounts of both Orange and Lavender essential oils in your diffuser. 75. Bee stings. Try 1 drop of either Thieves or Purification essential oils on the location of the sting for relief. NOTE: these tips are ONLY for use with Young Living Essential Oils facebook/prosperityholistichealthYL
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:05:45 +0000

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