75-year-old Okinawan woman attains a Karate black (Yondan). From - TopicsExpress


75-year-old Okinawan woman attains a Karate black (Yondan). From Ryukyu Shimpo Newspaper. 75-year-old Tsuneko Machida from Uechi Style Ageda Women’s Karate School in Adaniya, Kitanakagusuku Village passed a level four test. Tsuneko joined the Karate School when she was 63 years old. For 12 years, she regularly attended practices on Wednesdays and Fridays and showed a lot of discipline. It is rare for a 65-year-old person to start learning Karate, and pass the test at 75-year-old. Students from the school celebrated her achievement. As a child, Tsuneko was interested in Karate. When she asked to join a Karate school at the age of 20, she was rejected. At that time, Karate schools were mostly closed to women. While she instead practiced Ryukyuan dance, her interest in and passion for Karate grew. Learning about a Karate school only for women, Tsuneko joined the school to make Karate her last enrichment lesson. Tsuneko has trained under coaching by Master Hatsuko Machida. Focusing on disciplining the body rather than becoming strong, Tsuneko has practiced Karate. Tsuneko has never missed lessons. She said, “I continued because I like it. I have never thought of missing a lesson. Thankfully, my lower body is now strong. I gained more stamina and have not caught a cold. I would like to keep myself healthy.” Ageda Karate School for Women currently has more than 30 female students. Regarding the future of Okinawa’s traditional Karate, Tsuneko said, “I hope young people learn Karate and promote it.” Tsuneko passed the test on November 21. Wearing her black belt, she looks very dignified. At a co-ed lesson on the 3rd, she trained hard with 20 other students. For more information about Ageda Karate School for Women, call 098 (935) 3600. [北中城] 北中城村安谷屋にある空手の上地流アゲダ女性道場(町田初子館長)で、75歳の町田常子さん=北谷町吉原=が4段の昇段試験に合格した。63歳の時に女性道場の門をたたいた常子さんはこれまでの12年間、水、金曜日に行われる稽古に欠かさず通い、鍛錬を重ねてきた。入門時の年齢もさることながら、75歳での昇段も極めてまれで、同門の門弟たちも快挙をたたえる。 幼少のころから空手を志していた常子さんは、20代の時に初めて空手道場に入門を願い出た。しかし当時、女性への門戸は狭く、断られたという。以来、琉舞に打ち込みつつも空手に対する思いは募るばかりだったという。女性だけの道場があることを知り「最後の習い事」と決め、入門した。女性道場の町田初子師範から教えを受け、「強くなるより、体を鍛える」を主眼に置き、稽古に取り組んできた。以来、欠かさず通い続けてきた。常子さんは「好きでやってきた。休みたいと思ったことはなかった」と話す。「おかげで足腰は今も丈夫。体力もつき、風邪をひいたこともない。このまま元気を維持したい」と話す。アゲダ女性道場には現在約30人以上の女性門弟がいるという。沖縄の伝統空手の今後について常子さんは「若い人が習って、盛り立ててもらえれば」と期待を込める。11月21日の昇段試験に合格し、締める黒帯にも貫禄が増す。3日の男女合同の稽古でも、20人近い同僚と共に気合いっぱいに鍛錬に励んだ。
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:03:58 +0000

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