A PLEAD FROM THE GRAVE : PATRICK O. SAWYER LAST DAY IN NIGERIA The death of comrade Patrick O. Sawyer ( P.O Sawyer) is becoming a burden on my heart ,even in the mist of huge controversial surrounding his death , both in the great United States of America and mama Liberia. It is my moral responsibility to fight for comrade Patrick O. Sawyer. There are many unanswered questions and contradictions as it relates to death of my buddy Patrick O. Sawyer . And as such, I am calling on people in relevant government authorities like the United States secretary of State John Kerry to start a very serious investigation ,since it now proven Chum Patrick O. Sawyer was in indeed a United States citizen. I am also calling on her excellency president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia not to down play the death of my fallen companion and also start a full investigation into the mysterious death of her former government employee. It is very painful to lost someone so dear to you without knowing the full account of his death. The death of comrade Patrick O .Sawyer is characterize by negative and positive emotions both at home and abroad. Some are debating Comrade sawyer knew he had the deadly EBOLA virus and decided to risk the lives of thousands of people both in Liberia and Nigeria. While others are of the View Patrick O. Sawyer did not know he contracted the Virus. Debate is good for an intellectual and conscious society, and as such ,it is good to debate issues that affect Liberia and Liberians. In the mist of the various deliberations on the death of Patrick O. Sawyer, I intent to wake up the consciousness of intellectuals, scholars and well- meaning Liberians to look at this Patrick O. Sawyer issue void of sentiments but rather from a point of critical thinking. In so doing , I want to asked some hard questions, and look at some contradictions in the mysterious death of my fallen brother . Using the front-page Africa newspaper report as a supporting document to intellectually build my case against the Nigerian government. Critical question number 1. There are information circulating around in Liberia and the United States of America that Patrick O. Sawyer sister died from the EBOLA virus. How credible is that information? This information need to be investigated by an independent news out –let ,such as the front page Africa newspaper. Critical question number 2. Granted Patrick O. Sawyer sister was dying from the deadly Ebola virus; Why did health care workers allow Patrick O. Sawyer to enter the room his sister was ? Patrick O. Sawyer sister should have being quarantined . The word quarantine in from the English dictionary is defined as a system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease. Critical question number 3 Established Patrick O. Sawyer acted rudely and force himself in the hospital room his sister was ,doctors and nurses started fleeing the hospital for fear that Patrick O. Sawyer could have contaminated them with the EBOLA virus. Granted the above narrative is accepted in any intellectual gathering ;Why the hospital authority did called law-enforcement to use deadly force on comrade Patrick Sawyer ,since the lives of folks at the hospital was in danger? Someone hospital authority need to be terminated for due-diligence. Further critical questions/ Finance ministry republic of Liberia Critical question number 4. Since the hospital authority knew Patrick O. Sawyer interacted with an EBOLA victim and public health was at risk as stated in the above narrative. Why the hospital authority did not inform the authority at the Finance ministry? Critical question number 5. How did comrade Patrick O. Sawyer maneuver his way to Nigeria? As the narrative goes ,Patrick O.Sawyer when on government function/ meeting to Nigeria as a consultant. Critical question number 6. What did the authority at the Finance ministry allow comrade Patrick O.Sawyer to go to Nigeria ? Knowing he interacted with his sister who was dying from the deadly EBOLA virus. Someone at the Finance ministry need to be terminated from his or her job for the issue of due diligence . Critical question number 7. Now that Patrick O. Sawyer made his way through the weak finance ministry system. And now at the Robert international airport with this deadly EBOLA virus. What was the airport officials response to comrade P.O Sawyer? Someone at the airport need to account for failing the test of due diligence. Critical question number 8. Comrade Patrick O. Sawyer succeeded and boarded the plan for the federal republic of Nigeria, he had this deadly EBOLA virus. I am sure at that point he started to show sign and symptoms of this deadly EBOLA virus. What did the airline do at that point? Comrade Patrick O. Sawyer in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Critical question number 9. Companion Patrick O.Sawyer landed at the airport in the federal republic of Nigeria. From the report I read he collapses and was rushed to one hospital in Nigeria hospitals, “Lagos, Nigeria - Barely 24 hours before his death, Patrick Sawyer had a rather strange - and in the words of medical and diplomatic sources here, “Indiscipline” encounter with nurses and health workers at First Consultants Hospital in Obalende, one of the most crowded parts of Lagos, a population of some 21 million inhabitants, FrontPage Africa has learned.” Critical thinking number 10. Comrade Patrick O. Sawyer collapses in Nigeria and was taken to the First Consultants hospital in Obalenda . According to front-page Africa comrade Patrick O. Sawyer “was tested for both malaria and HIV /AIDS. However, when both tests came back negative, he was then asked whether he had made contact with any person with the Ebola Virus, to which Sawyer denied. Sawyer’s sister, Princess had died of the deadly virus on Monday, July 7, 2014 at the Catholic Hospital in Monrovia. On Friday, July 25, 2014, 18 days later, Sawyer died in Lagos.” Critical question 10 Why would someone who was suspected of EBOLA be tested for HIV/AIDS. Critical thinking number 11. My Buddy Patrick O. Sawyer according to front page Africa “Back in Lagos, authorities at the First Consultants Hospital in Obalende decided that despite Sawyer’s denial, they would test him for Ebola, due to the fact that he had just arrived from Liberia, where there has been an outbreak of the disease with more than 100 deaths. The hospital issued a statement this week stating that Sawyer was quarantined immediately after he was discovered to have been infected with the deadly virus. In addition, a barrier nursing was implemented around Sawyer and the Lagos State Ministry of Health was immediately notified.” FrontPage Africa has now learned that upon being told he had Ebola, Mr. Sawyer went into a rage, denying and objecting to the opinion of the medical experts. “He was so adamant and difficult that he took the tubes from his body and took off his pants and urinated on the health workers, forcing them to flee. Contradiction number 11 . If comrade Patrick O. Sawyer was so sick of the deadly EBOLA ,what was his strength level to fight doctors and nurses at the hospital in Nigeria? This need to be investigated by the united states secretary of state John Kerry. Critical thinking number 12. According to front page Africa newspaper “The hospital would later report that it resisted immense pressure to let out Sawyer from its hospital against the insistence from some higher-ups and conference organizers that he had a key role to play at the ECOWAS convention in Calabar, the Cross River State capital. In fact, FrontPage Africa has been informed that officials in Monrovia were in negotiations with ECOWAS to have Sawyer flown back to Liberia.” Contradiction number 12 If comrade Patrick O. Sawyer was dying of the deadly EBOLA virus and so weak, why was the hospital resisting Patrick O. Sawyer from leaving the hospital? This need to be investigated by the United States secretary of state John Kerry. Critical thinking number 13. According to FrontPage Africa newspaper , “The First Consultants statement noted that it was able to obtain confirmation of Ebola virus disease, (Zaire strain) after working with the state, federal and international agencies. Sawyer was pronounced dead at 6:50 AM Nigeria time, on July 25 and all agencies were properly notified.” Contradiction number 13 How long did it take to get the EBOLA test result back? When was Patrick Sawyer tested for Ebola? This should be investigated by the United States secretary state John Kerry. Critical question number 14. When all of this was going on with comrade Patrick O. Sawyer, did the Nigerian government communicate with the Liberia government ? What was the Liberian government respond? Critical question number 15. How did the Nigerian government reached that decision to cremate comrade Patrick O. Sawyer body. Did they get permission from the Liberia government to do so? The test result of comrade Patrick O. Sawyer need to be release to his family for transparency purpose. Conclusion From the information provided by FrontPage-page Africa newspaper ,I can intellectually conclude there was foul play in the death of comrade Patrick O. Sawyer. I am not suggesting comrade Patrick O. Sawyer was not affected by the deadly EBOLA virus. I am suggesting ,because the Nigerian government knew Liberia was hit by the deadly EBOLA virus, they panic and might have done something wrong to comrade Patrick O. Sawyer. Fearing the deadly EBOLA virus would have spread in their country, if they allow Patrick O. Sawyer out of the hospital. This is a plead from the grave, I am calling on both the United States and Liberian government to dig deeper into this matter and investigate this matter . Comrade Patrick O. Sawyer three children will need an answer in his mysterious death. Rest on ! P.O Sawyer ,Rest on. If the entire American population and Liberian population will not dig deeper ,I promise you ,I will dig deeper . I will continue to ask those hard questions. Dashward A. Wumah ,Commonly called political dash approve this massage investigation
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:24:06 +0000

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