9TH APRIL,2014. MORNING DEVOTION.NEW LAUGHTER PART 2! TODAYS SCRIPTURE.“Thanksgiving will pour out of the windows;laughter will spill through the doors.Things will get better and better.Depression days are over.They will thrive, they will flourish.The days of contempt will be over”. (Jeremiah 30:19 MSG) God deserves all the glory, honour, adoration and thanksgiving from His children on a daily basis. Thanksgiving can never be enough or too much just as God’s blessings are never too much. Every thanksgiving attracts more blessing from God! The scripture above says, when thanksgiving begins to pour out of the windows and merry hearts in laughter spill through the doors, then the outpouring of blessings will begin. The result of such outburst is that things will improve. By this realm of new laughter,terrible situations will be turned around in your favour. God’s plan for you is to live a wonderful life. His plan is that you prosper and be in health every day of your life. God’s thoughts for you are thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end. You must be a thanks giver to walk in the full plan of God for your life. When you begin to do this, you will realise that the days of depression are over! Depression is demonic! Many people are under the siege of pain and regret. The best way to live a life free of pain and regret is to have a heart of thanksgiving and laugh the devils and his cohorts to scorn. Depression is a mental state characterised by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and despondent lack of activity. When you are depressed you will be sad, demoralised, helpless; and self-pity sets in. When you refuse to allow depression of any kind in your life and cultivate the habit of thanksgiving and new laughter, you will thrive and flourish in whatever you do. Hence the Bible says, “And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the stream of waters, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]”. (Psalm 1:3 AMP) Hallelujah! Everything you do shall prosper. Your leaves shall not fade or wither. With thanksgiving and new laughter, you will become a stranger to miscarriages and “near success syndrome You shall be like a tree planted firmly by the river side tended by streams of water. As you live daily in new laughter with a thankful heart,you will bring forth your fruit in the right season and experience a life void of delay or disappointment. TODAYS RESPONSE. Live daily in new laughter and a thankful heart henceforth.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 06:11:35 +0000

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